Sandy Warner ~ ~ ~ ~


Last night I watched the 2005 phenomenal make over of the old movie, King Kong. If you haven’t seen it, it has incredible special effects. In the end scenes, when they start to shoot the bullets, as he is hanging onto the top of the skyscraper, I began to cry. I cried the rest of the time and after the show I went and told Wayne I cried and that Kong was not supposed to die but be taken back to his island. Wayne smiled and said, "But he is King Kong and he always dies!" I knew that, but he just wasn’t supposed to die.


I had the most remarkable thoughts while watching it. I saw King Kong as the raging beast in each man, and all it takes is the simple love of God to calm the beast. As I watched the blonde's responses to him, I also saw she was depicting the love in each of us to be able to face the beast in others and have God's compassion to look through the giant and into the heart. It was my compassion for the raging beasts of mankind that made me cry.


It also left me with a request I had never thought of before. I asked the Lord if our choices wound the angels, because they are forced to defend us in enemy territory when we get into messes from our own stupid choices. As I saw her in his hand and the perspective of how small she was and how big he was, it reminded me of the vision I had last winter and where I have spent this year being stuck on a pinnacle and waiting for God to move me off. And that giant angel with the deepest voice I have ever heard came and picked me up. He was the same size as King Kong.


This last week when I was minding my own business at lunch, the Lord opened my ears into the Spirit and I heard that angel tell me that he had defended me and was very concerned for me that I be very obedient to the Lord. I thought of Daniel's angel who had to fight 21 days past the prince of Persia and he was alone in his fight and Michael had to help him.


My question was this: Do angels become wounded? I know they are eternal and dont die, but do they hurt? So once again that made me cry as I was watching King Kong defend her. The last word on my watching King Kong for the night was repentance where I asked the Lord to please forgive me if my bad choices had also hurt the angels who defend me.




I have always felt that the angels in my life, that I’ve never seen who are assigned to me with the objective of helping me achieve my destiny, have been greatly saddened by my failures. I have apologized to them many times over the years. I have spoken to them respectfully at times, and I know they are there, but I’ve never seen or heard one of them.


I know Bob Jones saw them celebrating with a person entering heaven, so it would seem that they have emotions. Scripture records the angels praising God as Jesus birth, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests.” They pronounced peace on us. It seems they care for us. As such, I’d  I think they can hurt.




I believe that angels feel what God feels. The Holy Spirit gets deeply grieved and sorrowful and angels must feel the same since they are intimately connected with the Holy Spirit. It may not be physical wounds, but it may be pain in the Spirit.


Eph 4:30 NKJV

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.



In regards to my question in the above post, today the Lord gave me the answer to prayer about what the heavenly hosts “feel.”


"In but a little while His presence drew near to me and my soul melted at His feet in adoring wonder.  Through the gateway of the cross of light and unto His august, fiery presence the Spirit took me where His great Cloud of glory completely dominated all the high heavens.  I never see His mighty glory Cloud the same.  Nevertheless, He is ever the same, yet always different.  For His Cloud invariably moves into the action and reaction of the vision.  In His workings of judgment, His Cloud is so totally different from His workings of blessing His own ones.  Always He must especially cover me when He is working in wrath and anger towards His enemies.  All the heavens and the angels themselves seem to partake of that same essence and they, too, manifest wrath.  Such visions are always most terrible to behold for the very spirit and feelings of those dealings penetrate my cover in my little refuse of His love so that I too, feel anger towards His enemies.  In fact, it is from this great understanding of things which He shows me is transmitted.


Although I have seen him change completely in His great emotions and presence even in the same vision, I have never seen Him manifesting any “mixed emotions.”  Always He is pure in His working with no mixture at all.  His joy is all joy and His love is all love.  When He is angry or when He moves in judgment He is all wrath and judgment and there is no temperings at all by any contrary factors.


He took me into another place and showed me His own ones in a place of great security, life and peace.  Because this place was sealed hermetically, nothing, nothing at all could get in.  He was in there with them in this place of greatest rest and joy where all was light and radiant with His love permeating all things.


Then I saw Him begin to order and oblige them to leave that lovely and secure place.  The time had come for them to arise and go out to battle and enter into warfare.  He no longer allowed them to stay in this place, yet even as He ordered them out of this place and caused them to leave, I saw that in reality they never did leave this place.  He only so changed things as to make it appear that they had left this place.  Nevertheless, He was ever with His own and He was carefully watching and guarding them so as to never allow them to enter into a place of real danger.


This place of security was in reality He, Himself, and nothing else.  Even though He led them forth into battle, He never did leave them for one moment.  The battle was safe for them and their security never faltered."





Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner.  To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.”  Website:    Email:  







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