Eagle Parables

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Eagle Facts & Parables of Mentoring
Isaiah 40:31 KJV
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Deut 32:11-12 NKJV
As an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its young, spreading out its wings, taking them up, carrying them on its wings, so the LORD alone led him, and there was no foreign god with him.
As most of you know, eagles have been classified in the prophetic world as being symbolic of the prophetic. I recently did some research about eagles and was fascinated with how the information correlated with our training up as Christians and also the prophetic giftings.
Did you know that eagles must LEARN to fly and hunt and are taught by OBSERVING their parents? These skills are not instinctive like some of God’s creatures. However, eagles are born with a different instinct called imprinting. Konrad Lorenz first discovered imprinting when he observed ducks and geese hatching out of their eggs. He noticed they would bond with the first moving object they saw, regardless of whether this was their parent. From that first moment of imprinting, they follow their moving parent (or adopted parent) until raised. (It is interesting that Paul said, “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.” 1 Cor. 11:1)
The concept of imprinting is fascinating. Bird shelters that rescue eagle eggs, must hand feed them with an eagle puppet so that the eagles do not think they are human and end up resisting their own kind when it is time to mate. In Kondrad’s imprinting studies, he saw one egg hatch near a rolling ping pong ball. When the duck grew old enough, it tried to mate with anything that was round and rolling. One group of ducklings imprinted on his moving boots. In the morning when he would go outside to put on his boots, instead of being in their nest, the ducks were curled up and sleeping on his boots. They followed Kondrad – everywhere his boots took him.
In this concept of imprinting, it is easy to see the importance of both newborn Christians and also newborn prophets needing proper Christian and prophetic role models. Anything that ‘moves’ in the name of Christianity, is not necessarily the right standard to follow. (Mat 7:22,23, 5:24, 2 Tim 4:3,4)
Like the eagles, a Christian’s foundations of learning to fly and hunt must be learned, and the adoptive parents play an important part in this. Flying in a Christian’s life is faith to rise above circumstances. Hunting is searching for the manna or bread from heaven, to grow strong and healthy. At first the role models feed the young, then they must learn to find food for themselves. “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Prov 22:6)
There is an old adage, “Give a person a fish, and he has food for a day. Teach a person to fish, and he has food for a lifetime.” One aspect of being taught is learning to listen and then applying it. The young learn this by watching older ones model something, then they mimic it themselves until they develop their own skills. “Listen, my child, to what your father teaches you. Don’t neglect your mother’s teaching. What you learn from them will crown you with grace and clothe you with honor.” (Prov 1:8-9
An important aspect of teaching, is for the older ones to take the time to explain HOW they came to their conclusions. If they are sharing something from the Lord, they can take the time to explain what went on behind the scenes, building bridges of communication, so that the young can also learn how to come up with their own conclusions when the time comes. When the older ones simply give the meat (the Word of the Lord) without giving them the scripture, vision, dream, life examples, the answers to prayer, the thought processes that went on behind the scenes… etc… then the young are forced to either swallow or reject the food without question. And the Word becomes fish for a day. But if the young are led in what went on behind the scenes, then they learn to apply their own conclusions and also learn the roads of revelation and faith in receiving food from the Lord by themselves.
The best teacher is a role model. Jesus taught by living among the people, showing them how to do what He did and teaching them about His Father Who was the Source for everything in His life. He taught people through stories in their current surroundings, so that they could see the practical and apply it to the spiritual. The best kind of teachers are those who are transparent and learn to let go of their dignity and masks. They are simply real, living people, sharing from their own hearts and lives… the triumphs and the pitfalls of every day living, and how relationship with our Heavenly Father makes a difference. (John 10:2-4)
We may think that we are not mature enough to teach anyone. This is not true. I spent a long time praying for mature leadership so that we would have enough godly role models to raise the harvest when it came. And the Lord brought me an answer I did not expect. If you watch a baby in a room with other people, you will notice that if there is a toddler in the room, the baby’s eyes will follow the moving toddler. If there is a grade schooler in the room, the toddler will watch the moving grade schooler. The younger will automatically bond and follow whatever available age is older than its own. I noticed this is like imprinting! God has placed within our lives, an instinctive bonding that each level of maturity looks up to, following and mimicking the next available level above it. When the harvest comes in, a one day old Christian can reach a non Christian with his own story of how God found him. The one week old Christian can share the scripture that jumped off the page with the 2 day old Christian. And so it goes, until we all grow into the full measure and stature of Jesus Christ. (Eph 4:13)
The movie called “Fly Away Home” is a wonderful true story of how a little girl rescued some duck eggs from an excavation project and brought them home to hatch. After hatching they followed her everywhere and she found out as they were growing that these ducks would not survive unless she taught them to fly and took their migration south for the winter. This prophetic story is a remarkable feat of how she taught them to flap their wings and eventually fly and how she led them on their first migration to escape the bitter cold. If she could fly them south, they would find their own way back home in the spring by the same way she took them, and then be able to take the following winter migrations without her. All the subsequent “children” of those first ducks would be able to follow their parents on their own first migration and the cycle would continue.
