Sandy Warner ~ ~ ~ ~



When we find ourselves in ways of thinking, feeling or behaving that loop us into cycles of destruction, we realize it is time to change.  But even if we know we are caught in the negative patterns, we rarely make the efforts to change until we have just completed another cycle and are facing the whole field and see the harvest for what it is:  We are reaping what we have sown.


The laws of reaping is true in every area of our lives, whether it be physical in taking care of the temples God gave us to live in...  Or in our souls, and the nature of how we think, how we feel, and what we believe...  Or in our relationships, and how we give and receive words to either build up or tear down...  Or in our faith and how we choose to obey God and resist sin, or instead rebel and reap destruction by opening demonic doors of plunder...  Or in our money whether we choose discipline or emotional spending... or in how we raise our children, with either integrity or compromise.  The list goes on.


I have found that within the campaign to change there are also cycles within change.  It starts with facing an unpleasant and full grown field of choices.  That moves to self realization that it was our choices that created what we see.  And if we are responding appropriately, it brings us to repentance before the Lord and a decision to change directions and make difference choices. Further fueled with brokenness, prayer, and God’s Words, we move into a new place and begin again in hopes of changing what did not work. 


However without the depth of understanding at phase one of truly believing that we do reap what we sow, we lie to ourselves or compromise the truth and end up in a cycle of wanting to change, but losing momentum, drive, and commitment to follow through the long haul.  God does forgive us and grant us mercy.  But forgiveness does not change the nature of our seeds that we planted or the harvest we reap.  God is not mocked, what we do plant, we do reap.




  • Relationships:  Our behavior reaps negative and positive rewards

    • Are you critical, opinionated, judging, accusing and negative?

    • Do you seek to uplift, build up and honor with your words?

    • Are you demanding of your space, time, opinions?

    • Do you lay low and give another the better place?

    • Do you “take” what is offered in kindness or do you “receive” it with humility?

    • Are you overcoming evil with good?  Prayer, forgiveness, mercy, understanding, generosity, kindness, patience, peace making, reconciliation, faith, hope, love. 


  • Bodies:  Appetites for pleasure and comfort

    • Are you practicing temperance, self discipline which is a fruit of His Spirit?

    • Are you making choices to build health through diet, exercise and rest?

    • Are you crossing God’s boundaries of sin through covet, lust, greed, adultery, fornication, drugs, pornography?

    • Are you seeking the Holy Spirit for comfort or has something displaced His place with an idol?


  • Souls:  The drive for peace, joy and abundance

    • Are your choices in media/ entertainment planting peace, joy and abundance to your soul?

    • Are you spending time in prayer?

    • Are you spending time in worship and His Presence?

    • Are your choices for fellowship edifying?


  • Money:  The power to accumulate

    • How much of your life is spent accumulating? 

    • Does a bigger barn satisfy the cravings of your soul?

    • Check your heart for greed, covet and idols.


  • Spirits:  Our faith and lining up with who God says we are

    • Do you read and listen to God’s Word every day?

    • Do you pray with understanding and then also pray in tongues?

    • Do you worship Him in Spirit and truth?

    • Do you seek to please Him?

    • Do you guard your heart and your faith?




Changes that last are what is born from faith, hope and love. 


  • Faith:  What does God’s Word say about your need to change?

    • Are your choices sin? 

    • Are your choices edifying and helping build an abundant life?

    • Make a choice to list the scriptures that directly deal with your area of need.

    • Do you truly believe that sin reaps destruction?

    • Do you really believe that your choices produce a harvest?


  • Hope:  What has God provided to help you change?

    • Answers to prayer

    • Daily grace as you lean on Him

    • People, services, understanding

    • Negative reinforcement – seeing what you are reaping is often the exact reinforcement we need to turn the other direction with righteous choices.

    • Fellowship with His Word

    • The ability to see the multiplied harvest of what we daily plant


  • Love:  Do you love God more than your excuse for your wrong choices?

    • Where do you spend your time?

    • Listen to what you say, out of your heart the mouth speaks and where your treasure is, your heart is also.

    • What is your passion?

    • How bad do you want to change?

    • God loves us so much that He will open our blind eyes and give us a mirror to see ourselves and how the choices we make are stealing our abundance.


We need to see the end harvest with every choice we make.


PRAYER:  Lord grant us eyes to see the final harvest for the daily choices we make.  Let the understanding and truth of that harvest propel us to make decisions that refuse evil seeds and run after good ones.  Above all Lord, let us be people of Your faith, hope and especially love.  In Jesus Name. 


James 1:21-24 NKJV

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror ; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was.


Rev 2:5-6 NKJV

Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place — unless you repent.


Gal 6:7-9 NKJV

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked ; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. 9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.


1 Cor 13:13 NLT

There are three things that will endure — faith, hope, and love — and the greatest of these is love.






Commitment to switch directions

Having fortitude to transform

Altering my direction for good

Needing reform and conversion

Growing past what does not work

Expecting a multiplied harvest


Making good decisions

Every day.  Amen.


Because they do not change, therefore they do not fear God.   Ps 55:19 NKJV



Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner.  To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.”  Website:    Email:  







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