~ Visions, Dreams, His Still Small Voice, Experiences, Quickened Words, Articles, Word Studies ~


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Theme for this file: Judgment And The Sign Of Jonah

1] Vision of the Angry Prophets

2] Unkind Words Provoking God

3] Post About Grievous Prophetic Words

4] Responses to Post on Grievous Prophetic Words

5] God’s Response to the Posts

6] The Prodigal Son’s Elder Brother, Jonah & the Church at Ephesus

7] The Sign of Jonah - A Prophetic Experience

8] Word Study on the Sign of Jonah

9] Insight from Grandma Anna

10] Something to Consider - Mercy vs Judgment

11] Jonah - A Word to Ponder

12] The Sign of Jonah

13] From the Journal of Sandy

14] Report on Needing Mercy

15] Quotes on Appealing for Mercy

16] Vision of the Streams of Law & Grace, Mercy & Truth, etc.

17] Additional Comments on Law, Judgment and Jesus Christ

1] Vision of the Angry Prophets

Given to Sandy Warner 6/11/98

Vision: I saw a wood stove and the prophets had called to add more wood to the fire. When I heard this, I didn’t think it needed to be stoked any more than it already was. As I watched, the man doing so tried to open the door and put wood on with his bare hands. He was too close, and not equipped for the heat. Suddenly I saw a huge, angry horse’s head (much bigger than the stove) appear behind the stove and blow over the fire. The horse was very angry with his ears back, his forehead furrowed and his eyes blazing. The fire roared like an inferno and the stove glowed red hot; embers and sparks were flying toward the man. He fell back with his feet near the stove and was trying to protect himself from the heat. I was so startled by this, I said Jesus Name over him and commanded his protection. Suddenly I saw the embers stop 2 inches away from his feet and rise up and over his body.

Right after seeing the vision I heard the Lord say, "It is time for Dad to discern what the prophets have been saying." Then I heard the Lord’s voice state emphatically, "I never said that!" Suddenly I understood that the angry horse represented some of the prophets that had been prophesying with critical attitudes speaking words of judgment in an angry, critical manner. They were falsely representing the heart of the Lord.

Sandy Note: Fire represents many things and one of them is the fire of judgment. The Lord is calling for world-wide repentance of unholy lives and independence. However, He is pleading with His people, earnestly desiring them to return to Him. He is not wanting to judge, but out of His love for us, He will do what He has to do to bring us home. His heart is always that mercy triumphs over judgment. Even if some of  the judgments are irrevocable, He desires to reduce them to the chastisements of spankings so that His mercy can cover our sins.

2] Unkind Words Provoking God

Still Small Voice heard by Sandy Warner 12/23/98

HEARD: Message to the prophets. Speak mercy and not judgment. Speak kindly to one another. Provoked.

3] Post about grievous prophetic words

This was posted on 1/6/99 and an excerpt was posted again on 2/11/99.


Date: 1/6/99 9:01:30 AM Pacific Standard Time

From: SW Author

I too have spent countless hours reading the prophetic on the Internet sites and came to the same conclusion... a deeply grieved spirit.

In addition to witnessing the prophetic pride emanating from such "Words" I have also deeply grieved over the anger behind so many "Words." I have received dreams from the Lord about these things and His heart is that mercy still triumphs over judgment. And even within judgment, it does not mean that He is angry with us. He can weep when He spanks. I believe that many prophesies are falsely representing His emotions.

What the prophetic people do not understand is that we have authority in our vote. And every time we speak anger and judgment we are casting our vote for such to occur. Those who are prophetic intercessors are standing in the gap, asking for forgiveness and weeping for the sins of a blind nation.

The easiest formula for humility is for a prophet to point a finger and suddenly realize that on the same hand 3 fingers are pointing back. If the Lord opens ones eyes to see a mirror reflecting the same "Words" back, then there is temperance in finger pointing. And then when one becomes convinced they must say something in the Name of the Lord, they do it with great fear and trembling ... knowing the God in Whom they speak.

