Hi Loved
I would
like to share something the Lord taught me last year in
connection with intercession. Hopefully, this knowledge
will help us feel more comfortable in being used by the
Lord and keep us from being led astray in our
intercessory experiences.
barometer is a gauge (like an outward sign) that tells
us the pressure of the air around us. Intercessors are
like barometers. They can walk into a room and their
meters will detect things unseen to the natural eye.
Part of their gifting is an intuitive sensitivity to a
world that most people don’t even know exists. As they
remain keenly aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence and
learn to take what they are sensing to prayer, they grow
in their giftings and become even more sensitive. These
unique experiences are often misunderstood and yet God
uses them as signs.
1994, there has been a call by God to raise up
intercessors, to help birth His new thing upon the
earth. His strong, near Presence has caused many to
fervently respond. Some have matured and are coming into
a new level of gifting. The Lord is wanting to enlarge
their gifts and further hone their sensitivity for a
hands on ministry.
says, "For we have not an high priest which cannot BE
all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let
us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that
we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of
need." (Heb 4:15-16 KJV)
sentence is a little hard to understand because it is
written as a double negative. In the positive, it is
saying that Jesus WAS/IS touched with the feeling of our
infirmities. The Holy Spirit quickened that verse as I
was thinking about the tangible feelings that come with
many intercessory experiences. The phrase, "be touched
with the feeling of" is actually one Greek word,
sumpatheo. (Strongs 4834) It means to feel sympathy or
commiserate. I traced that word back to it roots and
found something quite interesting. It comes from 2 words
meaning to companion or associate with an experience,
sensation or impression, usually painful. (Strongs 4862
& 3958) Now that is an interesting definition for those
touched by intercession that is birthed by the Holy
Spirit! They have experienced this as very real.
We are
called to be like Jesus, Who is the greatest
Intercessor. As intercessors, we will sometimes feel
physical things in our bodies, or experience emotional
sensations, and have instinctive impressions of either
the room we are in, or the person/ issue we are praying
for. This is not supposed to be a unique experience,
this is actually the very heart of intercession — to
feel and know what touches God’s heart. He feels these
things and we are allowed brief moments to companion
with Him in prayer.
call these experiences words of knowledge, some call
them discernment, some call them warfare, some call them
intercession, some call it responding to His Presence.
Actually this gift is all of the above. Some may feel
various physical infirmities or pain in their body. Some
may feel anger, lust, fear, anxiety, ambition,
impatience, joy, peace, compassion, etc. Some may sense
a coldness in the room, or heat, or a gentle wind, or
slight tingles in their hands, or on their head, or any
number of experiences.
beings naturally feel all of these things. The
difference for intercessors is that they do not own
these feelings. It is a sudden download, whether strong
or gentle, it is a happening that in one minute it is
there and another it is not. It is connected with a
sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, to the person we are in
proximity with, to someone placed upon our heart, or to
the environment in a room, etc.
years I had warfare experiences without understanding
why. Several years ago the Lord opened my eyes. As I was
driving on the way to see a person, one minute I was
worshipping the Lord and the next minute my heart was
racing, my stomach gripping and my breathing short. It
was such an unusual feeling and I wondered what it was.
I asked the Lord and I suddenly realized it was fear.
Now that may sound strange, but I was not used to having
fear and so it took a while to register that was what I
was feeling. It was ridiculously out of context because
I was worshipping the Lord, having no worries and it was
a nice day!
I bound
the spirit of fear, commanded it to go in Jesus Name and
was flooded with peace. As I was pulling into the
driveway, I was still scratching my head wondering why I
would suddenly be attacked like that, but at least I
knew it was a demon. When I walked in I noticed that the
lady was kind of white faced. She was holding onto the
counter and I asked her if she was OK. She told me she
had just had a panic attack. I asked her how long ago,
and it was exactly when I’d experienced this. That was a
real eye opener. The Lord allowed me to experience this,
so that she would be set free from that attack!
There is
a deception that can happen in this area of experiencing
these tangible feelings. When Jesus hung on the cross,
He bore everything upon Himself, so that we do not have
to. The scripture says, "Surely He has BORNE our griefs
and CARRIED our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken,
smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for
our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His
stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone
astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And
the Lord has LAID ON HIM the iniquity of us all." (Isa
53:4-6 NKJV)
I noticed people were thinking that as intercessors,
they were carrying someone's else's pain in place of the
person. (Like when Simon carried Jesus cross)
What was happening, they would accept a tooth ache and
believed this was taking the pain from someone else.
This is deception.
Matthew 27:32 And as they came out, they found
a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to
bear his cross.
difference is that as intercessors we are not meant to
CARRY any of these experiences. We can be TOUCHED by the
feelings, but we are not to BEAR them. If we do, we take
Jesus’ place on the cross. I had noticed a few
intercessors living with their burdens, and as I was
praying about this, the Lord told me it was a spirit of
delusion whose name was savior! So if you have been
carrying someone else’s burden, or someone else’s pain,
or someone else’s warfare, start rebuking it in Jesus
Name. Do not own it, do not carry it, do not accept it,
do not embrace it, do not receive it.
contrast, when we are touched by the heart of God and
experience tangible feelings, it is for the express
purpose of giving them back to Him. He touches us, so
that we can yield them up to Him in prayer. He touches
us so that we can understand what is going on, and take
authority over it, so that the enemy does not have his
common error is that when we experience these tangible
things, we begin to think that we are the ones with the
problems. The enemy would love to make us think this. If
he convinces us, then he has two victims, the person
with the problem and then us - because we receive it
through our belief! Therefore, we must learn to not take
the things we experience personally. The Lord wants to
hone our sensitivity so that we will stand against the
enemy, we will pray, and we will minister to others in
His Name.
error that often takes place is an intercessor’s
personal response after being a public sign or gauge.
Sometimes they feel shame because it was a public
display and they are embarrassed. That is because pride
and servanthood are not compatible! Following Jesus to
the cross, we learn that to be a servant is the lowliest
of all. The beauty of this is that such intercessors so
love the Presence of the Lord that they gladly sacrifice
all for just one touch of His Presence. They so love the
Presence of the Lord, they long for that, and that is
the only place they want to be.
please hone our sensitivity to these gifts so that we
can lay hands on the hurting and heal them and set them
free in Jesus Name. And help us to remember the battle
belongs to You. (2 Chron 20:15)