I saw the F5 screen.
Refresh the screen. Now what do you see? I prepared you.
[Lord what did You prepare me for?]
How to walk through a door.
I saw a hand reach out ready to press the red alarm
button that the mentor presses to help their student as they
are cooking.
Homework. Don’t be afraid. Opposition. Group hug.
Sweetheart, it’s supernatural. An answer to prayer.
Problem, read the fine print. Questions, questions,
questions. Line up. Every time you ask Me, I will answer.
Plug in.
I saw all these identical little creatures about 1 foot
tall on the corner of our sidewalk. They reminded me of
prairie dogs, standing at attention with great expectation
towards me. They had very precious round eyes and were
quite cute.
The definition of a spiritual being.
I saw some soy milk being poured into our crystal glass
and laughed out loud when I knew the interpretation.
Do not be afraid. Look and see. Baby
steps, something is moving. Understood, why? To separate
good from evil. I saw the search engine indexing the files
one by one. The screen was greyed out and not available to
use until it was done. The color grey means a mixture of
black and white. Discernment is a process that takes time -
of separating the grey from the souls of men, and what is
seen and heard so that there is a clear distinction between
the good and evil influence.
I dreamed I was at the doctor’s office and they took me
to the other side of the office to a new doctor because the
other side was really busy. First they weighed me and I had
a giant heavy Strong’s Concordance bible in my hand that I
put down. And then I took off a huge head gear that went
over my ears like a pilot wears. I kept my shoes on and
stepped on the scales. Everything was balancing very
carefully because I was carrying so much stuff, there was no
place to put it. [The term weighing everything in the
balance comes to me.]
Then I was on their bed and it was
uncomfortable and I didn’t like it. Laying an awkward
position, I was supposed to trace the outline of my head and
neck on a piece of paper. The nurse had the machine she was
looking at and the image outline of my head was coming
through to my tablet, and there was a piece of paper on top
of it that I was tracing. I wanted to know why I had to do
this because I thought it was pretty stupid. The nurse said
she had to take the same test and complained that she was 17
years old and didn’t need to learn how to write again. The
doctor told her it didn’t matter whether she was 17 or 70,
it was needed. He explained that when Ezekiel had visions,
he needed to be very careful about how he recorded them with
all the letters written precisely for history.
APPLICATION: Yesterday I told the
Lord I wanted to see the little creatures that are in
heaven. When I saw them I discerned nothing evil about
them, they were like little children, innocent. I was so
surprised to see them and I already knew that demons can
take on different forms.
This rhema is an object lesson about
paying attention to details. Seeing them was strong meat,
but I really think the Lord sent them down to show me simply
because I asked. I believe the important detail is that God
heard the desire of my heart and showed me some of the
little creatures in heaven. It is always important to
discern everything we see and hear, especially when walking
through a new door of unfamiliar territory. We need to pay
attention to details and careful weigh them before the Lord
and with scripture.
1 Corinthians 2:9-11 But as it is
written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have
entered into the heart of man, the things which God has
prepared for them that love him. 10 But God has revealed
them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searches all
things, yea, the deep things of God. 11 For what man knows
the things of a man, except the spirit of man which is in
him? even so the things of God knows no man, but the Spirit
of God.

FROM MY ARCHIVES – I found the following
in my archives under prairie dog. I sense this is a Word
for someone:
"When I saw the topic on animals, I was
drawn to a prairie dog. It brought into memory a
documentary I once saw on TV where I saw all these prairie
dogs coming out of their holes and standing at attention, as
tall as they could stand! They had their little paws in
front of them ready to receive and they looked like they
were expecting something.
I sense that the Lord is drawing you up
and out of a past cave time. And you are coming to the
surface with hope and expectation in your heart for
something He is bringing to you."
Job 14:7-9 For there is hope for a
tree, if it is cut down, that it will sprout again, and that
the tender shoots thereof will not cease. 8 Though its root
grows old in the earth, and its stump dies in the ground; 9
Yet at the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth
branches like a plant.