Jesus’ Joy


(Text Version)

Jesus can appear in many different forms, like how He looked on earth as the Son go Man and in heaven as the King of Kings, and as the Lamb Who was slain.  I have seen Jesus (or portions of Him, like His hands, or the bottom of His robe, etc) at different times.  I even saw Him disguised as a fisherman!  However when I want to recall what He looks like, I always go back to one particular vision.  It is so precious to me.

Jesus approached a prodigal son (that is a son who has run away from home) and welcomed him.  Jesus appeared as He was on earth as the Son of Man.  I saw the back of the prodigal and had a close up view of Jesus’ amazing face as He hugged this man.  Oh my!  Jesus’ face was truly radiating with JOY!!! There was so much love and joy just pouring out of Him, Jesus was SO, SO happy!  His face was shining. It was as if He had been out  in the sun all day and his face was glowing from a fresh suntan.  I have never seen such  love and such joy exude out of a person.  It is a very precious memory tome and that vision gave me a wonderful glimpse into Who He really is.  The loving jo y of the Lord is my strength!

Num 6:24-26 NLT  ‘May the LORD bless you and protect you.  (25)  May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you.  (26)  May the LORD show you His favor and give you His peace.’