Sandy Warner

"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJ)

4] Responses to Post on Grievous Prophetic Words

[There were many responses to the above posts. I have included some of them here. These were recently moved from the file, Standing in the Gap]


I could not have been moved more. You have touched the truth here, my friend. I have gone through an "ordeal" of some sorts, telling you ! But GOD always lifts one up and Romans 8 spoke to me in those dark hours between tears and pain..."who will bring judgment, who can charge you...nothing will separate me from His love..." Praise God for the Word where the real TRUTH lies..

From a friend.


Dear Sandy,

This touched me deeply as I, too, have felt these same things. Back in July I had an experience that will (hopefully) forever change me. I had been hearing many words of coming judgment and God's wrath, etc etc and I needed to hear from God about this. And I prayed and prayed - not in fear, but needing to know what HE was saying. And one day I came under a tremendous awareness of His presence but it was heavy. I could not stand up - I was so weak. He was weeping. I thought my heart would break - seeing Him Whom I love weeping so. And He began to share with me his heart on this matter ....and opened my eyes to see exactly what you mentioned about how in joyfully proclaiming this judgment they were coming into agreement with that. And, unfortunately, I, too , have seen a "pride" arise. God help us. I write to encourage you in what you shared - and to let you know that I am standing with you before the Lord on behalf of this land - seeking repentance and mercy.

Lovingly, Joanie


A friend forwarded me an article that you just wrote pertaining to a dream and praying for our nation. God gave me the above scriptures to read as an Intercessor. You don't know how many times I have read those scriptures to Him. I will share with you about this. Every time I cry out to God in pain for my nation, He will give me scriptures where God repents of His anger.

I also had a dream in which I saw a few people take vials and pour something into a pool of dark water. As they poured these vials I could see where the water began to get clear. God will always give me HOPE.



Awesome word you shared! Thank you!

I've been struck with the anger of the net-words, as well. I logged on originally to hear what God was saying to other people, and unfortunately, I've gotten more insight into the hearts of the prophets than God.

God bless you,



Just wanted to let you know I really appreciate the spirit of your message. I too have been disturbed by the glib, almost vengeful way in which many in the church are calling for judgment. I understand they're speaking out of their own woundedness and immaturity, but sometimes I wonder, if those who are called to pray for mercy are instead calling down judgment, will God still be able to show mercy as He wants to? Sometimes I almost feel as if we need to 'undo' the wrong prayer that has gone forth - I feel like praying, "Dear Lord, please don't answer that misguided prayer!"

I have also been aware of a 'narrowing of the way', where I sense that God is asking me to take a closer look at my choices in entertainment, not because they are bad in and of themselves, but because He has something better for me to do with my time. (For example, playing a board game with my kids instead of playing a computer game alone, reading or praying instead of watching T.V.) Some things may be permissible, but not profitable. (Prophet-able?)

Thanks for sharing your insight. Blessings to you,



Your message really spoke to my heart and it has caused me to really examine how I am living and how I am giving the "words" to my church. thank you for your obedience to the Lord.

His, Lesley


Dear Sandy,

Thank you for your posting. I could not have said it any better! I have been grieved over some of the judgment prophecies for so long, that I have them in a folder in my favorite places (it's huge) and don't know if I will EVER get to them! Again...thank you for writing...I suppose you were the one to do it!

In His Majesty's Service, Dan



The LORD weeps much through my eyes, also. HE speaks some cutting words through me but HE has never omitted saying, for us all to repent and to return unto HIM. Their are many that enjoy the cutting with the sword and banish it to remove heads of ministers. Many years ago I prayed, You want eyes that cry for Your people, LORD, use mine. At that time I did not know the term of intercession. Today your shared words helped to draw me to a new connection in the term prophetic intercessor. My prayer in the power name, JESUS is that we may we all come out of Rome bringing others with us, to the inner city of our King and LORD.

A handmaiden crier, Suzin

5] God’s Response to the Posts

Dream given to Sandy Warner 2/14/98

DREAM: I was in the forest among many trees. Someone had purposely lit a tree on fire and it was so hot that it was glowing. The appearance of the tree was supernatural because the tree was more like a woodstove glowing hot, than a tree with flames that was actually being consumed. I knew the tree was too hot, dangerous, and could start a whole forest fire. I saw that someone had opened the air vent (like the one on our wood stove) in order to fan the flames even hotter. I used the wood stove poker and put the air vet down. This cooled the tree down somewhat and then suddenly many people appeared that had been waiting in line to go past this glowing tree. It had been too hot to pass by, and the banquet room they were in line for, was on the other side. Pulling the air vent down gave way for all these people to file past one by one into a large banquet room to dine at long tables.

