Sandy Warner ~ ~ ~ ~




HEARDI am transitioning you. 


VISIONI saw some kind of a jointed contraption inside a giant transparent bubble.  It looked like the pieces were built from an erector set, but it was life sized.  It was somehow compacted and collapsed and needed to expand its joints to come to full size.  We were trying to move the bubble but it was too big to make it portable.  So, we had to let the air out of the bubble to move it. 




HEARDThat’s what we are supposed to do.  Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention.  I was going to have this bumper to bumper, but I dont know that is necessary.


IMPRESSION:  The bubble was like a ball with rounded corners so it could roll and bounce off things at any angle.  I have past rhema where bumper cars with rubber bumpers around them represent bouncing back from backlashes of the demonic or from people aggression. 


PIXI saw the same contraption and now all the joints had expanded to full size and I could clearly see that it had turned into something like a low-seated motor cycle, only still made with the same gears and joints of the erector set. The cycle was like this shape.


UNDERSTANDING:  I realized that the joints represents God’s body of believers, and that once built and expanded into place, He positions us in a place of riding low in humility.


Col 2:19  NKJV

...Holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God.



I had put some prayer into the above word about a bumper pad around a jointed contraption as it really puzzled me what the Lord was saying about removing the bubble.  I didn’t like that idea at all.  I wanted my bubble.  When I attended a conference this weekend, it all came together and I finally understood.


I have been in a miserable yearlong arthritic flare (of my joints – just like the erector set) and so I braved the attendance of an out of town healing conference. The person praying over me told me not to take this wrong, but he saw I had a soft shell around me that the Lord wanted gone so He could come in with a deeper two way reciprocal intimacy.  He also said that it was keeping me from being me and the Lord wanted me to be free to be me and no one else.  He also emphasized it was not a hard shell, but a soft shell.  The next thing he said was that the Lord told him he was not to touch me when he prayed for me and so he proceeded.  At the end of a wonderful prayer time and several Words later, he said, “NOW I can lay hands on you,”  and he did as he laid hands on my ankles that were in spasm pain.


I went through a very long process of pondering and praying through the Words the Lord gave me through this person, and many wonderful revelations came.  I wanted to share the shell part with you because I felt it was very relevant to many.  This touches on several streams of thought, not just one.




1)  First of all, when he emphasized that it was not a hard shell, I immediately thought of a hard heart.  With a hard heart, it is very difficult to receive from the Lord, whether His tangible Presence or His gifts. I was grateful it was not a hard shell. 


Ezek 36:26 NKJV

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.


As I thought about carrying a shell around us, I immediately thought of self preservation.  I have been having to walk very carefully and tenderly recently due to a lot of pain and so my movements are deliberate and very slow so that I don’t accidently get hurt.  I saw this same thing with several of the people at the conference.  They were walking very carefully and slowly and I immediately understood. 


Recently, I have been trying to learn that when I walk and the pain is really bad, how to control my face expressions so that people do not see my face all scrunched up.  That is the epitome of NOT being transparent and not allowing the world inside. 


I have also found that the more I expose myself to others who care, the more they press in with questions and answers. I find myself feeling like I have to explain my situation so much that it almost becomes a defense of what I am having to deal with, in a state of constant fluctuation of symptoms, even hour to hour.  It is easier to stay home and stay isolated than to have to deal with another layer of stress of people pressure.  This too is a shell of protection.


Sometimes in our attempts at protecting ourselves from getting hurt, we come to a place where we don’t let other people inside to touch our pain and sometimes we even hold ourselves from the Lord’s inner touch and we lose that intimacy that we once had. 




2)  Secondly I thought of the butterfly cocoon, where we have been inside coming through a painful transformation process.   When the fullness of time comes, we are to break through our own shell and have a coming out party.  If a person tries to pry open a butterfly cocoon, the butterfly will die.  It needs the whole wrestling, moving process to strengthen it as it breaks through its shell.  A butterfly has to be willing and ready and no one else can tell that butterfly when it is time to come out of its shell. 




3)  Thirdly, I wondered why this person was told not to touch me.  The butterfly analogy came to me which was a good one.  Don’t try to pry open a butterfly cocoon!  Then I saw something quite profound on 2 different levels. 


The Lord gave me the analogy of a new bride and groom where the bride had been previously abused and the groom was all excited and aggressive in his love for his bride.  Any sudden aggression will make her want to run away!  But if he withholds his affections just a tad, it allows her to come to him and want his touch.  I have never suffered physical abuse, but I have suffered emotional trauma from aggressive people and also spiritual warfare traumas through the demonic backlash of laying on of hands, to the point I hesitate and shy away from both. 


