Sandy Warner ~ ~ ~ ~




PARABLE:  Today I wanted to listen to Charles Stanley’ sermon when I was scrapbooking, so I turned on the tv and the first thing the tv said was, “She’s not flying yet I need to get her to fly.”  That got my attention because flying represents our ability to soar in faith! 


It was a cartoon called Franklin and Friends and the turtle boy was trying to get the goose to fly.  She was very busy ice skating on the frozen pond and she would take lovely leaps and flap her wings.  Because of her wings, she flowed and glided beautifully along the pond in comparison to others who were trying to iceskate.  But the turtle boy (I am assuming his name must be Franklin) was wanting her to learn to fly.


Franklin is English meaning Free man.


He went in to ask his mom if she knew how to fly. His mom was baking muffins and taught him how to put a toothpick into the dough to see if they were done baking.  She said they were not ready to come out yet if there was raw dough on the pick.  She ended with “They are ready when they are ready!”  And Franklin GOT it. 


He ran out and told the goose that it was ok, she would fly when she was ready and she was so happy to be released, saying, “You mean I’m not all awkward like you said?”  Obviously he had tried to push her into flying, but since I didn’t watch the show, I can only guess that.  He was so gracious and just encouraged her, telling her that she was beautiful at ice skating and to keep practicing and flapping her wings as she did.  So she happily took off skating and flapping her wings, and every time she would leap, it would take her a bit higher.


PARABLE:  The above story amazed me because I have been praying about a little bird for a few weeks.  This little bird seemed a tad larger than a hummingbird!  We had this little tiny bird camp in our fern in front of our bay window for the winter.  It would flap its wings every day and fly up the bay window and then flop back down again.  It would do this many times a day and then rest in between. 


I kept giving it seed on the ground and praying for it to live and gain strength to fly.  Every day I watched it make the ascent and seemingly it was getting higher up the window.  This seemed SO slow.  One day I saw it reaching the wire at the top of the window and then make it to the chain that held the summer bird feeders.  I knew it was ready to take flight!  It stayed for a few days and I enjoyed watching it fly around our roof and then finally it took off.  I knew the Lord was trying to tell me something. 


I think the moral of this story is that we cant grow in the Lord without stretching and giving our faith a work out.  And we cannot push others by our expectations and words to help them grow any faster.  “They are ready when they are ready!”


Ecc 3: 1

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven



HEARDIt’s all a matter of time sweetheart, trust Me.  There’s a time table for each company.  Signed up for a table called the Tommy Hicks company.  Remnant.  So few are willing.   That’s why the children are a part of this. 


Destiny, don’t worry I have it all in the palm of My hand.  A lifeline for sure.  Eternal in every direction.  There is one for you, and you and you.  All there, kept safe.   All that you are embracing is so big.  Vast.  They are coming to Me in their own way and time. 


TIMING 2/22/13:  In one week’s time, I was amazed to hear from 7 people, that they had a change of season and the Lord was opening doors for them for new ministries.  They had been faithful in their past season, exercised their wings/ gifts and now they are flying to new opportunities!






Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner.  To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.”  Website:    Email:  







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