The hidden camera. I saw something that was turquoise
green blue and it was being unfolded like a cover on tablet
opening up. Open your eyes. I remembered that the word
“revelation” means “to take off a cover; discloser.” I
remembered that the eye of God is like the turquoise blue of
the peacock feather. Heaven’s order, you need this. What
is it that’s missing?
Fox News has had a live camera feed on 2 eagle eggs this
month. I noticed the first baby has hatched! https://www.facebook.com/FoxNe.../?type=2&theater

Baby was born yesterday, 12/31/16 at 7:33 am EST. This
morning she had its first feeding today thanks to mom &
dad's big fish delivery. The eaglet will gain approximately
one pound every 5 days and be at half its adult body weight
by day 30.
PARABLE: I noticed that Mama is feeding her
raw fish... not worms, not regurgitated anything. But pure
fish, exactly what Mama eats. This year the Lord is going
to launch many eagles into prophetic evangelism where they
will be gathering in new eaglets into the (fish) harvest
through prophetic words.
Feeding it raw fish? It's like hitting the ground running.
Yes that is a perfect analogy! It is like a full grown baby
that has SWALLOWED its calling of catching fish!!!!!
In the early 80’s I had a vision where I saw myself inside
an egg shell. I had a baby bottle inside the shell with me,
and I was feeling cramped and wanted to get out. I used my
bottle and starting wacking away from the inside. Finally I
managed to crack the shell and climb out. As I stood up, I
noticed I was about 5 years old and had on a pretty pink
party dress! I looked at my shell, became very excited and
said, "I’m going to tell my heavenly Father that I just
broke out of my shell!" As I saw myself prattle away, I
noticed there were 100’s of smaller eggs all around my
shell. These eggs were still growing and I knew it was not
time for them to come out yet,
I wrote a Word to Ponder back then, based upon that vision,
and also my experiences in coming out of my shell:
Just like an egg, I will bring you to birth. Growing from a
tiny state, what I conceive grows in secret behind the shell
of My covering. Ordained in perfect seasons, each stage of
growth is built upon another until all comes to fruition.
One day I will call forth that which I have created within
you. You will begin to break your own walls of confinement
and come out of your shell. This requires strength and
tenacity to break your own restraints. It requires a
courageous heart to face the outside world. This process is
not something I do for you, because if I were to do so, the
strength you need to face your surroundings would not be
fully developed. I need your cooperation to bring you to
birth. I promise you My help and protection, but you must be
willing and persistent to break your own yokes.
You will know it’s time when you grow so big that you can no
longer stay within your established borders. You will know
it’s time when you want to come out. You will know it’s time
when everything in you says, "Yes! … It is time!" And when
it is time, you will have the strength and the tenacity to
break free.
"And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden
shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from
off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the
anointing." (Isa 10:27)
by Dana Jarvis
Hezekiah's Wall Ministry
I could hear the sound of an eagle cry. I could hear the
movement of wings. Then I heard the Lord say this, “It is
time! It is time! The season of flight is upon you. You
started on the ground, but now is time to arise in the air
and soar from this place where you are!” Suddenly I began
to see eagles emerging from everywhere.
I AM birthing many new prophets in this new beginning. When
they are fully grown within the hiddenness of their
confines, I will draw them out. Immediately they shall hit
the ground running in prophetic evangelism. I shall give
them Words of knowledge, visions, healings, deliverances and
prophesies to catch a harvest of many fish. Yes like the
disciples, they are called fishers of men. I will put
within them a great hunger and and passion to swallow their
callings and pursue My gifts to reach the lost. Come out
dear eaglets! Break forth, receive your sight and begin to
swallow your callings!
Job 39:27-29 Does the eagle mount up at your command, and
make her nest on high? 28 She dwells and abides on the rock,
upon the crag of the rock, and the stronghold. 29 From there
she seeks the prey, and her eyes behold afar off.
The Searching Eyes Of God
Holy Scripture states that Almighty God is searching the
entire earth looking for someone! Who is God looking for?
God is looking about the entire earth, searching for the
upright in heart. To them, God will prove Himself strong and
sure. The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order
to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
(2 Chronicles 16:9). Notice the heart of the matter is the
matter of the heart. It is the heart that is fully committed
to follow God that is empowered….
God Is Harvesting The Harvesters
Indeed, we stand on the verge of the greatest harvest the
world has ever seen. Never forget: the Lord will have His
harvest. The Spirit of God is now at work to "harvest the
harvesters." Expect to see God’s anointed harvesters arise
and mobilize in a manner not seen before. More than a
billion people will soon be swiftly brought into the Kingdom
of God.
A QWN Member shared the following cloud picture. I saw the
face of a baby eagle in it.
