TRANCE VISION: The following is a vision of
gazing wonder the Lord gave me as quoted from my
journal: "When I went to sleep on November 14, 1985, I
had a strong yearning for Jesus. As I slept, He came to
me and opened my eyes. I saw a huge, gigantic banner
unfolding across the sky. It said, "THE LORD JESUS
CHRIST." Suddenly I found myself in heaven looking down
upon a vast desert. It was dry, brown, flat, and
immense. As I gazed upon the lifeless desert, someone
was standing above and behind me declaring the scroll of
Isaiah 35:
"Isa 35 NKJV
The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for
them, and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the
rose; It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice, even with
joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to
it, The excellence of Carmel and Sharon. They shall see
the glory of the LORD, the excellency of our God.
Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble
knees. Say to those who are fearful-hearted, "Be strong,
do not fear! Behold, your God will come with vengeance,
with the recompense of God; He will come and save you."
Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the
ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then the lame shall
leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb sing. For
waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, and streams
in the desert. The parched ground shall become a pool,
and the thirsty land springs of water; In the habitation
of jackals, where each lay, there shall be grass with
reeds and rushes.
A highway shall be there, and a road, and it shall be
called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean shall not
pass over it, but it shall be for others. Whoever walks
the road, although a fool, shall not go astray. No lion
shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast go up on
it; It shall not be found there. But the redeemed shall
walk there, And the ransomed of the LORD shall return,
and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy on
their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, and
sorrow and sighing shall flee away."
After Isaiah 35 had been announced, I heard the Lord
say, "And the desert shall blossom as a rose. It shall
happen all at once, and it shall happen suddenly."
Immediately I saw the desert come to life. The sight
was astounding and oh so beautiful! Everywhere blossoms
emerged: this dry, lifeless region became a spacious
garden of color and beauty. Then I came out of the
gazing vision. As I woke, I was still in awe of what
I'd seen, because it was so beautiful. I knew the Lord
was speaking a promise of what He would be doing to our
dry desert like lives. He was going to rain His
Presence upon us and we would emerge with life and
beautiful blossoms."
{end of vision}
Post Falls, ID • March 2003
"I saw that the people I would be talking to today had
been driving on a real muddy road. There was just mud
everyplace and it was so hard for you all to go any
place. And this mud was getting on your windshields and
you just could not see where to go. You were trying the
best you knew how to drive in this muddy road. And the
Philistines is what muddied up the wells. But Isaac
cleaned them out, which is laughter, which is a type of
Christ. And I was driving on this road and I'm thinking,
Lord what have these people gone through here. Haven't
you got a road better than this?
And He showed me a road that He was building. It's not
ready yet. But it's on its way. And it was a straight
and narrow way. Where you will be able to go more in an
hour than you have been able to go in a week or a month.
This is in the highway of holiness. This whole vision I
had today is in this picture. There is 10 geese there
and a straight and narrow way. This straight and narrow
way is Isaiah 35. You can study it if you want to. I'm
not going to read it to you or explain it to you. You
want to know what you are coming to, then read Isa 35.
It's a higher way then you have ever drove before and a
straighter way. And it is the fast lane. And it wasn't
quite finished. I believe it will be finished by
Passover. When the tulips bloom. And I believe you will
begin to see an escalation in where you are going and
getting there."

PIX: I saw my computer friend who had to
upload some kind of an upgrade to get where he wanted to
HEARD: See to it, all that ask, get an
PIX: I saw many roses blooming.
PIX: I saw something like sands flowing out of
a porthole, perhaps from the hour glass of time,
although I did not see the hourglass.
HEARD: Full bloom. Have mercy will travel. Going on a
Ask Me now for promotion, dear ones. Yes you have worked
hard and accomplished so very much. The strings of your
past where you have suffered loss and shame are snares.
As you are reminded of them, let them be memorial stones
of your lessons learned then give all that you are
working towards back to Me. Sometimes you wonder of the
road you have taken and have felt blind not knowing your
way. I tell you FULL BLOOM AHEAD. You are on the right
road, your road is straight ahead.