When a baby eagle fledges (loses its fluffy baby down and grows flying feathers) a parent will hover over the nest and flap its wings. As the fledgling stretches for food, it mimics the parents and flaps its newly feathered wings. The subsequent wind that the parent makes, will cause the baby to rise slightly above the nest as the baby is also flapping its own wings. These are its first flights – inches above the floor of the nest, usually at about 8-10 weeks old. The fledging makes vigorous wing stretches and exercises and is very hungry. It weighs about one pound more than its parents because it needs the excess to survive the next stage of training which is hunting – outside the nest.
Sometimes when a young eaglet is fearful of taking its first flight away from the nest, a parent will withhold food to force it out. This is similar to what happens to those who have been closely mentored and the Lord says its time the “fledglings” got their wings. The fledglings find their mentors increasingly unavailable and or are told to try and hear the Lord for themselves.
I read of one experience written by Frances Hamerstrom who spent her life studying wildlife. This was her observation of a fledgling’s first flight. I thought it a remarkable parable of our lives with the Lord. The following is a quote from her book, “An Eagle to the Sky” (1970).
“The…..eaglet was now alone in the nest. Each time a parent came flying in toward the nest he called for food eagerly; but over and over again, it (the parent) came with empty feet, and the eaglet grew thinner. He pulled meat scraps from the old dried-up carcasses lying around the nest. He watched a sluggish carrion beetle, picked it up gingerly, and ate it. His first kill.
Days passed, and as he lost body fat he became quicker in his movements and paddled ever more lightly when the wind blew, scarcely touching the nest edge; from time to time he was airborne for a moment or two.
Parents often flew past and sometimes fed him. Beating his wings and teetering on the edge of the nest, he screamed for food whenever one flew by. And a parent often flew past just out of reach, carrying delectable meals: a half-grown jack rabbit or a plump rat raided from a dump. Although he was hungry almost all the time, he was becoming more playful as he lost his baby fat; sometimes, when no parent bird was in sight, he pounced ferociously on a scrap of prairie dog skin or on old bits of dried bone.
The male eaglet stayed by himself for the most part. He was no longer brooded at night. Hunger and the cold mountain nights were having their effect, not only on his body but on his disposition. A late frost hit the valley, and a night wind ruffled his feathers and chilled his body. When the sunlight reached the eyrie’s (the brood in a nest of a bird of prey) edge, he sought its warmth; and soon, again, he was bounding in the wind, now light and firm-muscled.
A parent flew by, downwind, dangling a young marmot in its feet. The eaglet almost lost his balance in his eagerness for food. Then the parent swung by again, closer, upwind, and riding the updraft by the eyrie, as though daring him to fly. Lifted light by the wind, he was airborne, flying–or more gliding–for the first time in his life. He sailed across the valley to make a scrambling, almost tumbling landing on a bare knoll. As he turned to get his bearings the parent dropped the young marmot nearby. Half running, half flying he pounced on it, mantled, and ate his fill.”
[end of Frances’ quote]
I thought that story a profound parable of our journey with the Lord. When it’s time to leave our nest of comfort and learn to fly, we get so hungry for the Lord that we are willing to leave our comfortable surroundings and abandon old childhood habits, all for the taste and fill of strong meat dropped from heaven. Strong meat is not easily palatable, but when one becomes hungry enough, it is.
Frances’ recording was a heroic first flight. Most often an eaglet will take its first flight to a nearby tree branch, or stump. It will glide back to the nest if possible. Otherwise the parents continue to bring food wherever it perches. It is at this time it breaks the infant bond with the nest. (However they have discovered in the imprinting studies, that mated eagles will return to the nest or within close proximity to the nest and raise their own family.) One month after leaving the nest it has learned to soar and climb with the winds. It takes an eagle 4-5 years after this to become an adult eagle.
An eagle learns to soar by using thermal currents of air. These warm air patterns are created by the surrounding terrain. They will spread their wings and their tail feathers and let the wind carry them to new heights, then glide down to catch another upward thermal. Soaring saves an eagle energy because it does not have to flap its wings as often.
