Sandy Warner ~ ~ ~ ~

oh Hannah


Today 1/30/06 I had 2 emails come to me on the same day about Hannah, which were very quickened to me:


"... By the way, in the past week I feel impressed with the story of "Hannah", her prayer from her desperate needs touches heaven, and finally Lord gives her the desire of her heart. .."


"...Wow, after all you've been have so much perseverance and what a testimony your journey is. I hope you are feeling comforted. Sounds like the Lord has remembered you with favor, just as He did Hannah..."




HEARD 2/06/06; Help us establish our own hospital to heal the sick. Rise up healing mantle. Oh Hannah. Lift. Lift the burden. Come, sweet one. Fly away with Me. It's a day of new beginnings.






HEARD 2/18/06: Harmony dot com. In agreement. Relationship. I'm backing you up.


PIX: I saw a scripture where it said that every year Hannah brought her son a new coat.


HEARD: And she spared nothing.


1 Sam 2:19 AMP

Moreover, his mother made him a little robe and brought it to him from year to year when she came up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice.


PIX: I saw a rocking chair in the living room with a mother and a man child.


HEARD: Earnestly prayed. It fit perfectly. I have never invested so much into one person.


I came to your door. And you said, yes, it fits. Let me wear it and walk in it. Mantle. Contract. You experience this not only in the spiritual but in the natural. A hungry heart.


PIX: I saw the movement of someone coming towards me.


HEARD: Rich. It's taking a while but he is getting there. Listen. Adopted.


CONFIRMATIONS: Today at lunch Wayne mentioned several things. One was that you can not grasp a bird. You must let it go freely and if it was meant to be yours, it will return to you. It must be free to come and go. I thought of the following Word to Ponder about the birds and grasping. I felt that this was related to all the Hannahs, somehow, who cried so bitterly due to being void of God's promise, and then fulfilled their vow by releasing the promise back to the Lord.



Learn to love by letting go. There is a yearning of the soul that desires to possess that which does not belong to you. My love does not covet, it sets free. Give those that you love into My care. Yes, you have heard that you give roots and wings to your loved ones. Grant them the stability of knowing you are there for them and then release them one step at a time to learn to crawl, walk, run and then fly into their destinies in Me.


Remember that birds are flighty. If you chase a bird it will fly away. As you yearn with My Spirit over those you care for, keep the palm of your hand open and like a bird in flight, let them freely come and go in your life. Remain in loving watch care over their lives and provide an open palm of a warm safe shelter for their hearts. Stay faithful and you will always have friends no matter what age.


Phil 2:3-8 NLT

Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing. Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not demand and cling to his rights as God. He made himself nothing; he took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form.




To My Hannahs, the hearts of those who have been barren of promise, barren of fruit, barren of love, I AM remembering your cries in broken, dark times and have not forgotten your deepest, most yearning desires. I have planted the seeds of your tears and prayers and remembering your covenant with Me. Open the eyes of your faith now and see the birthing beginnings of the answers you have cried out for. NOW.


I AM planting you with My Samuels, those who are called and will hear My voice with clarity. Dear Hannahs, you who held onto Me so that your promises would not be lost, then yielded them back to Me; I will restore the fellowship back to you up to seven times of what you have released. Your intercession is bringing a new promotion each and every year for these, our called ones, who are being raised up in My house, in My Presence and in fellowship with Me. Thank you, dear ones, for giving so much and investing so much. Your tears are more than precious when I see each one all upon your cheeks.


1 Sam 2:10 NLT

Then Hannah prayed: "My heart rejoices in the LORD! Oh, how the LORD has blessed me! Now I have an answer for my enemies, as I delight in your deliverance. No one is holy like the LORD! There is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God. "Stop acting so proud and haughty! Don't speak with such arrogance! The LORD is a God who knows your deeds and he will judge you for what you have done. Those who were mighty are mighty no more; and those who were weak are now strong. Those who were well fed are now starving; and those who were starving are now full. The barren woman now has seven children; but the woman with many children will have no more. The LORD brings both death and life; he brings some down to the grave but raises others up. The LORD makes one poor and another rich; he brings one down and lifts another up. He lifts the poor from the dust - yes, from a pile of ashes! He treats them like princes, placing them in seats of honor. "For all the earth is the LORD's, and he has set the world in order. He will protect his godly ones, but the wicked will perish in darkness. No one will succeed by strength alone. Those who fight against the LORD will be broken. He thunders against them from heaven; the LORD judges throughout the earth. He gives mighty strength to his king; he increases the might of his anointed one."


Posted by [ swauthor  ] Feb 12th 2006 - 2:49PM Posts to date: 3947


It was quickened to me to look up the meaning of the name Hannah.


Hebrew: Full of grace, mercy and prayer.


INTERP: The time is now for grace, mercy and prayer to arise so that He can hear our prayers and bring the answers to birth.


I received this confirmation today responding to this post:


"...This is really interesting because last night while I was laying upon my bed, I was thinking to myself about Hannah and how she prayed in the temple, only her lips moved and Eli thought she was drunken, now today I get this e-mail post from you regarding faith and Hannah and the gift of faith.."


(This is quickened to me that even though she was unable to have fellowship with a child, she turned to prayer for comfort.  I think this is true even after we wean our children and release them to the Lord.)









Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner.  To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.”  Website:    Email:  







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