HEARD: Wind in your sails. Behind you. Carried
you. Filled up with joy.
Let Me carry you My child. The weight of your ship is
heavy and even cumbersome out of water. But as you soak
in My Presence, the gravity of cares fall away. As you
call upon Me, I answer your prayers and breathe upon you
My Spirit. I fill your sails with the power of My breath
and take you where you do not know. Yet even so, it is
not your work, but Mine and I delight in carrying you to
the destination of My promises. So look up and let Me
fill your sails. As I do so, I will also fill you with
joy. Smile and let your hair down to blow while carefree
days pass in the wind.
“And He rode upon a cherub, and flew; He flew upon
the wings of the wind. He made darkness His secret
place; His canopy around Him was dark waters and thick
clouds of the skies.” (Ps 18:10-11 NKJV)
posted on 8/30/02
There have been contrary winds blowing against your
life. It's as though you were in a ship and these winds
have blown and pushed your ship of life off the course
of your intended destination. Discouragement is flooding
your ship, for you are overwhelmed knowing no matter
what you do you cannot seem to get back on your original
course. But there are some things you need to be aware
I saw God in the wind that was blowing your ship
causing it to seemingly take a different route. Psalm
18:10 says, "He rides upon the wings of the wind." I saw
God riding upon these winds that were seemingly against
you. God was in these winds.
I saw the Lord in the water that was raging. He was
sitting King upon the waves that were pushing your ship.
I saw God in the sails of your ship. His Glory
radiating His approval! I saw God in your boat. Though
youwondered where He was, He was right there still with
you. The most significant thing I saw was that God
wasstill inside of you. He had never left nor forsaken
you. The One greater than everything else in the world
wasstill on the inside of you.
The key to victory and peace I could see was that you
must accept that this change of course is of God for a
purpose. For I saw Him in every aspect of it. Not until
you accept and release this to the Lord will you begin
to find His perfect peace in the midst of the storm. As
you do it will not matter what is happening around you.
His peace will begin to rule in your heart.
The Lord spoke clearly these words, "We (meaning you
and Himself ) are going over to the other side ... to My
destination and plan for your life. This is not the
course or route that you would have chosen, but My ways
are different from yours and My thoughts from yours. I
am leading you by a way you have not known before, but I
am the way. Psalm 77:19 "My way is in the sea and My
path in the great waters and My footsteps are not known.
I am taking you over to the other side!"
Everything I saw God in, He said He was going to
change: "I am going to change the wind in due time. I am
going to change the raging waves in due time. I am going
to change the sails and rudder of your ship in due time
by My guidance. Most important of all I am in the
process of changing you on the inside more than anything
else on the outside that is happening. Even more
important than the destination or goals I have for you
is your being changed and conformed into My image and
likeness." In fact, I sensed that this was His desired
destination for us.
Remember Paul's call to go to Rome to preach the
Gospel and how the storm caused their shipwreck? They
all landed on a certain island, some coming ashore
holding onto broken pieces of boards off the ship. If
you have to even grab hold of a piece of board off of
your ship, I heard God say, "I'll even be in your board.
Hold on to it. I'll be that close to you. We are going
over to the other side!"
The Father reminded me of how His only Son came down
and crossed over to the other side to the Father's
destination to save you and me. It was a way that we
would never have thought of but it was the Father's
perfect plan or route. His only Son crossed over to the
other side on just two limbs of a tree. Think it not
strange if the way across for you seems unusual and
" I am using everything in your life to work together
for your good and even what the enemy means for evil is
not being wasted, but used for My Glory and best for
your life!
Bill Yount