Sandy Warner ~ ~ ~ ~



The Lord has been telling me to make my posts more simple and easier to read.  I do that with Words to Ponders and the new e-list called Nuggets.  I have been cutting the QW posts down to much smaller.  But I am having a hard to with the teachings.  So I have really been praying about this!


Today His answer was perfect!  I turned to a post in one of my rhema books and found the following snipits from that post.  The post was about a totally different subject, but the Lord used the following phrases to strongly speak to me!  His ways of leading us and giving us guidance are amazing.


QUICKENED EYE GLANCE:   These are snipits from the post called THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL


  • We have a commercial grade garbage disposal. Over the years, I can remember stuffing too much down the disposal and cringing as I watched my beloved husband patiently taking the pipes apart to fix the mess. I will never forget the year that I stuffed a sack of potato skins down the disposal on Thanksgiving day - just an hour before turkey time. It backed up so badly that they came up through the bathtub! We had no water until he dealt with the problem.


  • At that time I did not realize He also wanted them dispensed differently.


  • Needing additional water to flow through the pipes to clean out the heavy stuff!!!!!!!!!!


  • Wash the more weighty Words and/or experiences through the pipes with greater amounts of refreshing Words.


  • That night when I went to bed, here is an excerpt of what I heard:  A little here, a little there. Sprinkled. The hard stuff.


CONFIRMATION:  I was watching Star Trek and a temporary commander was taking over while captain Piccard went out on a secret mission. The shock of this change in leadership was unnerving to the crew. He was much less people oriented and very commanding, militant, organized and impatient. Deanna Troy said, "You have everyone wound up so tight, there is no joy in anything." The commander thanked her for her feedback and continued in the same personality and leadership style.






I wrote the following based on the understanding that different people have different attention spans, different levels of interest and they learn differently.  Some learn by seeing/ watching.  Some learn more by hearing/ listening.  Some learn more by hands on/ experience.



Some people learn more visually where they like literal graphics.  Others in the visual category like Word pictures painted in their minds. 


Word pictures are ways of being able to read something that inspires a picture in one’s mind of what is being said.  That picture may not even be directly related to what is actually said, it could be a picture as to how the lesson applies to their lives on a total different level than what was said. 


Visuals help the brain make logical thinking easier to process.


Within every picture (including how houses should be decorated) are positive and negative space.  This is space that has stuff in it and space that has nothing in it.  Everywhere there is white space, is a rest to the eye.  In the world of graphics, the eye should immediately go to the main point, and then move in a natural progression to the next focal point.  Sometimes the focal points are clustered in 3’s to make a whole.  (Like the way pictures are hung on a wall.  Or potted plants are distributed in the corner of a room.) 


Different types of visuals:

1.     Graphics

2.     Comics

3.     Tables, indexes, charts, maps, blue prints, graphs, stats

4.     Outlines

5.     Using lists that are numbered:

6.     Using bullets of info that are dense and to the point.

7.     Indents

8.     Colors of pages and text, use of different fonts and highlighted text.

9.     Indented material is a rest to the eye.  Indented side bars/ rabbit trails that directly relate to the above paragraph for deeper level or application.  So for every rabbit trail in a lesson, it is like white space - a person can choose to read them or skip them and move on. 





Some people learn by hearing.  They are story people, they enjoy hearing or reading examples about a subject more than the actual knowledge about the subject.  So they are people who learn best through second hand information… they are more socially oriented and less head oriented and they enjoy the process of reading an example from someone’s life. 


Different ways to reach hearing people

1.     A clickable option of an audio file of the same teaching.

2.     An audio indent that is a brief example or rabbit trail.

3.     A personal story to demonstrate an example of the lesson.

4.     Music background.

5.     Personal dialogs in quotes as a book would read.






In today’s culture there is massive use of technology and noise stimulations where people are distracted by too much stuff.  They have a highly developed ability to multitask, but not the ability to go very deep in thought process and applications. 


Different ways to reach multi-taskers who are distracted:


1.     Small paragraphs

2.     Stick to the point in the paragraph

3.     Make a title that points to the point

4.     Heavy use of subtitles

5.     Heavy use of encapsulated lists that are in nugget form

6.     No more than 3 main thoughts within a subject, if possible

7.     Use of games and activities in lessons






Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner.  To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.”  Website:    Email:  







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