I saw a bull’s horn.
QUICKENED MEMORY: Take the Bull by the
{deal strongly with a difficult

[Horse represents
power and strength]
Job 39:19-25
"Have you given
the horse strength? Have you clothed his neck with
thunder? 20 Can you frighten him like a locust? His
majestic snorting strikes terror. 21 He paws in the
valley, and rejoices in his strength; He gallops into
the clash of arms. 22 He mocks at fear, and is not
frightened; Nor does he turn back from the sword. 23
The quiver rattles against him, The glittering spear and
javelin. 24 He devours the distance with fierceness and
rage; Nor does he come to a halt because the trumpet has
sounded. 25 At the blast of the trumpet he says, 'Aha!'
He smells the battle from afar, The thunder of captains
and shouting.
Women, take notice of what I am about to tell you.
I saw a child and she was looking downward. And I saw
her start to look up. Finally she looked straight up.
You are more than conqueror. It’s all about to change.
I am going to give you power and authority.

Nothing is too difficult for thee. Nothing is too
difficult for thee. Nothing, nothing, absolutely
nothing. Nothing is too difficult for thee.
I saw someone carrying a ladder and it was in 3
segments. It reminded me of 3 levels of heaven,
ascending to the 3rd heaven as Paul did in
his visions.
I saw the words GodsThrone.com being typed out.
I will use you.
I saw the top of a steeple on a church. It was handed
to me in the palm of my hand as though it was a little
church in a nativity scene.
Tonight during prayer I saw the nose of the glory train
very close view.
today’s rhema is connected with what I saw Kathy Walters
post tonight on Face Book. I believe the Lord is
encouraging women that we will be mightily used in His
power. The following is my vision that connects with
Kathy’s vision below
On 5/13/97
I had a trance vision where I saw water pouring over
a huge dam. Then I was suddenly in the water above
the dam and felt the current take me. I was floating
safely with my head above water but the pull was
very strong like a forceful magnet. I literally felt
the gravity and tug of the water pulling me
downstream near the rim. The Lord opened my natural
ears and I could literally hear the roar of a huge
gigantic falls like Niagara fall. The sound and pull
of the water was extremely powerful. As I could not
swim against the current and get out, I knew I was
going over. I heard the voice of the Lord say, “Hang
in there. Gravitational pull. Consider well. Can we
afford it? Can you afford not to? What do we do now?
Just let the flow carry you. I see your point. Point
made. A matter of time.” Later that night I had
another experience where I saw a 3-D cloud coming to
me. It was hazy and I could see through it. Somehow
I recognized that Jesus was inside the cloud and I
said, “Jesus!” His cloud came immediately into my
pores all over my body. (Sandy Warner:
The above was my personal
experience. Below is a post via Kathie Walters today:
MOVE OF GOD may be not as you think.
Several years ago I was in a meeting in Orlando. During
the worship I was asking the Lord what to preach about
and He told me "Romans 6 - you WERE crucified with
Almost immediately I was taken up in the Spirit and
wasn't able to move in anyway and I couldn't even open
my eyelids.
I could hear the music of the pianist and the next thing
I felt something swirling very strong all around my
legs, just below my knees. Then I seemed to be standing
in water which was rushing and swirling around me.
In front of me about 1/8th of a mile away was Niagara
Falls. It was loud, roaring, and the water falling as
you know if you been visited there, was very intense.
Thousands of tons of water per minute. I was being drawn
towards it like a magnet but inside I was trying to pull
"How would you like to get under that?" the Lord asked
me. "Well I would die for sure" I replied. "Not if
you're dead already," the Lord seemed to laugh. In fact
I saw Him and He tossed His head back and He did laugh,
like a victory laugh. ( Read Romans chapter six .."you
WERE crucified with Christ.")
I could hear my friend Joy Strang introduce me, but I
was unable to respond. After a little while the
anointing lifted and I was "unfrozen" and I ministered
the word I had.
