Sandy Warner ~



When I first did the above transparency painting in my art journal I saved it as Heaven’s Breath (which is later confirmed below). I felt the sky represented a clean, pure breeze that had blown in to take all the bad junk away. Later when I went back through the journal and titled some of them, I renamed it Transparency which ends up being the same message as Heaven’s Breath. 


Watercolors are known for their pure, transparent color that is not muddied. Several years ago I had a vision of our transparent food canisters and He told me He was making me transparent. When I did a search for the word transparent in my rhema journals, the word came up 94 times! Recently He told me He was making the apostles transparent so this is something significant He is doing at this time. 


Transparent is having nothing to hide and only reflecting light with the purity of “what you see is what you get.” 


Hebrews 4:13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.



1 Peter 1:22 Darby Translation (DARBY)
Having purified your souls by obedience to the truth to unfeigned brotherly love…



I heard the Lord tell me that He was going to teach me about color and for a couple years I have been seeing color in visions and He has been showing me they have meaning which combined with His Words is really impacting me. I have learned that they also have smell and vibration and I am guessing that they also have sound and taste… however I haven’t experienced that yet, only heard others experience it. He has been focusing very much on the 7 Spirit of God this year which are the 7 colors of the rainbow, and I am believing that is the next outpoured anointings we will receive.


Transparency is important for being protected in the hidden place. A couple years ago I had a vision of a tabernacle booth built from evergreen bows and whatever was going on underneath it was completely invisible. The booth was opened in the front just like tabernacle booths are build. I perceived people were praying and prophesying in there. I also had some sense of bridal intimacy about it, like a wedding ceremony or something to do with the love of a bride and groom. It was only a sense and not anything I could see. I did see angels on the outside of the booth and they were playing their instruments as an accompaniment to what was going on underneath the booth.



In 2013 I created the following graphic for a post and poem I wrote in 2005 about Joshua the high priest being cleansed. Notice all the stuff in the air in the graphic.



A few days later after creating the graphic I received a confirmation from Neville’s vision. I hadn’t heard it before:




I was praying and I felt the Lord come to me and tap me on the shoulder and say “Come.” The moment He said, “Come” I was no longer where I was, I was somewhere else….


He motioned for me to follow Him and He moved through another gateway, a door into a smaller room. It was quite dark, it was dimly lit. I was aware of a candlestick. I looked to my right and there was a table with bread upon it and I knew I was in the holy place. I thought, “Oh this is the holy place of the Christian’s hearts.” There was lot of smoke, very little light and a lot of smoke. The candlestick was giving off smoke, and stuff was floating through the air. I could see like there was stuff like the mind, will and emotions, the veils of the soul that was floating around that place and there was a bad mixture in there. And I could see that the wick on the candlestick had never been trimmed and was giving off smoke. You know the wick speaks of our flesh, humanity. I said, “Lord what is all this stuff floating around in the air?” He said, “This is the soul of most Christians.” 


I focused at the other end and there was alter of incense and there was a small white vapor coming off of it and it had a nice smell. But there was still a lot of smoke coming off of it. The Lord said, “This is the alter of incense on it.” But there was very little incense on it. Very little vapor, but a lot of smoke. I said, “Lord what is the smoke?” He said, “That’s the selfish prayers of My people.”

Selfish prayers which didn’t originate in Him. By this time I began to think the situation is hopeless. He said, “There is much in the church that is good, but I must do a deeper work of cleansing.” The Lord came up and threw some incense onto that alter and he vapor came up and started to fill the place. And when He did that, a veil parted. I thought, “We’ve got to build an altar of incense to get through the veil. There has got to be an altar of incense in our hearts or we will never get through the veil.” This speaks of our prayer life and intercession. 


Dear ones for years I have been bringing you through many layers of cleansing your soul. These layers are in your mind and the way you think, your will and the choices you make, finally your emotions in the way you respond to life. You have been looking through dark glasses and wanting to know Me. The more clear your soul becomes, the easier it is for you to hear Me, understand Me, and follow Me. 


I AM bringing My fresh breath from heaven to blow upon you. You will receive a pure discernment and see your life with new eyes. As you lay down all that does not look like Me or My Word, as you continue to identify and repent of what is not aligned with My Word, it brings these layers to Me and gives Me permission to cleanse you and bring you into wholeness. Yes it is an uphill battle to overcome darkened layers of your soul, but the rewards are a pure heart that sees Me and knows Me even as I know you. My fresh breath will help you. When your layers are cleansed, there will be a pure reflection when you look into the mirror. You will clearly see My love for you, My smiling eyes, and My purest pleasure in how much of My image is within you.


There are many hidden mysteries about becoming transparent. Transparent faith will no longer be clouded with doubt. When I AM allowed to shine through you, the light of Who I AM flows freely through you in wonder, authority and power. You will supernaturally walk just as I walked where the Kingdom of heaven was revealed on earth. When your soul is cleansed, you will be grown up into My full measure and your life will forever be changed into My glory.


1 Corinthians 13:11-12 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner. To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.” Website: Email:

