Sandy Warner ~






HEARD: Bringing you a new portion.  Be a value to the kingdom.  Value.  To be touched like that. The power of God.  


Today is March 11.  I fondly remember the anointing I received at the Mahesh glory conference where I went down under His power and shook radically that night and for months afterward.  It was a down payment and promise of His coming glory. 



This March 11 will be 40 years since Bob Jones saw the word Ichabod written over the church because man had taken credit for what He was doing.  So it has taken 40 years to get man back on the right track and get rid of pride.





The following are 3 witnesses that the glory of God has returned to the earth. Bob Jones was told it had returned 3/11/07, 30 years from the exact date and time it left. Kim Clement confirmed this and the Lord gave me rhema about this date twice in 1999.



Quote taken from


{Bob Jones Quote}  “On March 11 at 6 o’clock in the evening, in 77 I saw the glory of God lift and the word Ichabod takes its place. 


1 Sam 4:19-5:2

Now his daughter-in-law, Phinehas' wife, was with child, due to be delivered; and when she heard the news that the ark of God was captured, and that her father-in-law and her husband were dead, she bowed herself and gave birth, for her labor pains came upon her. And about the time of her death the women who stood by her said to her, "Do not fear, for you have borne a son." But she did not answer, nor did she regard it.  Then she named the child Ichabod, saying,  "The glory has departed from Israel!" because the ark of God had been captured and because of her father-in-law and her husband. And she said, "The glory has departed from Israel, for the ark of God has been captured."   Then the Philistines took the ark of God and brought it from Ebenezer to Ashdod.


I said, “Lord I dont want to be down here without Your glory.”  He said, “I am removing My glory because they no longer honor it.  They’re marketing it.”  In 1977 the men of God that got anointed started marketing it. They started losing their morals.  And they started building themselves kingdoms instead of building the kingdom of the Lord.  And they were using His glory to further their own purposes.  And so as He did in the Old Testament by writing Ichabod over it, He lifted it.  He didn’t take away salvation, the Holy Spirit or revelation either.  He took away His glory from it.  He took that shining away, He took that beautiful light away, that white light.  At times when that gold would come in buildings and on people.  At times it would be like fire on the ceilings of churches because the Spirit of Holiness was there. 


There’s a new hunger for Christ.  A new morals that we will never sell out again for anything.  And we will give it back as soon as the signs and wonders and glory returns, we will begin to honor Him Who it came from.  So a great hunger has taken place in the desert.  I believe the church has had a desert experience.  And in the desert is the place of His voice.  I believe the church is seeking the voice of their Daddy.  And with that, it returns His glory.  It’s time to begin to hallow His Name and with that glory to bring His kingdom to the earth.  There was a maturing going on all this time.  Such hunger and such an honor that you would never market it again, to where it would remain.


It came this last March 11 (2007) at 6 o’clock in the evening in Columbus South Carolina.  I saw the glory return.”


{End Bob Jones quote}





{Kim Clement quote}  “We came here on 3/11/04.  God said the heavens are opening up on March 11th.  We gathered together and I said there are going to be certain things that happen from that point onwards.  Nothing happened in the natural.  Nobody felt anything.  But seasons started. 


And one of the seasons was the season of subtraction.  Because in order for God to multiply, there has got to be a subtraction.  When Lot was taken away from Abraham, God said to Abraham lift up your eyes, which means to stretch them as far as you can see.  Elevate your sight, and whatever you see I am going to give to you.  So I have noticed through out the Bible where things are taken from you, but then it sets you up to multiply...  So God said to me, this is the season of multiplication.  The season of subtraction is over.” 


{End Kim Clement quote}





The following are the 2 nights He spoke about the date March 11.  We were in the midst of a Mahesh Chavda conference and the 8 hour service was a forerunner experience of what is to come for the body of Christ.  This rhema from 7/23/99 was what I heard the night before waking on 7/23, which was the day of our 8 hour service.




For weeks before attending a Mahesh conference, I continued to turn with "anointed hands" to the scripture: "And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high." (Luke 24:49 KJV) [Anointed hands is my term for randomly opening the Bible and my eyes fall upon a scripture that is quickened to me.] Since I normally do not turn to this scripture, I felt that the Lord was trying to tell me something.



Mahesh mentioned in passing, the phrase, "Tarry until you are endued." This penetrated my heart, especially since I had already been alerted to that scripture.



I turned with anointed hands in my Bible to:  Tarry until you are endued with power.  Coming with power. I saw a series of dominoes flashing in front of my eyes.  They went in succession from 4, 3, 2.  I knew it was a countdown before something special occurred.


[NOTE because of hearing this above paragraph, I decided to stay for that service and not go home with the people I had ridden down with.  I felt that my serious the 4,3,2 were the days of the conference and I needed to stay through the countdown.  Oh my, that service changed my  life, I am so grateful I stayed the extra day!!!]