Die to your pursuits and hopes and let Me be the One Who
sustains you, the work of your hands and the measurement
of success. If You give it to Me, My peace will hold you
and settle you of My Sovereign plan in your life. ALL
things work together for good, even the losses in your
life. It is My desire to bring you to full bloom - you
and all that you do for My kingdom; rich in good fruit
to benefit many.
Your works have not gone unnoticed, you work hard and it
is evidence of your faith. Like Abraham, the fruit of
your life shall be like the sands of the sea. The ship
that you are on, leadership, is a great boat carrying
many in need of passage. The seas are rough at times and
storms are in the air. But My mercy will travel with you
and all aboard. My 7 Spirits shall go with you in full
measure. No good thing will I withhold from you, My
favored one. Full bloom ahead.
Isa 35:6 NKJV
And the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose;
2 It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice, even with joy
and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it,
the excellence of Carmel and Sharon. They shall see the
glory of the LORD, the excellency of our God. 3
Strengthen the weak hands, And make firm the feeble
knees. 4 Say to those who are fearful-hearted, "Be
strong, do not fear! Behold, your God will come with
vengeance, with the recompense of God; He will come and
save you." 5 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened,
and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. 6 Then the
lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb
Why do you question the road? For I have given you a
road block against unholy appetites. That road leads to
sin, to the loss of your passion for Me. Do you want a
love grown cold? Rather, climb the holy highway, the
straight and narrow way.
I hear your woes. Call upon Me, for it is not what you
think. You belong to Me, and I take you for Myself.
Instead of woes, pray for healing from the damage done
from the road blocks. These road blocks I allowed
because of My great love and passion for you. For I
grieve when you become apathetic and grow cold. For Mine
is the Kingdom, the power, and glory and the honor. I do
the wonders and collect the multitudes.
I AM using these pressures to further clarify your
character. I build My foundations level and smooth.
Leave the progress up to Me. I do a perfect work. Do not
fear these aggressive pressures, rather turn onto the
right road, the road of righteousness. Allow these
pressures to yield in yourself the good fruit of
righteous living. Be candled in the flame and reflect My
glory, My majesty.
For I have called you. I chose you. You are a deliverer
for My sons. I send you on assignments where they
desperately need your help. Do not fall asleep in apathy
at this late hour. Do not be caught off guard by
choosing the appetites of this world. For they lull you
to sleep and open doors to demonic pressures. Do not be
afraid, I will give you wings and speedy flight,
delivering you from the snare of the enemy. I give you
access, do not be afraid. Watch the enemy fall apart and
fall upon his head. Smashing into the pit, he comes to
his own destruction.
Be delivered according to the light I have given you.
Obedience and righteous choices. Follow the right path.
Overcome this. I have sent you confirmation, My
deliverer. Be delivered and then deliver!
“A highway shall be there, and a road, and it shall
be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean shall not
pass over it, but it shall be for others. Whoever walks
the road, although a fool, shall not go astray. No lion
shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast go up on
it; it shall not be found there. But the redeemed shall
walk there, And the ransomed of the LORD shall return,
and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy on
their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, and
sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” ( Isa 35:8-10 NKJ)
I know that you are battle weary and gun shy. You wince
at each sound, wondering if it is another round of
bullets. Relax, this is Me speaking. I AM asking you to
stop wrestling with Me on this issue of holy living.
Yes, continue to remain upright, standing against the
enemy. He seeks to accuse you in your every weakness. I
AM a Holy God and I have not changed. To walk the
pathway, the highway of holiness and remain safe from
the enemy, you must keep watch on your own appetites.
“Put a knife to your throat if you be a vessel given to
appetite.” [Pro. 23:2] Instead have passion for Me and I
will fill your cravings. If you continue to wrestle Me
in this, the holy calling will become wounded and suffer
shame and pain. The enemy is accusing day and night. It
is up to you to stand in Me and keep your conscience
void of offense and give him no extra ammunition.
Do you think you can arrive at a holy life without Me?
