I had been given an opportunity to join a ministry
that was just being birthed. It was a part of my passion
and yearnings, and so I took it to prayer.
DREAM: I had in my arms a baby then someone
handed me another baby. In order to hold him, I dropped
the first one, since I did not have room to hold them
Sometimes you will be offered opportunities in your
life, and you may start to walk through the door, but I
will place a deep unrest in your soul. Listen to your
level of peace. For I am walking in you, and My peace
abides with you as you please the Father. When you have
lost your peace, stop and reconsider your direction.
Sometimes doors open so you can get a tiny taste of
something different merely to confirm and replant the
way you are already going. Sometimes a new door is a
temptation to stray and let go of what you have.
If you think that you might be able to handle both,
reconsider the future of each. For both are in their
infant stage and you can not hold and nurture two babies
at once. Either you will neglect the one while you give
to the other, or you will become distracted and give
neither the time they deserve. Do not become discontent
where I have placed you, for I have a plan. Do not be
disheartened by small beginnings, for I delight in
growing and multiplying them.
“You will show me the path of life; In Your presence
is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures
forevermore.” (Ps 16:11 NKJV)