I didn't think of it very often until we were in
Rochester NY a while ago. Bob Jones had prophesied
several years ago that we would be involved in a move of
the Spirit in Rochester among the young people.
There was also a connection to Niagara Falls. There was
a powerful move of God in Rochester - and there was an
Angel who came from Niagara Falls. There are 100 Angels
who are guarding that portal at Niagara. 100 reresents
God's elected grace.
While I was there in Rochester I went up and visited
Niagara. I remembered what the Lord had showed me about
the Falls and how the move of the Spirit that was coming
would be like Niagara. Smith Wigglesworth prayed that
God would pour out His spirit like that. Many people
have had visions of Niagara being a type of the next and
last great move of the Spirit.
The week-end after Rochester I was home and so I had a
whole day on Saturday to just wait on God. Sure enough
in the morning the fire of God came and the presence of
the Lord filled the room. I asked the Lord about this
move - this Niagara move.
The next thing was that I was suddenly standing in that
water again, but this time it was MUCH CLOSER. It also
wasn't scary because I remembered that the Lord had
laughed the last time I had seen it. It seemed to be
almost a matter of feet away this time.
I was expecting to go under it but suddenly a chariot
came down and scooped me up. I was taken up over the
Falls and I could hear the sound of the water as I
looked down I saw the tremendous power of that water and
felt the spray of it. The next thing I was in a meeting,
I had been praying and people were standing in the
front. The Presence of the Lord was great, the perfume
of the Lord was all over as it is now as I type, and
then the Lord released a new Angel into my ministry. I
already have an Angel assigned to the ministry who has a
glass of red wine, but this new Angel had a purse and
put some gold coins into some people's hands. The Angels
are sent to minister to the heirs of salvation -
personally and also they work in your ministry.
I kept asking the Lord, "What is it then? What does this
move look like really?"
Driving through Atlanta He suddenly said, "Its called
"GREAT GRACE, a revelation of the great grace and love
of God."
He showed me that He will pour out His grace and love
upon His Body and it will wash away the religious
concepts and bondages and spirits that rob God's
children of a true revelation of the Father's great
The lack of revelation of the grace and mercy and love
of God makes God's people feel they don't qualify to
receive their inheritance. The inheritance Jesus left
us, the realm of the Spirit, the supernatural realm, the
angels, and heavenly visitations, are meant to be a
normal part of our lives.
He wants us to be so free of all the heaviness. "His
yoke is easy and His burden is light and delightful, it
is not hard and neither is it heavy ( Greek NT,)."
He wants us full of His light and carried away by His
love and His sweetness. He desires for us to be strong
in the Spirit, taking dominion over the powers of
darkness yet at the same time totally enamoured by His
beauty. His desire is toward you, He loves with a
passionate and unchanging love. "He is going to present
you faultless before the presence of Hs glory with
exceeding joy," as Jude says.
The last few months, the chariots of God have been
coming into the meetings and taking people up in them
and showing them what God is doing in other places, and
giving them heavenly visitations. I have noticed the
love of God getting stronger and stronger and the
perfumes of the Lord, and the honey and oil and healing
and deliverances.
The love of God washes away fear, and bondage and
sickness. It washes away condemnation, guilt, heartache.
"His love has no limit, His grace has no measure, His
power has no boundaries known unto men, but out of His
infinite riches in Jesus, He gives and gives and gives
Well friend this Niagara move is drawing closer, let it
fall over you and flow through you. When we get caught
up in His marvelous presence all else fades away. Things
that have consumed us get left behind in the amazing
wonder of His lovingkindness.
Niagara is coming - it is close, closer than you think,
you are being drawn by His love and His power. His Love
will change you into His image, and you will sing and
speak out and testify to His goodness.
There have been many words and visions given and
released from time to time on the 17th of a given month.
There are some great CD's on my website -- keep
listening and getting set free .....blessings