When I think of wings, I consider them to be parables of our wings of faith. Faith is a heart condition where we stretch out and reach toward the Lord, while the winds of His Spirit holds us afloat. When we flap our wings, we are vigorously exercising our faith through works, based upon what we believe the Lord has told us. And when we soar, we are resting in our trust in the Lord and letting Him carry us amidst the surrounding terrain. The Lord teaches us through faith, how to rise above difficulties and hindrances in our life. We learn how to rise high enough to gain His perspective on what is below. As I was praying about the concept of soaring with wings as eagles I heard the Lord say that we want a formula. He said there is no formula, only to abide in Him. (John 12:46, 14:16, 15:4,6,7,10)
I was interested in the role of the tail feathers for landing and maneuvering in flight. It stabilizes the eagle and is actually used like a brake when landing, just like an airplane. It tilts back and forth, up and down, depending upon the need. I felt that this parable was a significant part of our relationship the Lord – learning how to put on the brakes when needed. If you notice the scripture says, those that WAIT upon the Lord shall mount up with eagles wings. (Isa 40:31) It seems like that is the hardest lesson in life, to learn to wait upon Him and not do something in our own strength. Sometimes He wants us to wait because it is a matter of timing, like for instance we are losing our baby fur and growing eagles wings. But other times He wants us to wait upon Him because He wants to carry us so we don’t suffer burnout in flapping our wings! The truth is, when one learns to abide in Him, they learn the secret of waiting upon Him for everything they do. (John 5:19 “Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.”)
May we all learn to become better role models and teachers and students – and may we all learn to abide in Him in everything that we do. “And all of us have had that veil removed so that we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Him and reflect His glory even more.” (2 Cor 3:18 NLT)
May we wait upon the Lord to renew our strength; and may our faith mount up with wings as eagles so that we may run, and not be weary; and walk and not faint. Amen.
Part Two Eagle’s posting – The Various Stages of Hunting for Food
A baby eagle’s first lesson in hunting comes right after hatching. In other bird species, the mother will eat the food, then regurgitate the partially digested contents, and individually place the food in the baby’s gaping mouth. However a mother eagle shreds pieces of fresh fish or meat with her beak, then coaxes her young to take the raw morsel. She does not put the food directly into its mouth like other birds, because this is the eaglet’s first lesson in hunting. She offers the food over and over again, until the baby finds the prey, grabs it, then takes it for its own.
This is similar to how the Lord trains us. The Lord promises us in both the Old and New Testaments that we shall find Him IF we seek Him. (Jer 29:13-14, Luke 11:9-10) These promises reveal that we have an active part in being fed by Him. He already has our food, we must search for it, grab it and taken it as our own.
At first He dangles His food in front of us until our appetites are stirring. An example of this is when we hear of another’s awesome experience in the Lord, and say, “WOW would I like to hear from Him like that!” Once our appetites are aroused, we start seeking Him. “If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” (Luke 11:11-13 NKJV) And then we must RECEIVE what He is offering. “Anyone who is willing to hear should listen and understand! And be sure to pay attention to what you hear. The more you do this, the more you will understand–and even more, besides.” (Mark 4:23-25 NLT)
When the eaglets get older, the parents carry the food with their talons or bill and drop it in the nest. Now the eaglets must tear the food for themselves. I am reminded of when the Lord plops a vision, dream, etc into a young prophet’s life, then allows him to tear it apart, piece by piece; to interpret, digest, and apply it. It can be frustrating to have a big hunk of meat drop into your life when you have no idea what to do with it. However hunger coaxes one to bite off a chunk at a time, taking each chunk to the Lord for His help and confirmation until the whole thing is digested. Sometimes, especially when we receive visions and dreams about our callings, it takes years to digest the full ramification in the original hunk of meat of what He gave us. Often it is only after it comes to pass that we see the full scope of what He meant. And then, that scope is not revealed without the Holy Spirit’s quickening. (Gen 37:7, 42:6)
I thought it interesting that when the eagles are still young, the parents move about the nest with their talons balled into fists. This keeps them from accidentally skewering the babies. The Holy Spirit quickened to me the need for self control and patience by nurturing parents, or role models. Newborn prophetic eagles are often sent on assignments by the Lord to share their revelations with a spiritual teacher in their life. (I Sam 3:16-17) They learn lessons in obedience, overcoming fear of man, fear of rejection, desiring the man’s approval, etc. There are other ways to overcome these without the painful skewering of rejection. For instance, a newborn prophet’s expectations will most likely be greater than what they end up receiving by way of feedback! It is worthy to note that only 50% of baby eaglets live to adulthood, mainly because of the lack of food and the acquired hunting skills. Applying this to young prophets, a relationship with a mentor is very vital until they can become established. (I Tim 1:2)
A full grown adult can see its prey from a great distance, diving up to 100 MPH, grabbing and plunging its talons into a fish, and never even get its legs wet. So you can see that an eaglet needs lots of practice, a step at a time. Flying, pouncing, grabbing, ripping pieces of food is a part of this practice. After an eaglet’s first flight away from the nest, it continues to take small flights to develop its flying and landing skills while watching the adults eat prey, then nudging themselves in to eat too. This is an important part of learning to hunt and the adults allow this.