6] The Prodigal Son’s Elder Brother, Jonah & the Church at Ephesus

A Revelation From Visions About The Heart of God - from Lori Wills

I would like to share with you what the Spirit has been speaking to me over the last several days. I believe the Lord has shown me that this word is not only for myself but needs to be shared.

Last week I had so much heaviness after reading a prophecy spoken on God's upcoming judgment. I really began to seek the Lord concerning this heaviness, these are the impressions I received.

First I was given a given a picture that led me to the story of Jonah. Next the Lord directed me to Rev. 2 with emphases on verse 4-5, "Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lamp

stand from its place - unless you repent."

Twenty four hours later, the Lord directed me to another passage which I believe ties all three together. He took me again to Luke 15 and the story of the prodigal son. The words, "famine in the land" followed by the prodigal son knowing where his help could be found... "at his father's house", really leaped out at me and I knew the Spirit was trying to answer my question about the heaviness I was experiencing. As I continued reading the story of the prodigal, I received the impression that the emphasis was not on the prodigal but rather on the spirit of the elder brother when the prodigal came home.

Today, as I was again seeking the Lord on whether or not to share this with you, He brought all these things together for me, and what I feel the Spirit is saying is that in the midst of all the prophetic words that are going out about repentance and judgment, we are in danger of missing God's heart.

Jonah took the word to Ninevah, "REPENT, God's judgment is at hand"! They followed his advice and repented, only to be met by Jonah's personal judgment that they didn't deserve God's mercy. He had God's true word but he missed God's heart.

In Rev. 2, the church in Ephesus was "doing everything right" by outward appearance. But God said they had "left their first love", which I believe was their passion for Jesus... knowing His heart! Finally, the elder brother was offended and resentful to see his father's forgiveness extended to his prodigal sibling. He had, after all, been faithful in service while his brother was out "having fun". He served his father but he missed knowing his father's heart.

That is the caution I believe God is speaking. We need to use this time He has given to really become intimate with and know His heart completely, so that we can stand beside Him with "PURE" hearts and motives and welcome our brothers and sisters home when they realize "even the servants are well fed at my Father's house."

In God's love,

Lori Wills

7] The Sign of Jonah

Prophetic Experience Given to Auntie Shirley & Grandma Anna 3/7/94

Auntie Shirley’s experience: Anna & I were on a mini vacation at the ocean. Our motel room was right on the beach. In the morning not long after we had read over the nights rhema and spent some time in the Word, I took my tea out on the balcony and sat to pray and watch the ocean. To my utter amazement I saw a large whale surface then go down then up and spout water. I called to Anna to come out and see it. We continued to watch this playful mammal for over an hour. The whale was so close to the shore I could see white spots on it. It would raise it's head out of the water a long way and open it's mouth very wide, then dive and we could see it's entire length and then the tail would appear. The whale then turned and swam away as we had our suitcases in our hands ready to leave.

Several times I have felt the Lord telling me he would give me a sign; so the experience with the whale was almost more than I could grasp. This was such a precious thing. He never ceases to amaze me and how much He loves us and wants to communicate that love to us and how much He confirms that we are hearing from Him.

Excerpt of Grandma Anna’s experience: After watching it cavort I suddenly knew the Lord was giving us a sign. I spoke the words, "This generation seeks after a sign but no sign will be given it but Jonah and the whale." As I said it both of us were quickened with waves of goose bumps. Later I said, "We will know if it really is a sign to us, if when we are ready to leave, that whale swims out to sea! At 11:00 AM with suitcases in our hands, we watched as the whale gave one more flip with his tail and swam quickly out to sea! The cleaning lady said they had never seen an adult whale that close before nor open its mouth.

Luke 11:29 "And as the crowds were increasing, He began to say, "This generation is a wicked generation; it seeks for a sign and yet no sign shall be given to it but the sign of Jonah."

