DREAM: I saw one of our intercessors with the
Morton's Salt rain jacket on. It is the bright yellow
coat on the side of their salt containers. She had an
umbrella that she touched someone's leg cramp with, and
connected it with the lightening bolt that was coming
from small trigger tool that was discharging a small
I told Wayne that is what we needed was a little
child's umbrella. Then I noticed that the intercessor
had one as a gift that had come with her coat and it was
resting behind her head still in the package.
INTERP: The intercessors are the salt of the
earth, preserving from decay and destruction. An
umbrella is a canopy against the principalities. The
anointing is the lightening bolt or power of the Lord.
The child's umbrella is the child like faith that trusts
in Abba Father for protection. And the small trigger
tool is like our finger that releases the power of the
anointing when laying on of hands.
As I read electrical currents, I heard the Lord say,
Heart Beat!
That is an awesome revelation. When we release the
tangible anointing of the Lord, we are releasing
electrical charges from His heart beat of love.
When Mahesh went to CNB TV studio, the power of the Lord
was so strong that it knocked out all the huge sound
system and speakers. In the past they have told Paul
Cain that he is not allowed in the computer rooms
because he used to fry them.
DREAM: I was at a conference and I was sitting
next to Bob Jones and leaned back into him. We both had
our blankets covering and warming us and we had taken
out all the wrinkles. Then we wrapped them up and placed
them at the small of our backs to as to support and
cover our lower backs. The next thing I knew he had his
left hand on my forehead and his right hand around my
shoulders. He said, “Breathe in. Hebrews. Love.” Every
time I breathed in, he said this over me and he also
breathed with me. Each time I breathed in deeper and
deeper. As we got to the bottom of the depth of
breathing I felt a hidden pain in my heart. And when I
breathed out, it released and came out. It was a
heaviness and pain that left.
When he was done praying over me, I noticed that I
could raise my right hand up and it would cast light
outside where it was dark. As I moved it toward the
ground there were beautiful stones and agates. Then I
started to swirl my hand in the sky and they were
beautiful lights like the aura borealis. Both Bob and I
could see these things and Bob's wife was also watching.
We were all seeing them together.
Then I was released into ministering over people. I
was touching them with my right hand and then I started
to swirl my hand like I sometimes do the glory ring in
worship. People were getting touched all around me. Then
I took off the right sleeve of my sweater and welled it
like a twirling sword and people were being touched by
the anointing even those who did not want to be touched
and they were all being so blessed.
When I woke I saw a picture vision of: Heb 10:13
From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made
his footstool.
Bob has also received a revelation this week seeing men
and women anointed from Habakkuk 3:4. They were anointed
in armor of light with rays of light emerging from their
hands not unlike "laser beams". When this occurred in
the Spirit, creative miracles were manifested in an
awesome way. I believe this is a prophetic promise for
those willing to press in to receive it.”
Hab 3:2-7
I have heard all about you, LORD, and I am filled
with awe by the amazing things you have done. In this
time of our deep need, begin again to help us, as you
did in years gone by. Show us your power to save us. And
in your anger, remember your mercy. 3 I see God, the
Holy One, moving across the deserts from Edom and Mount
Paran. His brilliant splendor fills the heavens, and the
earth is filled with his praise! What a wonderful God he
is! 4 Rays of brilliant light flash from his hands. He
rejoices in his awesome power. 5 Pestilence marches
before him; plague follows close behind. 6 When he
stops, the earth shakes. When he looks, the nations
tremble. He shatters the everlasting mountains and
levels the eternal hills. But his power is not
diminished in the least! 7 I see the peoples of Cushan
and Midian trembling in terror.
In My anointing dwells power and electricity like
lightning bolts. It shall surge and penetrate and bring
resurrection life and health to the sickly. You shall
have lightning bolts coming out of your hands and
fingers as you reach out to touch. And your very shadow
will bring forth healing.
“His brightness was like the light; He had rays
flashing from His hand, And there His power was hidden.”
(Hab 3:4 NKJV)
“Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the
streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the
least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow
some of them.” (Acts 5:15 KJV)
MEETING 5/11/00: I Want a Sign Lord
Today we had a prophetic Word, a tongues and
interpretation so one of our leaders said, “Now we need
a miracle, sign and wonder”. So he asked who needed a
miracle. Several came for him to pray.
Then when he was done, I was thinking that I really
wanted a sign about something. I am not a sign person,
but I had been asking the Lord for a sign of
confirmation about something. So I was going to ask him
to pray that He would send me a sign. Just as I came
over to him, he announced, “Now we need a sign.” So I
shared with him my heart. He said, I am not going to
touch you or pray, I am going to let the Holy Spirit do
His work.” So he anoints my forehead with the sign of a
cross and walks about 20' away and watches.
At that moment I had a very strong impression that the
Lord was saying to me, “You ARE a sign.” I was laughing
with this since I had just been "marked" on my forehead
as a sign! I was waving my hands all over in the air
like, “No Lord, I WANT a sign.”
The one who had marked me literally ran away from me as
I was waving my hands and wobbling back to my chair. I
thought that was odd that he would run away from me.
Later he told Wayne that he almost fell down when he was
standing there letting the Holy Spirit do His work on
me. But when I waved my hands it blasted him and he felt
it so strongly that he ran away lest he fall! I guess I
got my sign...

5/17/00: Struck with The Power of the Lord
I was standing at a window and was struck by
lightning in my right hand. You could see through it
where the lightening had cut through. It was like a fine
thin thread in the shape of a lightening strike that cut
through my hand and you could see daylight all the way
through my hand when I held it up to the light. I prayed
for 2 people to see if I had the Lord's power in my
hand. I said that I had heard Bob Jones was literally
struck by lightning and his hand trembles when he feels
the power coming through it as he prays for people.
HEARD: Words to Ponder. Lightning.
PIX: I saw I was holding my hand up to the
HEARD: Heart. Pure. Transparent. I believe.
Hunt. It's so beautiful. Perspective. They will teach
you. Flow.
Cost. I will make up the difference. And then some.
Job 36:32 NKJV
He covers His hands with lightning, And commands it
to strike.
8/04/07 Releasing
His Presence in Hands
FUN EXPERIENCE: Tonight at church I sat next
to a lady who was visiting us for the first time and she
is from Rick Joyner's church. I was humored and blessed
by the experience. I had no idea she had never been with
us before. I always worship with my hands, and few
people do that. Many do that in Rick's church. I feel
the Lord's Presence envelope me when I do and it is such
an awesome tangible experience for me.
So I was busy worshiping with my hands and
accidentally bumped her hand. I was surprised and going
to apologize and I opened my eyes and she fell back
under the power into her chair.
The Lord reminded me of Bob Jone's Word and His
promises to me that His power would come forth out of
our hands when we waved them and released His Presence.
So another time when the anointing hit me really
strongly I was sitting down and started strongly
releasing the anointing into the room, through my hands
in worship. I could feel it strongly. She was standing
and at the exact time I felt Him the strongest, she
knelt down on the floor and melted into a blob. I really
appreciated the confirmation that the promises of these
gifts are here and manifesting.
Hab 3:4 AMP
And His brightness was like the sunlight; rays
streamed from His hand, and there [in the sunlike
splendor] was the hiding place of His power.