

1280x800 wallpaper | sunflower field | Peakpx


(On my hand journal I titled the day, Just Show Up)

[Here I am Lord, I am showing up!] HEARD AND SAW:

Freedom to show up. I am keeping you dear one. To comfort a daughter. It’s going to be OK. Your medicine is coming. I am healing you. Your medicine. I saw an open palm with a pill on it. The will of the Lord. That’s correct. My will is your medicine. The satisfaction of doing what is right. It pleases Me. Thank you dear one.

John 4:34 Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.


I was quickened to pick up my printed April rhema notebook. It opened to the entry on 4/11/24 where I had pasted a quote from a QWN member:

CONFIRMATION QUOTE QWN MEMBER: Spiritual Seeds are being planted because of our sacrifice to the Lord by showing up in His presence and putting Him First. Everything begins as a seed. How we nurture that seed and tend to it and protect it from the weeds is our job. The Lord comes with the water and the sun to enhance the growth process. (Holy Spirit, and Son).

CONFIRMATION; The QWN  member chose a sunflower for her post! Last month I saw myself watering a single sunflower and I was reminded that sometimes we are sent to water others who are thirsty. The Lord sees our faithfulness to just show up and pour His water out.

Proverbs 25:13 As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refreshes the soul of his masters.

On 5/27/24 I saw myself watering a sunflower in a single camouflaged bucket. The sunflower was about a foot tall. That reminded me that on 10/01/23 I saw that I put a sunflower seed into the ground. I saw an angel standing over a treasure chest and he pulled out a full grown sunflower with many, many seeds like the one planted. I heard a crowd rejoicing with gladness over the multiplication from one seed.


Dear ones, yes I understand there are times when you don’t feel like you have anything to give.  You are not expected to perform for Me! Learn to pace yourself and take your needed rests too.

Do you feel expectations put upon you?  Always remember you cant give what you don’t have.  Always remember Who is your Source.  Set yourself free from performing and simply come to the Source of all giving.  I delight in giving you good gifts and My kingdom, simply for your asking.  As you put Me first and simply show up, I promise to give you what you need.  I know your need for rest and sustenance.  I will always be your daily bread as you simply show up and receive.  When you show up at My feet, it gives such pleasure to Me dear one.  What you have to give to Me is simply your heart.  I love you so!

Proverbs 8:34 Blessed [is] the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.

CONFIRMATION READER:   I chuckled at this because of what I’ve said a multitude of times over the years. I’ve come into the Lord’s presence wondering what was next or just a “what” in general and said ,”Well, here I am Lord,” and when my husband and I felt we were Sent by the Lord some where, he would say, “All we have to do is show up.