I saw a parable in this eaglet training process. Often the older and established prophets will share the Word of the Lord in a generic way. They may give an announcement of some important revelation. But when they do so, they do not greatly expound upon it, except just enough to announce it. Basically they are called to catch a chunk of revelation or meat and bring it to earth. Then after their own fill, they leave it to the prophetic pastors and teachers to tear it apart and explain the details of how it is applied and to bring out additional quickened pieces of revelation.
When the prophetic pastors and teachers do so, this can appear as stealing or grabbing food from their revelation. But this is the Lord’s work and no revelation belongs to one person but for the whole body to build itself up in love. (I Cor 3:9) What may appear as stealing is actually the Holy Spirit speaking to further develop the same theme. (The Lord knows the false ones from the real ones, and He will establish those that are His own.)
At this time, the young eagles have also learned to soar and spot moving prey. However they do not dive for it, rather they watch the adults dive down to snatch it. This similarity is also a very normal part of prophetic upbringing. Often a young prophet will be given a revelation and then shortly afterwards hear it announced through an established prophet. This is a work of the Holy Spirit because He most often speaks in similar themes to the prophets in the same seasons. (Acts 21:10-11, 20:23) For many years I would hear snipits of information from the Lord then hear it announced to the body of Christ through an older prophet.
At first this frustrated me until I realized it was a great opportunity to kill MY flesh: ambition, desire for recognition and approval, etc!!! Once young prophets get past these stumbling blocks, (for these must be killed on the cross if one wants to go higher in the Lord) then they get excited that what they hear and see is being confirmed. This builds their faith and joy and relationship in Him. They also have the joy of watching (and being mentored through) the awesome display of the older prophet swooping in for the kill of this revelatory meat, and bringing it to earth. And if they are following the Holy Spirit, the younger prophets will also get to partake and eat of the same kill and receive greater bits and pieces of revelation than they had by just previously watching and knowing.
For the most part, an eagle’s diet is fresh fish (especially salmon). However when conditions or seasons are not available for such, they eat other small mammals. When in dire need they will scavenge on dead prey, also known as carrion. This is especially true of young eaglets because they are not yet skillful at hunting.
This fact was really quickened to me as a parable that some of the prophetic today are eating carrion, which is prey from the second heaven. The second heaven is the realm of the demonic. It is the area that every prophet must press through and overcome, to make it into the third heaven. The third heaven is where the throne room of the Lord is, and where the revelation is clear, pure, holy and without mixture.
Sometimes what the younger prophetic ones do not understand is that even though second heaven revelation might be very supernatural – what they have seen or heard is the enemy plans and not the Lord’s plans. Often negative Words will be misunderstood and accepted as the will of the Lord, then the young prophet makes an announcement and declares a negative Word. However, there are also some more mature prophetic callings that are sent as spies into the second heaven, to find out the plans of the enemy and expose them so that they do NOT come to pass. Those with this specific assignment have the authority to withstand what they see and hear, in particular regarding principalities.
Second heaven revelation contains dead, non edifying bits that sour the taste and make them impure and void of the faith, hope and love of the Lord. It is important to learn how to separate the holy from the profane. The best, simplest and most profitable way to separate anything is the through the filters of faith, hope and love…. The greatest being love. (Heb 5:14, I Cor 13:13)
However even mature eagles eat carrion when no fresh meat is available. This is similar to receiving faith from a negative warfare experience from the second heaven. The Lord can turn an evil attempt to destroy our faith into a strengthening piece of meat when we realize that we must be on the right track for the devil to bring such opposition!!!
Through out the maturation process, a young eaglet learns the skills of using its feet for eating, balance, landing skills, and finally catching prey. The feet are the most important weapon and hunting tool for an eagle. (Rom 16:20) They use their feet and talons to capture and kill their prey. They dive from long distances, straight to their victim and bore their long talons into the flesh. This is done so quickly and smoothly it appears more like a ballet than an act of violence.
I am reminded of the scripture, “Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle.” (Ps 144:1 NKJV) An eagle has a well developed sense of touch in its feet, for catching prey. In these last days, we are going to experience some very unusual and interesting ways that the Lord uses our hands (and feet) for battle in overcoming demons. Eagles also bear their talons outstretched when approaching other birds like vultures who are feeding on a large animal. Eagles are known to drive vultures away and even force them to disgorge their meal. (Mat 24:28) I am reminded of the many scriptures about taking back our inheritance that the enemy has stolen.
With both their bills and talons, eagles will wade in shallow water and spear fish. They rip the heads off the fish, then stand on it to tear chunks from its body. (I Sam 17:51) “For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet.” (1 Cor 15:25-26 NKJV) As the prophetic gifting matures in our calling, we will ultimately place the enemy under our feet. What a joy that will be!