My daughter.  Gloooooory service.  (I heard His still small voice say it like that, and this was very funny!)  You don’t know about this.  You will.  Supernatural.  What was that?  That was rumbling.  The enemy is scared, terrified.


[NOTE:  The day before Mahesh had a vision where he saw an Indian smiling, putting his ear to the railroad track.  The Lord said that the Glory train was coming.  As Mahesh shared this, he said to get ready to feel the rumble of the train.  As he said this, I was struck by His Spirit and I could literally feel the rumble under my feet, and then it entered my feet, traveled up to my stomach and immediately erupted into radical shaking.  It was a powerful experience, I was holding on to my chair with both hands to keep from falling off onto the floor!]


I need you.  Daughter.  My people.  I baptize you.  Baptizer.   March 11.  The {glory} train. Shoot the enemy.  I carried you across the tracks.  We have conquered.  Liberty.  Leaning upon Him.  To do what’s right.  We’ve only just begun.  Green flag. 



March 11.  I just placed within the body of Christ the next theme.  Broken witchcraft.  My daughter.  From day one.  Just as you are.  Just like that, glory.  Sandy.  Yes Lord.  I heard this.


All we need is the anointing.  What did we do with our socks?  I saw stadium lights that were wired and hooked to my piano. Stadium.  The Lord Jesus Christ.  The A Team. Standing all alone.  Not.  See, you’re not a quitter.  All the way.  Full home run.


And then I saw you.  Baptizer.  Holy Spirit.  Fire.   Forerunner.  Are you willing to be a sign? Step into the room.  Go.  Earthquake.  Authority. Training. Voice.  Be in tune with God’s Presence.  Maybe you will hear.  Right on cue.  White hot.   Holy Spirit, all over you.   I saw that my hand was shaking.  It had a salt shaker in it and the salt was shaking out. 


What’s this all about anyway?  Appointed.  Captain.  Glory. I saw the pouring of hot water, into a mug or large cup.  Behind you,  a Word.  Follow Me.  The Lord uses you for His glory.  Freedom.  Linked.  I see it coming.  Apostles.




Tonight I was worshipping in the far back and as I looked at the stage I could see that the right hand side was blurry or hazy and the left side was clear and not hazy.  I wondered what it was.  Then I looked up against the black curtain where the lights were on the ceiling.  In the far right hand corner light directly against the black curtain, I could see the white glow around the light.  All the lights had a glow around them and this was perfectly natural.  However this particular light I could see a small cloud just below the light, extending through and past the white glow.  I was amazed and watched as the fog or vapor began to descend up and down from that place.  It went in waves where it ascended then came back down to just above the heads.  A couple times during the night it moved over to almost the center of the stage, but most of the time it stayed on the right side.


As I went to the back of the front chair section, I breathed in the fog or vapor through my nose.  I immediately recognized the difference between the hot dry air and this cool moist air and remembered my past experiences with His cloud.  I breathed in this air 2 other times during the night.  It is like the smell and moisture of putting your head into a vaporizer when it is on its lightest setting.


I wanted Pastor to see and smell the cloud and so I went up the left hand side to find him during worship.  As I approached the first row of people in front of this clearing, I smelled very strong incense.  It was a pure incense and not offensive at all.  I do not like any incense and avoid the smells at the malls whenever I can.  This was not like that. 


Then I peered through the first row of people and there was no altar or incense burning up there, I was smelling in the Spirit!  I saw Pastor and he was hugging what looked like baby diapers.  Pastor was very red in the face, and was under a very strong intercession.  His head was quivering and he was breathing hard with spiritual travail contractions.  It touched my heart deeply because I thought of the nurturing father holding the babies as close to his heart as he could possibly get them.  I knew I was supposed to share about the cloud, but did not want to interrupt Pastor’s intercession, so even though I was shy, I took the courage and went forward to whisper into Mahesh’s ear. 


Later when Mahesh announced what people were experiencing, he called it the cloud canopy.  He also said that people smelled rain and mentioned my incense experience.  I was quite taken with the fact he called it the Lord’s canopy.  I have many Words about that word.


As I was back again worshipping in the back and watching the cloud and thinking about smelling the incense, the Lord immediately imparted to me that the incense was Pastor’s prayers and the parable of the nursing father’s prayers.





I was on the ministry team, but special arrangements had been made so I could ride home with my friends prior to the final evening meeting. Even though they were leaving to return home at a decent hour, and I did not have to minister that final meeting, I had a deep yearning to stay and tarry. This was a very difficult decision for me to let them go, and then call my husband saying I was coming home a day late. I had an expectation deep in my heart that the Lord wanted to give me something special.



