week Wayne & I had an interesting occurrence that we
would like to pass on to you. On Thursday we were at the
late night Taco Bell after home group. (Thank You Lord
for driveup windows and no late night dishes in the
sink.) While were waiting I noticed the trees near our
car were doing some really strange things. They were
whipping around in circles, twisting and turning. I
looked out across the street and those trees were
blowing normally. Immediately the Holy Spirit downloaded
my memory with the following Word given through Bobby
Conner’s Shepherds Rod for 1999:
year the heavens will declare that this will be an
unprecedented time of Light. The true prophetic will be
given power and authority over the elements. It is time
for the Church to begin to control the weather. One
example would be found in Joshua 10:12-13: "Joshua said
to the Lord in the presence of Israel: "O sun, stand
still over Gibeon, O moon, over the Valley of Aijalon."
So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the
nation avenged itself on its enemies," (NAS)
Wide Web at:
[end of
As I
remembered this, I remembered someone (I think it was
Bob Jones) said that the enemy would try to take
advantage of the natural elements and we needed to learn
to take a stand against such. It suddenly dawned upon my
mind that this freak wind was a little demonic spirit
that was having some fun and also causing me to feel
uncomfortable about flying debris. Now I am not one to
think there is a demon behind every bush! But this was
one of those Holy Spirit moments that you just KNOW. So
in my mind, I bound the enemy in Jesus Name and said,
"Wind be at peace!" I looked at the trees and they were
still having a whipping contest. A second time I did
this, only with more "umph" behind the "be at peace!!"
Immediately the wind stopped and the trees were quiet.
No one was more astonished than me! I never said
anything to Wayne, we left and I pondered it on the way
home. "Lord did You witness that? Oh Lord, what do You
think about that? Lord did that REALLY happen?" Us
humans need convincing sometimes.
The next
day was Friday, and we had a very strong storm come
through. The raining down pours gushed throughout the
day. But the winds were very bad. As I watched out my
front window I became concerned about the telephone
wires and the line of trees across the street. They were
violently twisting! Unbeknownst to me, Wayne was feeling
the same thing about the wind in the back of the house.
That afternoon we both took authority over the wind
without the other knowing it. It was a Holy Spirit
conviction on both our parts. I still had not told him
of the night before. (Oh me of little faith.) The trees
on my side of the house stilled to just a normal breeze
and Wayne’s whipping tree totally stopped.
Later we
went on an errand and the winds were quite gusty with
the streets littered in branches. As a result, our
conversation unfolded and we shared. I shared with Wayne
about the above Words the Lord had reminded me of, so
together we prayed in the car. We bound any evil spirits
behind the twisting winds and prayed a hedge of
protection over all our loved ones in the area. The next
day (today) at church one of our dear ladies announced
that a large tree fell upon her house during that storm.
The top half of the tree broke off and fell onto their
roof. The heavy part landed against the house, instead
of on the roof. She said if the whole tree had fallen
onto the house, it would have fallen through the roof
and right onto their bedroom which is where her husband
was resting. As it turned out it only caused some damage
to their gutters and shingles. Coincidence? I don’t
think so.
I see
two important themes in this story.
1) The
Lord has given us authority over the elements and the
powers behind such.
2) We
desperately need one another’s prayers. Our prayer over
the protection of our loved ones was a simple thing to
do. Even the prayer of authority binding the enemy was
simple. What would have occurred if we hadn’t seized the
moment and followed through?