

8/22/24  HE’S IN MY BOAT

With the change of season drawing very near, today I felt led to prepare my end of the year and 2025 planner, Bible, tracker, and some devotional pages and print them out. Usually I print them at the end of every month for the next month coming. I felt it was important to get several months done. That way if for some reason I am without a computer and/or electricity I will still be able to have my morning routine with the Lord in a way that gives me pleasure. I started praying over the fall and winter months, my family’s electricity, health, provisions, entrusting into His care.

PRAYER: Lord because of all the warning prophesies over this fall and also elections, I am feeling anxious this morning. I earnestly desire to stay focused and settled on You throughout the coming days. Please help me.


  • Our power grid
  • Our transportation
  • Our supply lines
  • Medication, food and water
  • Banks
  • Psalm 91 health and protection

HEARD: Waves coming. I saw myself in the bottom of a boat, greatly comforted by its rocking and I had my eyes closed and just enjoyed the feeling of being carried.

As a child I used to sit on the floor of the bow of my Dad’s boat when we rode the waves down the river. I loved that place and felt so tucked in and safe. I always felt much better not seeing the waves, the rocks or the white water. It was a hideaway in the midst of much movement and I was a happy camper, often reading comics books totally oblivious of what was going on around me! It was a precious memory to remember when I saw the vision.

I need to let any movement that takes place because of outside circumstances to help me feel CARRIED by the Lord because He’s got this! I pondered the following scripture that He brought to mind and I thought, God is in my boat! How safe is that!

Matthew 8:23-27 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. 24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. 25 And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. 26 And he said unto them, Why are you fearful, O you of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. 27 But the men marveled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!

REVELATION: As I read this passage, yesterday’s memory came to mind. The telephone men have been working on setting up our new pole in our front yard. They had turned our power off and we were sitting with our Bibles near the window to get the light we needed. I said to Wayne, Boy this brings back memories. I felt a brief moment of dread. He said, Yah not so good ones. We had lost our power in January of this year in an ice storm and we lived without electricity for one week. (It is so different to live by the light of the window. I am reminded that 5785/ 2025 is the year of the WINDOW. That word will be a buzz word for sure.)

As I pondered that the disciples were very afraid and thinking they were going to die, I suddenly realized that they felt the fear because they had faced a storm before and gone through that trauma. The fear they were feeling was not based on their present circumstance of God being in their boat, but on their past circumstances. They had more knowledge from their past, but that didn’t make them smarter. They had survived their past experiences of storms on the water, but that didn’t give them more faith regarding the storm. The good news about this story is that they DID know Who to call upon! They cried to the Lord and THAT made them wiser. Jesus wanted them to go higher and learn to TRUST Him even in the storm. He wanted them to see that when God is in the boat, He too will calm the circumstances that rock our boat and we too will be CALM because we are obeying Him.

Thank You Lord, I am trusting You to carry us through this coming season into our new promised land of enlargement and freedom in which to build and restore. Let us look to what You are doing with Hope that You have it all taken care of and that You bring everything together for good because we love You.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.