I suddenly realized that I had approached this person who was going to pray for me, as though I expected an aggressive style of ministry. Instead, he was very tender and almost aloof.  I was immediately released from having to put up all my inner warfare shields so that no demonic issues were passed on to me from the laying on of hands.  And so I found myself saying to the Lord, “But I WANT the impartation of Your Presence as it comes through the laying on of hands!”  As I realized this, I smiled and understood how wise God’s ways are to each of us.


I saw how amazingly God would so deeply know and care for my quirks - so much that He actually told this person not to touch me and to hold back in how he was ministering to me. 


I saw that neither did the LORD want to pry me open in order to minister to me.  Instead He wanted ME to come to HIM and let Him do His tender work.  He wanted me to open up and receive and respond.   However, with my preconceived expectations, I had that soft shell around me and He was waiting for my permission to melt through the layers of self protection.


Now remember the jointed contraption that needed to expand and come out of the bubble?  I found out the person that ministered to me works at a chiropractor’s office!  (For readers overseas, that is a joint and bone doctor that puts joints back into place.  The process always extends the body longer and also gives it back its mobility.)


Col 2:19  NKJV

...Holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God.




4)  The grand finale came as I kept pondering and praying over this shell that was not supposed to be there.  I did not know how to break through it and I felt a level of frustration at the thought. 


The next night, my friend of 37 years came behind me and laid a mantle over my shoulders.  I had been suffering shoulder and back cramps so the warmth, weight and her loving Words just melted all the pain in less than a minute.  I badly needed her hug and had told the Lord the night before that I needed her hug.  Here she was coming behind me with her gentle hug and Words of comfort and reassurance from the Lord.  We went out into the lobby so as not to disturb others and I sobbed and cried as I just melted and let all that soul pain wash out as I told her how much her hug meant to me.  When I was done crying, I felt like a mountain of weight had been lifted off of me. 


At the end of that service and prayer for needs, she and I and friends gathered in the back of the church. She told her friend to share with me his hair story.  I had no idea what I was being set up for.  He proceeded to tell me that he had been asleep on the couch and evidently he is a really deep sleeper.  His kids put braids and rubber bands all over in his hair so that it was sticking straight out all over. My son did this once with his own hair and so I had a perfect picture of what this would look like!  Then they put a bunch of hair clips in his beard. 


The door bell rang and woke him up, so he went to the door.  A guy was there that looked like he was from the “black panther club” and he took one look and fled away as fast as he could run!!!  I bellowed out laughter that gushed and gushed.  At one point it was so loud, I think it filled the whole auditorium.  I could not stop laughing, it had to be the funniest thing I had ever heard.  I needed that laugh SO much. 


I realized that the Lord had broken through my shell through the safe place of friendship, both in sobbing tears and then hysterical laughter.  I experienced genuine deliverance and healing in both.  I was set free to be me once again and it felt SO GOOD! 


Ps 30:5  NKJV

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.


Ps 84:6-7  AMP

Passing through the Valley of Weeping (Baca), they make it a place of springs; the early rain also fills [the pools] with blessings.  They go from strength to strength [increasing in victorious power]; each of them appears before God in Zion.


P.S. - I had to go to bed several times to rest in order to make it to and through the meetings.  Therefore for this meeting, we came late and landed in the back row.  I felt nothing except pain and watched as an observer at all the stuff going on in the room when people were touched by the Lord’s Presence.


I leaned over to Anna and said, “There is nothing like sitting in the back row stone sober, watching the front rows have the time of their lives!”


The Lord heard me, because after all was over and my friends gathered in the back row with me, that was when His Spirit hit me and all that laughter bubbled forth! 


I once heard a joke about hurrying up to get to church in order to save a back row seat!  Smile.  Beware, God even visits the back rows!!!


Prov 17:22 AMP

A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. [Prov 12:25; 15:13,15.] 





Chuck shares the following quote on Elijah List. This is exactly what happened to me when I first deeply sobbed and then bellowed laughter:

"This is the time that from the depths of your being you are going to release a new sound. For some of you, the sound will be a shout. For some of you, the sound will be a laugh. For some, the sound will be the groan of travail! For all, the sound that is beginning to rumble in the bellies of My people will stir the old atmosphere that has been filled with stale unbelief. This sound must come forth! This sound must come forth now!"
{end quote}   Chuck’s article




Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner.  To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.”  Website:    Email:  







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