


HEARD AND SAW: Follow through. Keep it up, its an alignment. I saw a hand holding onto a computer monitor. The monitor was being turned around and positioned directly in front of me. I heard the Lord say, Re-positioned.

Deuteronomy 30:10 If you shall hearken unto the voice of the LORD your God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which are written in this book of the law, and if you turn unto the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul.


Dear one, there are times when your life is laborious due to many responsibilities. It is in those times that your faith in My leading and grace carries you through to completion. When I give you awareness of your need for personal space, it is helpful to take some time off to de-stress and reset.

Always remember that where your treasure is, there is your heart too. I wait for you just as you wait for Me dear one. Come to Papa and spend quiet times with Me. Let Me bath you in My peace, without noise, without distraction. Put your total focus Me and My Word to you. You will tangibly feel what a difference this makes in your daily life.

Ps 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God.


My daughter. … What you focus on, you make room for.


WORSHIP: You are not alone precious child. Abandonment. My Presence IS with you. [This morning during worship I kept checking for His Presence to see if it was there during worship. Sadhu mentioned this weekend that Saul and Sampson didn’t know when His anointing had left them. That was scary!]

HEARD: Things are competing for your attention. Focus. I had the impression of a horse with side blinders along the side of his head to keep his eyes straight ahead. Keep your eyes on Me. A soldier at attention. I will get you there.

Set time aside. Seek My face. Be still and know that I am God. The rest that comes with My Presence. Settled in. My daughter. I had the memory of John the Beloved laying his head upon Jesus. Still waters. I restore your soul.

I had a difficult time entering into the Lord, there were so many distractions in starting my day. I kept thinking about what I needed to do and my mind was wandering. I was determined to not put my devotional time aside, but to enter in. He felt so far away.

Little things were nagging me, like my new pen. I had purchased one that was guaranteed not to smear. Well it doesn’t smear but it skips. I kept trying to get the ink to flow and it would flow then skip, etc. (Exactly what was taking place in my hearing Him.) Finally I left my resting place with the Lord (where I was not resting) and went to my bedroom to get my old pen.

When I retrieved the pen, I saw my rocking chair. I wondered if that might help. So I got my lapboard, put a pillow behind my back, my head, under my feet, and under the lapboard. And then I totally relaxed letting all the pillows support me with pen in hand, ready to listen again! I was smiling at how relaxed I felt in the rocker, never having felt that supported before. I did hear Him some more and then I opened my eyes and kept looking at my bed, so longingly! Smiles, yes I landed back in bed and finished my devotions there. I smiled thinking how I finally had entered in and made a connection where I was no longer distracted and our time together was flowing. It was just me and Him and He finally had my thorough attention! It was a parable of my “laboring” to return to my resting place in Him.

Hebrews 4:9-11 There remains therefore a rest to the people of God. 10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also has ceased from his own works, as God did from his. 11 Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

HEARD (smiles, in bed): A watchman looking for My Word. Expecting kyros moments. Impact. Bursts of revelation. You know! And I am there. Reaching beyond and pulling it down. By faith. What I say comes alive in your life. Yes for real. On earth. That’s My purpose. To see you live in My Word and walk it out. I saw the word “How?” with a question mark.

As I pondered that question, I wrote this:

  1. Ask to remember His Word, for the Holy Spirit to bring it into remembrance.
  2. Ask for enlightened eyes to recognize it when He quickens is as personal.
  3. Ask for a connection to what He said that sparks your faith.
  4. Then make a choice to apply what He said to your personal life.

This brings change, impact. This brings freedom to advance as you follow through.


Precious child I know how badly you want to connect with Me. You do know I am there with you and will never abandon you. My Presence is with you always and as you choose to enter in, I will give you rest. There are many types of rest that you need and I provide them all in My loving support of your ways.

The connection that you seek is the rest where you sink in and believe. It is when I speak My Word and it comes alive with personal application. That is when your faith is activated because you KNOW I am the One Who just spoke to you. We have made a connection! You reached up and I reached down and we connected and shared living Words together. Oh how precious when we meet together!

That is available to you every day dear child. I can help you as you follow through in setting a dedicated time to be apart with Me. Make a choice to put your focus on Me, setting all else aside.

This is away from the world, away from responsibilities and concerns. With your attention and expectation on Me, I will meet you there precious one!

Isaiah 26:2-3 Open the gates, that the righteous nation which keeps the truth may enter in. 3 You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is STAYED on you: because he trusts in you.


CONFIRMATION:  After I wrote the above Word, I went to Facebook and someone had posted this!
