Sandy Warner ~ ~ ~ ~




PIX:  I saw this massively huge elephant with a wooden yoke platform on it to carry people and burdens.


11/16/11 HEARD:  Shoulder.  I have carried you sweetheart.  Yes you've carried the Burden of the Lord and I carried you.  It is such a joy I have when you participate with Me.  It is a friendship. 


(I finished a series of difficult wrestling match with God and after I wrote a Word to a person I experienced such a HUGE burden lifted and I felt SO free and relieved after sending it.)


PARABLE REMEMBRANCE:  This month I was at Costco and looking at an elephant toy for my grandson.  It was a boy riding on top of an elephant and there was also a monkey that rode on the elephant's back.  The toy also had on a platform type contraption on its back to carry a load. 


I heard the Lord say, "It was a wild ride."  And as I was pondering it I turned the toy around and noticed that the name of the toy was called Wild Ride by National Geographic. 


A fellow once had a vision where he was riding on top of an elephant.  The elephant was running along with a herd of elephants and he was wildly running very fast. He asked me what it meant and I told him that the elephants were the intercessors. 


VISION:  I opened up the garbage can door and suddenly I had the sense of being an elephant and I rolled my back over like an elephant would and dumped some banana peels off into the trash.  This represents getting rid of the monkey on my back.  A reader sent me a Word last week about cleaning dirty dishes and garbage in the kitchen is about washing the residue of stuck mindsets off. This was quickened to me that sometimes when we carry the burden of the Word of the Lord, monkeys climb on our backs too and we need to get rid of the monkeys and their slippery banana peels.


BANANA PARABLE: Yesterday my toddler granddaughters wanted bananas and so I checked to see if we had any good ones.  The song "YES we have NO bananas!" popped into my head and so I kept singing it.  When I sat down with them, the 3 year old started to laugh and she said that song was funny.  It tickled me that she understood the paradox of saying yes and no in the same sentence. 


CONFIRMATION:  Tonight on Chopped (a cooking show) one of the judges said, "You cant set a plate at the table before the judges and say, I have no bananas, I'm sorry."  It was because the guy had fixed them but they were not satisfactory to him so he did not serve them.  The judges said he could have transformed them into something else.



Sometimes when we carry the burden of the Lord through prayer or delivering His Word, other burdens jump onto our backs that are not authorized to trespass.  These come in the form of condemnation, accusations, judgments, wrestling matches with people's souls and demons, mindsets that refuse the Word of the Lord, concern about what people think, fear of man, control and perfectionism and many others.  When we are Jesus's friends as burden bearers we need to learn how to carry only Him and simply roll anything that is NOT a good gift into the trash.


1 John 3:19-21 NKJV

And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him. For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God.





Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner.  To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.”  Website:    Email:  







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