Sandy Warner ~ ~ ~ ~

MELTING WAX  4/29/05


EXPERIENCE: I smelled hot wax during church and also on the way home.

HEARD: I will go with you.


Psalms 97: 3-6 NLT

Fire goes forth before him and burns up all his foes. His lightning flashes out across the world. The earth sees and trembles. The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth. The heavens declare his righteousness; every nation sees his glory.


PARABLE: A friend told me she had a build up of hard wax in her ear. It has now been melted, flushed, then pulled out. Yea God, You are removing the obstacles to our hearing You!


CONFIRMATION: Pastor prayed over my ears, laid hands on them and broke off all curses sent against them. Before he prayed over me, my ears started to burn really hot and His Presence came upon me as they did this.


PRAYER: Lord remove the hardened places in our hearts that causes the build up in our spiritual ears. Remove our obstacles within us that resist Your voice. And remove the demonic hindrances that block our hearing also, in Jesus Name.


Isa 32:3 NKJV

The eyes of those who see will not be dim, and the ears of those who hear will listen.



Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner.  To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.”  Website:    Email:  







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