Sandy Warner ~ ~ ~ ~

The Power of Blessing


RHEMA 1/17/03


FUNNY WARFARE DREAM: I looked down at my foot and it had been sliced in half and so had my leg. I tried to call an ambulance and they finally came and got me. They put me in this prison and as I looked at who was there in the prison room, it was full of demons.


Just a microsecond before I was going to get repulsed, I said in a loud declaring voice: “Bless you all in the Name of Jesus!” They looked either alarmed and some disgusted and they all started leaving and filing out the door. I was encouraged by this, so I began to preach to them that Jesus died on the cross to set the prisoner free and would they like to accept Him as their Savior? When the large room was empty, I took stock of the situation and said, “Well there's more than one way to get a place to sit down in here!”


I then decided that if they all left, they must know a door out so I walked to the door and saw a side door that was faster and separate from their line. I opened the door to the street and my lungs filled with a huge opera voice, “In Jesus wonderful name, He LOVES you!” And all those demons in the streets left too.




Through a long and painful season when it appeared to you that the enemy had the upper hand in your life, you came to respect the power of principalities and humbled yourself before Me and repented of your sins. Now I shall reverse the long season of captivity and the resulting demonic curses, and teach you that the power of My blessing is greater than all demonic curses. You shall witness a delivering power within you not experienced before. You shall not only cast out devils with My Name, with My blood, and with My authority that you walk in, you shall also cast them out by merely releasing My blessing into a room of people! For whom I have blessed can not be cursed, and whom has been cursed, shall receive multiplied blessings for their reward. Watch as I make My people the head and not the tail. Watch and see the power of My blessing scattering the enemy out the door.


"God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? Behold, I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it.” (Num 23:19-20 NKJV)



Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner.  To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.”  Website:    Email:  







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