
Superimposed Speech



There are times when God speaks as a layer that is superimposed over what someone else is saying, or what we are seeing with our spiritual or natural eyes.   This happens at the exact same time we might hear a person speak or do something.

This took place when Jesus saw Nathanael coming towards Him.  There were natural events and supernatural events superimposed over the top.

John 1:48 Nathanael said unto him, Where do you know me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.

Often what we hear is only a word, line or sentence and that is all.  These times are noticeable because they have an emphasis somewhat stronger than His still small voice.  All of a sudden the volume goes up on my actual physical hearing by several decibels on a particular word, line or sentence.  It is a physical hearing, but I also hear His inner voice at the same time.  I can be in a large crowd, in another room, or outside near groups of people, and all of a sudden the volume goes up on only a portion of some sentence.  The ‘volume’ of my physical hearing is not altered by how loud someone speaks.  The volume is affected because I hear two people speak at once – the Lord and the person.  Once I realize it is the Lord speaking to me, I take the time to ponder what I just heard, then apply it. 

As an example of such, I had been concerned about a misunderstanding I’d had with another person.  I had really been praying about it, knowing there was little I could do except pray.  I heard the Lord say, “I’ll take care of it.”  Then a while later as I was still fussing about it, I overheard a line on the news, where someone said, “It’s behind us now.”  At the same time the newscaster said that phrase, I heard His still small voice say the same thing superimposed over it.  With His superimposing, it sounded as though the volume on the TV had gone up for just that sentence, although I knew it had not.  With this second confirmation, I was finally able to stop fussing and find peace about the situation.

Another time, I was in a Chinese restaurant and I heard a lady several tables away say, “It’s time for a change.”  I heard the Lord’s voice say the same thing at the same time she said that.  My impression of her voice went up several decibels on that phrase, and even though she had been talking before and after that phrase, only that phrase stuck out because the Lord’s voice brought emphasis upon it.  I understood from this that a change would shortly be coming and to accept it when it came.  Shortly after that, I reorganized this book for better flow and order and in the process it was in quite a state of upheaval.  I remembered that Word and it gave me confirmation that even though things looked in disarray, the Lord saw this ahead of time and He would help me through it.

I have been in prayer rooms where many people are speaking in tongues at the same time.  Occasionally the Lord would literally raise the volume on one or two sentences of what someone just said in tongues, and at the same time I heard His still small voice superimposed over their sentences and His interpretation of what they were speaking. 

One example where He speak superimposed is through the interpretation of tongues.  On the day of Pentecost, people from different nations who spoke different languages, experienced amazement when the Holy Spirit fell upon them.  Everyone spoke in tongues which they could clearly hear them speak audibly, but the language in which they heard them speak was their own language and not the language in which the others were actually speaking.  In other words, the different nations were speaking in foreign languages, but when they heard the languages being spoken, they heard it in their own language.

Acts 2:4-8 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. 5 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. 6 Now when this was sounded abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because every man heard them speak in his own language. 7 And they were all amazed and marveled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these who speak Galileans? 8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue, in which we were born?

ANGELIC EXPERIENCE 5/18/00:  I was almost at the checkout stand at the grocery store and noticed I had an individual peach cobbler tart and no fat/no sugar ice cream in my grocery cart.  I was feeling twinged about it, thinking it was too much sugar.  Then I said, “I am not going to eat this the same day.. still allotting my portions.”  Then I thought to myself, perhaps I should buy just one.  Then said, “Lord if you want me to turn around I will.” 

Immediately, as I was moving my heavy cart slowly forward, it whirled all by itself as though on one wheel and faced the opposite direction, towards the ice cream!   At that exact moment a man about 50’ away said to his small child, “We can only buy one.”  The Lord increased my hearing so that his voice was very loud, even though I know that man was speaking normally to his son. I took the ice cream back very joyously!


I speak to you in many ways.  Learn to be sensitive to My Presence at all times and I will quicken your ears to hear My voice.  One of these ways is through your literal ears.  There will be times when you are in a room full of people I will supernaturally turn the volume up on a sentence, a phrase, or a concept spoken from someone in passing.  They will not be speaking directly to you, but I AM speaking. I will have highlighted My Word to you through them. 

“But Paul’s nephew heard of their plan and went to the fortress and told Paul.”  (Acts 23:16-17 NLT)

For examples of the different ways He uses superimposed speech, click on the link below.


7/21/05:  A few days ago I made a commitment to start having morning devotions again and also walking, instead of going to bed late and rising late.  I have been having my time outside under the tree with the fountain gurgling.  And the gentle breeze.  And earplugs with my worship music.  And the flowers are so lovely and the shade filtering with the sun.  It has been very special, like on a vacation in Hawaii!  And on my walks I am praying in tongues and singing.  The air is so fresh and cool and nice. 

Today as I was eating my breakfast outside on the deck and listening to a worship song through the earphones, I heard very clearly the voice of a male angel superimpose and blend into the human voices.  He sang:  It’s so good to see you this morning.