It is impossible. But I still want your best effort and
your own self discipline, so that I do not have to
discipline you. I place before you the Mountain of your
own weakness so that you will learn it is only at My
feet that there is deliverance from your flesh. I have
called you to divine visitation. Only keep diligent
watch upon your flesh as you wait. Climb upon the holy
highway and stay there.
“And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man
given to appetite.” (Prov 23:2)
I have been bringing you to the place of decision in
your life where you would choose the holy and not the
profane. For your heart has grown dull, your ears hard
of hearing, and your eyes closed. You would not hear,
see or understand because you chose to satisfy the
flesh, rather than sell the satisfaction of your sins
for the pearls of great price. It has been a long hard
battle of wills, yours against Mine. Now yield and enter
the highway of holiness.
There are benefits to walking this highway that you
would have never known any other way. In this new place,
even your mistakes will be blessed and be good gifts
used for My purposes. The lion who seeks to devour your
health, resources and very life will have no access to
you. Even your sleep shall be sweet as I stop the
ravenous beast from treading where he dare not.
As you turn around, the work of your hands shall be
strengthened, your walk shall be steady. Your eyes will
open, your ears will hear My voice. You shall leap with
joy and My anointed Words will be upon your lips. Your
very life will become pools of refreshment. Your sorrow
and your sighing shall flee away.
“And a main road will go through that once deserted
land. It will be named the Highway of Holiness.
Evil-hearted people will never travel on it. It will be
only for those who walk in God's ways; fools will never
walk there. Lions will not lurk along its course, and
there will be no other dangers. Only the redeemed will
follow it. Those who have been ransomed by the LORD will
return to Jerusalem, singing songs of everlasting joy.
Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be
overcome with joy and gladness.” (Isa 35:8-10 NLT)
After you have passed the test, you shall be healed and
anointed with lightning power. I shall fill your
tabernacle with My fullness and you shall walk in a new
level of authority. This will be a great new beginning
for you, after you have chosen a different level of
commitment. What kind of a commitment? The choice to
change directions and travel the right way. This is My
holy highway, one without the bumps and dents of the
demonic world. No unclean shall pass this way.
Isa 35:8 NKJV
A highway shall be there, and a road, and it shall be
called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean shall not
pass over it, but it shall be for others.
There will come a day when you are traveling on My holy
highway. It will be a deluxe road. Wonderful speed in
answers to prayer, ministry, anointing will be available
on this road. This will be a safe place in My Presence.
For now, I have made you my battle ax. When your battles
are over, your enemies will be defeated beneath you.
Within your hand shall be a scepter of great authority,
blessing and healing. Creative miracles shall flow from
your hands. My power shall be displayed to all nations.
Hab 3:3-7 NLT
His brilliant splendor fills the heavens, and the
earth is filled with his praise! What a wonderful God he
is! Rays of brilliant light flash from his hands. He
rejoices in his awesome power. Pestilence marches before
him; plague follows close behind. When he stops, the
earth shakes. When he looks, the nations tremble. He
shatters the everlasting mountains and levels the
eternal hills. But his power is not diminished in the
Even as the shepherd inspected each individual sheep for
spots as they passed under the rod, so I examine My
sheep today. Once a year, whether My people know it or
not, I check their progress.
This year, there are many who have graduated from
wandering and passed their yearly circles. They heeded
My Word and changed their ways. They put carnality under
their feet and turned their backs on lust, violence and
unholy entertainment. They washed their mouths from
criticism, judgment and slander. They refrained from
gossip, jesting and filthy words. Ambition and
presumption died. These are the graduates of 2003. Well
done, thou good and faithful ones.
Your minds, your wills, your hearts have been
circumcised and dedicated, - holy, consecrated unto Me.
You passed, you passed, you passed. I AM so pleased. You
have graduated into new places, prepared and ready for
great opportunities. The highway of holiness is now
complete and ready for boarding. No beast shall touch
those who walk its course. Go forth, and pass on, My
graduates! Walk the walk and talk the talk. Great joy is
coming your way.
“I will make you pass under the rod, and I will bring
you into the bond of the covenant; I will purge the
rebels from among you, and those who transgress against
Me.” (Ezekiel 20:37-38 NKJV)