8] Word Study on the Sign of Jonah

In reading the below study, consider a unique and possible application: Jonah means "dove."
The Holy Spirit’s sign is a dove, which means comforter or advocate.
One of the meanings of comforter is: "one who pleads another's cause with one, an intercessor."

Luke 11:29 And as the crowds were increasing, He began to say, "This generation is a wicked generation; it seeks for a sign (4592) and yet no sign shall be given to it but the sign of Jonah (2495). NAS


Greek from the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance

4592 semeion {say-mi'-on}

¤ from a presumed derivative of the base of 4591; TDNT - 7:200,1015; n

¤ AV - sign 50, miracle 23, wonder 3, token 1; 77

¤ 1) a sign, mark, token 1a) that by which a person or a thing is distinguished from others and is known 1b) a sign, prodigy, portent, i.e. an unusual occurrence, transcending the common course of nature 1b1) of signs portending remarkable events soon to happen 1b2) of miracles and wonders by which God authenticates the men sent by him, or by which men prove that the cause they are pleading is God's.

Greek: 2495 Ionas {ee-o-nas'}

¤ of Hebrew origin 03124; TDNT - 3:406,380; n pr m

¤ AV - Jonas (the prophet) 9, Jona (father of Peter) 4; 13

¤ Jonah or Jonas = "dove" 1) the fifth minor prophet, the son of Amittai, and a native of Gath-hepher and lived during the reign of Jeroboam II, king of Israel 2) Jonas, the father of Peter

Hebrew: 03124 Yonah {yo-naw'}

¤ the same as 03123;; n pr m

¤ AV - Jonah 19; 19

¤ Jonah = "dove" 1) son of Amittai and a native of Gath-hepher; 5th of the minor prophets who prophesied during the reign of Jeroboam II and whom God sent also to prophecy to Nineveh

"When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove (4058) and alighting upon Him. (Matt 3:16)

4058 peristera {per-is-ter-ah'}

¤ of uncertain derivation; TDNT - 6:63,830; n f

¤ AV - dove 9, pigeon 1; 10

¤ 1) a dove

But the Comforter (3875) which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27)

3875 parakletos {par-ak'-lay-tos}

¤ a root word; TDNT - 5:800,782; n m

¤ AV - comforter 4, advocate 1; 5

¤ 1) summoned, called to one's side, esp. called to one's aid 1a) one who pleads another's cause before a judge, a pleader, counsel for defense, legal assistant, an advocate 1b) one who pleads another's cause with one, an intercessor 1b1) of Christ in his exaltation at God's right hand, pleading with God the Father for the pardon of our sins 1c) in the widest sense, a helper, succourer, aider, assistant 1c1) of the Holy Spirit destined to take the place of Christ with the apostles (after his ascension to the Father), to lead them to a deeper knowledge of the gospel truth, and give them divine strength needed to enable them to undergo trials and persecutions on behalf of the divine kingdom

9] Insight from Grandma Anna

Note from Grandma Anna: Perhaps we could extend Sandy’s above Word Study to another application. This could be the Lord speaking to us prophetic intercessors and asking: "What kind of intercessors are we? Are our hearts knit with His in mercy in regards to His not wanting any to perish? Are our hearts thrilled that our messages have the potential to change behavior, and that God may even repent of the prophesied judgment? Do we allow Him to be God, whether or not He carries through with it? Do we run to Him afterwards, stand in the gap and beg Him not to bring to pass that which was prophesied? Or are we sitting under a gourd pouting because we are more concerned over our own spiritual reputation when He does the exact opposite of what He told one to speak to the people???

10] Something to Consider - Mercy vs Judgment

A Message from Sandy Warner 2/22/98

This year, 1999, we are standing at the crossroads of history. Judgment fires are ready to be loosed upon the world, and nothing short of repentance and intercession will cool them. Some judgments are reversible, some are not, some can be lessened. They hang in the balance and we do not yet know the outcome.

However, to me, the parable of Jonah is plain. He was a prophet sent by God to speak judgment and repentance. Yet Jonah was mad at God when they repented and God turned the judgment! Jonah felt that God had made him look like a fool. As I was reading a Word to Ponder I wrote in the mid 80’s called, Jonah, I was thinking about the tension between mercy and judgment and how they relate. I suddenly wondered, "What will to happen to the angry prophet if his particular prophesy does not come to pass?"

