Sandy Warner ~ ~ ~ ~



VISION: I was looking out the dining room window. Suddenly it started raining fish from the sky. They plopped into a huge heaping pile, flopping around. Then I saw them stop moving and appear lifeless. I saw little fish and big fish. I wondered if it was raining fish other places, but there was a pile right in front of the window and it was as though they were sent there. I called to Wayne to come see this amazing sight and mentioned we should probably take a picture.


HEARD: That was so exciting. Where did they all come from? From the sea. Harvest of souls.



Listen to the parable of the fish. For even as your weighted down loved ones have felt like a fish on dry land, flopping until no life remains, I have sent help. This stronghold of control that has sought to take the reigns over the burden bearers will fall as I send the wave of My Spirit upon these dry ones who have held on for so long. I will wash them and bring them back from the throngs of death and move them into My flow.


Like the pools of Bethesda where the waters stir and are troubled, so I trouble the waters of those so dry they feel like they have no life left. This is so that they will fight the weight of hopelessness and despair and in one last breath, as they call upon Me they will be washed into My waters and come back to life. For these waters of trouble are really the waters of life. The vapor of My Presence hovers over the bubbling waters and My glory dwells in the midst. I stay very close to those who have suffered for so long.


Be aware that when a stronghold falls, it falls like dominoes sending waves of backlash and reverberations. The rebellious will resist in their brokenness and chastenings, and they will have sharp pieces when they fall. Stand upright, stay in patient love and yet rebuke when necessary. You are walking the right path My Sweetheart and I AM raising you up to glory.


“When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs, where pools of blessing collect after the rains! They will continue to grow stronger, and each of them will appear before God in Jerusalem.” (Ps 84:6-7 NLT)




Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner.  To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.”  Website:    Email:  







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