What would have happened had I not stayed???? Oh THANK YOU LORD! Tonight Mahesh prayed over all the people individually. He stopped before each one, and said a word or a sentence, and sometimes he was forceful and aggressive. When he came to me, he touched me gently on the forehead and whispered in my ear a very special phrase. He had no way of knowing that years ago the Lord had promised me that exact thing. This was a reiteration of that promise.


I did not receive an impartation from Mahesh. I went down very softly and was very touched by the fact it was so soft. I was nervous of falling having had a very bad experience. I felt nothing as I laid there and wondered if I had received anything like an impartation. I felt that I had not.


As the phrase Mahesh spoke to me began to work its way into my heart, I began to softly cry as I was so touched by the tenderness and love in which Mahesh gave me this Word. It was a representation of how I knew the Lord was treating me. I felt very vulnerable and receptive to the Lord’s love at that moment.


Suddenly I heard the Lord’s BOOMING voice say, "Daughter, you are anointed!" On the word anointed, it was as though a million volts of electricity charged through my entire body. I shook violently all over with even my heavy tennis shoes pounding the ground. It was totally radical! Then just as suddenly, the voltage stopped and I lay there perfectly still. That was even more amazing! As I was worshipping Him in my mind, I heard Him quietly say, "Protected" and again this violent voltage happened! This time it was so strong I began to laugh while I was being "wired". Then it stopped and once again I was perfectly at peace. A third time His voice and voltage came and I again heard, "Protected."


After these strong electrical currents stopped. I began to cry deep sobs. Strong pain that I had no idea was there came from the depths of my being. Grandma Anna turned over leaning against me and gently placed her hand upon my forehead. It was very soothing and immediately the deep pain left and I was surrounded in His peace once again. I sat up and watched others being blessed and again I heard the Lord say, "Anointed." Even though I was sitting up, I went berserk! I radically shook all over and my heavy tennis shoes were pounding on the floor. It was quite an experience.



I managed to get up to my hotel room and I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep. Anna said a word that was quickened to me and I was struck again by His power voltage! My bed pounded like an earthquake, as the palms of my hands happened to be face down upon the mattress. This was hilarious!  I heard the Lord say, "Shake, rattle and roll!" and again the voltage came. I shook all over and laughed hysterically. I was so amazed at all of this, I had never been "touched" like this before. I finally went to sleep. Then I heard the Lord in the night.


HEARD: Anointed. The glory of God is coming. Step into the glory. Liquid light.


VISION: I saw moving, living liquid light swirls. It was like the Lord lifted the veil and I saw His glory briefly.



The next morning as I washed my face, I felt a slight burning as though it had been sun or wind burned. I looked at it carefully and sure enough I had sunburn even in the small cracks and wrinkles around my eyes. This was supernatural because I had not been in the sun at all. It was from the brief moment when the Lord lifted the veil and I saw His liquid light. I believe this was the Shekinah glory, the same that touched Moses’ face.


Ex 34:29-30 NKJV

Now it was so, when Moses came down from Mount Sinai (and the two tablets of the Testimony were in Moses' hand when he came down from the mountain), that Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone while he talked with Him.




UPDATE: I radically shook for several days, every time I heard the Lord speak to me. Finally the shaking began to quiet into trembling, then finally the trembles subsided into gentle waves of electricity, which is what I believe Jesus called, "virtue." (Mark 5:30) This was a process that continued over many months. The Lord explained to me that He was acclimatizing me to His anointing and Presence. (The priests who served the Lord in His temple had to be able to stand in His Presence. I Kings 8:11) His anointing had not diminished, but my physical body had become accustomed to it, and it seemed as though the anointing was also working its way deeper and deeper into my being.



There are many exquisite joys when My anointing falls. Mankind has a weak frame and even in the tiniest portion of My power, he is unable to withstand. Rather than resisting in fear what you do not understand, jump in for joy and let Me touch you with My radical power. Yes, you may shake, you may tremble, you may bounce, you may roll, you may laugh hysterically one moment and cry deep sobs the next. Every moment will be filled to your capacity as you wait before Me and soak in My Presence. Feel the virtue of My power flow through your veins and out your hands. Feel your cells surge with My Presence.


I promise you, you will never be the same. From then on, My power will reside within you and it shall be like a volcano churning beneath the surface. When in close proximity to My Word, My anointing, My Spirit, you may erupt at any given moment! Set your fears aside. Relax and enjoy life, My love, let all religious mind sets and appearances burn up and be set free to become radical for Me!


"May the glory of the LORD last forever! The LORD rejoices in all he has made! The earth trembles at his glance; the mountains burst into flame at his touch. I will sing to the LORD as long as I live. I will praise my God to my last breath! May he be pleased by all these thoughts about him, for I rejoice in the LORD." (Ps 104:31-34 NLT)




Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner. To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.” Website: Email:

