By Sandy Warner

101+ WAYS GOD SPEAKS (And How To Hear Him) provides new Christians an excellent foundation for developing a relationship with God. It also encourages mature Christians to increase their own hearing. Well organized and illustrated, it includes heartwarming personal examples, scripture and metaphor. All readers will enjoy reading and applying its contents.

Enjoy the benefits of this book!

  • Learn the methods of how God speaks to you

  • Understand the language in which He speaks

  • Gain hope as you "listen to Him with renewed ears"

  • Be encouraged by the testimony of others who seek Him on a daily level

  • Learn to accurately discern the supernatural

  • Become established in sharing your gifts with others

  • Finally have a tool to give new Christians that will teach them how to have a personal relationship with God

Utilize the details of this book!

  • Each of the 101+ sections has a personal example of how God Speaks

  • Lists 59 practical ways to discern God is speaking

  • Lists 27 attributes of the nature of God and His Words

  • Records many footnotes of Greek & Hebrew definitions and scriptural references for optional study

  • Teaches basics of interpretation

Sandy is happily married since 1976. She and her husband have one son. Juggling family life, business responsibilities and household is a challenge, but they divide the load and work together. In the midst of it all, Sandy has a yearning to hear the Lord in her daily life and share that joy with others.