I think the distinction here is the heart of the prophet. Many are prophesying judgment, but some with angry and pointing fingers, and others with an urgent and pleading call to repentance and intercession. There is a difference in the tone, in the heart of what is spoken and why. I am reminded of the scripture where James and John wanted to call fire down from heaven: "And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, "Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?" But He turned and rebuked them, and said, "You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. "For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them." (Luke 9: 54 - 56)

I think that John the Beloved must have had an instant conversion at the very moment. The Lord opened his heart to truly understand the heart of the Father. As I was pondering this, I suddenly realized that if anyone was worthy to receive the vision of the book of Revelations, and then to write such, it would have been John.

11] Jonah - A Word to Ponder

Taken from the book, Words to Ponder by Sandy Warner


Doest thou well to be angry with God? What is more important; the lost one's heart or your pride? Go. Send My Word. You shall witness transformation. In the process perhaps you will be touched and learn the heart of servanthood and humility.

"Jonah rose up to flee... from the presence of the Lord." (Jonah 1:3)

12] The Sign of Jonah

Still Small Voice heard via Sandy Warner 3/23/96

HEARD: Jonah. Sign all over the world. They repent. Eyes opened. Around the world. News flash.

13] From the Journal of Sandy

Journal excerpts from Sandy Warner 2/12/98

Last night I heard a strange riddle. I think it has to do with the sign of Jonah:

HEARD: Are they going to be there for anybody? Signs. Posts. Signposts. Although He expresses mercy in judgment. He doesn’t want to have to judge.

Then today my husband Wayne started telling me how the prophets today need to consider Jonah. He had no idea that I had been thinking about Jonah the last several days. Neither did he know that last night I asked the question, "What happens to the angry prophets if our nation repents?" I felt that the Lord was speaking through Wayne.

Later as I was pondering the fact that mercy triumphs over judgment, I glanced at today’s newspaper. The headlines said, "Clinton acquitted." As I peered at it, I suddenly saw a vision of a computer mouse highlighting the word, "Acquitted" in bold. I knew this was a confirmation that the Lord was saying no matter what we deserve, His heart is mercy triumphs over judgment.

Today as we went out for breakfast I saw another newspaper headline: It said, "Acquittal assured." It was quickened to me as a 2nd confirmation.

Wayne brought out an interesting fact today about his dream, David Come Home (posted in the file Standing in the Gap). He said that when David came home, the angels did not rejoice that he had been wounded or that he had come home. In fact, they were deeply sad and in mourning. It was not until David yielded to the fact that God had brought him home that they turned and worshipped the Lord. This too reveals the heart of God. He does not want to have to wound.

Grandma Anna Note: As I pondered the president’s acquittal, the Lord opened my eyes to see more clearly. "I place particular ones in government for My own purposes, and even more so as you see the day approaching. Lean not unto your own understanding, but know that Clinton’s acquittal will hasten the day that satan is marched to the pit."

14] Report on Mercy Over Judgment

[The following is an excerpt from Steve’s report as relating to what Paul Cain said]

A note from Steve Shultz, Moderator of Elijah List:

November 7, 1998

I just returned from the Pastor's luncheon with Jack Deere and Paul Cain in Portland, OR today. I've tried to accurately portray what he has said, not as quotes, but with the essence of his message. I hope this helps.


There is a seed of the Lord/Christianity in Clinton and we should continue to extend mercy to and pray for him. The reason we need to extend mercy, quite simply is that we NEED mercy and we won't get it (inferred from what he is saying) from the Lord, if we don't extend it. There are pastors who are guilty of what Clinton has done and more, but they have not yet been exposed. Those who show no mercy will not get mercy.

15] Quotes on Appealing for Mercy

From Bob Jones Shepherd’s Rod 99

"The judgments prophesied for this country will now become apparent in the coming year. Some of these judgments are set and will not be changed. Fortunately, there remains a small opportunity for divinely granted repentance that can change their severity. Many have spurned mercy and grace for the last time and will experience the Lord’s chastening hand. Still others have an opportunity to appeal to the mercy and grace of God and repent for disobedience and unbelief and obtain mercy even in the midst of judgment. This applies not only to the world but also to those in the church that have harbored sin in their lives that the Lord has been attempting to deal with for years."

"The people of God must especially deal with unresolved anger and bitterness over the failures of the past. If we are harboring anger or bitterness for any reason, we must take that to the cross and ask for the grace to be released from it so our discernment will be clear and unimpeded. If we desire the Lord’s Mercy we must also be willing to extend Mercy and forgiveness. We will live this year by the fruit of our own lips."

16] Vision of the Streams of Law & Grace, Mercy & Truth, etc.

Vision given to Dale 2/24/99

VISION: As I was contemplating why certain people heard the Lord speak in a way that made Him appear to be legalistic, I saw many streams flowing from what I took to be the throne of God (I could not actually see the source). As I watched these streams, I could see different people in different streams.

I recognized that each stream had a basic spiritual tone to it and represented a particular aspect of the nature of God. I saw streams of grace, mercy, truth, law, wisdom, kindness, etc. There were more streams than I could keep track of.

I could see where two separate streams would flow together for a season and then split back off into separate streams again. I saw this with the stream of mercy and the stream of grace. There were places where mercy and grace flowed together and made a stream of mercy and grace. I also saw this with mercy and truth. They came together and separated in many places.

Truth seemed to mingle with more of the other streams than did any other. Each time a stream would merge with another there was an increase in depth and flow. I saw people shift streams. They did so when another stream merged with the stream they were in. It was most often the stream of truth that became a pathway into another stream. Truth would often take them to an entirely different stream where they began to take on the attributes of that particular new stream.

I noticed there were many more people in the stream of law than in any other stream. Some of the people in this stream I recognized. I knew them to have powerful gifts but also knew their gifts often manifested in harsh and strict ways. I now understood that this was because of the stream that they were in! As I saw people shift streams, I continued to marvel at how many people chose to stay in the stream of the law. This stream was very shallow and had almost no movement to it at all. Those in the stream of the law seemed to be going nowhere. Yet there were places where the other streams merged with the law. At each of these places there was an opportunity for the people in the stream of the law to get out. But they seemed to be comfortable in the calm orderly flow of the law. The other streams had more current and were often turbulent where they met and departed with the stream of the law.

[end of vision]

17] Additional Comments on Law, Judgment and Jesus Christ

From Dale 2/27/99

I have personally experienced a great grieving in my soul over the "spirit" that the majority of the church seems to be in. It is not just prophets, but pastors and church leaders of all kinds who continue in the spirit of the law and not in the spirit of grace.

Even though the church knows theologically that Jesus Christ is the end of the law for righteousness, many continue to view God, the world, and the church through Old Testament eyes. Much of leadership views God and His people through the eyes of Elijah (or some other Old Testament prophet or priest), and not through the eyes of the greatest Prophet, Priest and King who has ever lived -- the mediator of a New Covenant -- Jesus Christ. The Word of God clearly records that the law came through Moses but grace and truth through Jesus Christ.

Nowhere in the New Covenant are we told to emulate a single Old Testament figure. Yes we are to learn from them, but not to emulate them. It is a great failure when we look like any prophet, priest, or king other than the Lord Jesus Christ. Even the spirit of Elijah that is to be released in the last days is to be released to make a way to Christ. Scriptures says that the apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors, and teachers are sent to bring the whole body into the full measure and stature of Jesus Christ (Eph 4:13). In the New Testament we are told to put on the Lord Jesus Christ, (Rom 13:14) not some Old Testament prophet’s personality.

Judgment belongs to the law! We are taught repeatedly throughout the New Testament NOT to judge anyone outside of ourselves. How I long to see New Covenant Christianity, where the saints look like Jesus and not Elijah!

Jesus really did die on a cross and in so doing crucified the law, so that we might now live under the power of grace through His resurrection from the dead. Pentecost really did happen! There really were 3000 souls saved that day, in contrast to the 3000 souls that died when Moses brought the law down from Sinai. The letter really does kill and the Spirit really does give life. Oh that we would live in the Spirit and be done with the works of the law once and for all!