The following happened to Grandma Anna in 1986 and it
was before they had trained ministry teams. When Anna
asked the Lord what had happened, He told her He had
kissed her in front of her brethren. I thought that was
very special. He had kissed her hand with His power. It
is a forerunner’s foretaste of what He is going to do
when we come into the promised land and start praying
for people. Here is her experience.
My right hand began to tremble during the time set aside
for ministering healing at an out of town Healing
Seminar. I showed Sandy what was happening and she
encouraged me to find people who needed prayer.
I very hesitatingly and timidly began to wander around
the 50 or so people who were clustered in groups
praying. I stopped and asked the Lord if I should pray
for a particular one. In a very still voice, He said,
“Touch her on the forehead.” As I did, she slumped down
but the men who were praying for her didn't let her
fall. Someone walking by said, "Look, she's slain in the
Spirit standing up!" They dragged her over to a chair
where she trembled and was unaware of what was going on
around her.
"Lord," I said inwardly, "Did you do that through me?!"
I wasn't sure, and was dumbfounded. I had done it oh so
very, very gently so she wouldn't feel like I was using
her head for a drum! My fingers were doing such a dance
that I knew it would have felt uncomfortable if I had
done anything but gently touch her. It took coordination
and concentration to keep my hand just at the right
Then I felt drawn to another group who were praying for
someone. Again, I asked the Lord and He said, "Touch her
on the forehead," so I did and POW - down she went!
By this time, I was REALLY feeling timid and inhibited
and yet at the same time sort of floating along. I wove
in and out among the people and prayed for one where
there was no visible manifestation. It was a man who had
men praying for him and I couldn't reach his forehead,
so I just put my hand on his arm. Nothing happened.
Then I stood and watched a young woman being prayed for
whom I knew had a spirit of bitterness. I also knew I
was to touch her on the forehead and command it to come
out. I touched her and said, "Out!" and immediately her
countenance changed and she began to weep.
I again walked away and went back to my seat and to
Sandy. She was laughing and said she had followed me and
had watched with amazement as I had prayed. My hand was
still "going", so she said, “How about you going up to
the front where people are still praying?" I wasn't too
happy about the idea, but I felt I was to do it and had
been considering it before she said something.
When I got up there, too many people were in the way for
me to reach the lady being prayed for. Then oddly, one
person suddenly looked at me and kind of jumped to the
side, and then maneuvered me close enough so that I
could touch the one being prayed for on the forehead.
Afterwards, I quickly left and returned to my seat.
"Well", I said to Sandy, "I guess nothing happened. She
didn't look any different."
After a little while, a group of people filled in some
empty seats in the row in front of us. Then they all
turned around and faced us and absolutely blew me away!
They said they were praying for the lady up front, when
I walked up and touched her. They said soon after I
left, the lady cried out, "God touched me! I felt
electricity go though me and I'm healed! Did one of you
touch me?" They said no and explained it was me.
They were later talking about it from the microphone and
wanted to know who was the lady who had merely touched
her and then left. I shrunk down in my chair and
whispered to Sandy, “Lets get out of here! So we quickly
exited out the back door. (Smile)
“Now there are different kinds of spiritual gifts,
but it is the same Holy Spirit who is the source of them
all. There are different kinds of service in the church,
but it is the same Lord we are serving. There are
different ways God works in our lives, but it is the
same God who does the work through all of us. A
spiritual gift is given to each of us as a means of
helping the entire church. To one person the Spirit
gives the ability to give wise advice; to another he
gives the gift of special knowledge. The Spirit gives
special faith to another, and to someone else he gives
the power to heal the sick. He gives one person the
power to perform miracles, and to another the ability to
prophesy. He gives someone else the ability to know
whether it is really the Spirit of God or another spirit
that is speaking. Still another person is given the
ability to speak in unknown languages, and another is
given the ability to interpret what is being said. It is
the one and only Holy Spirit who distributes these
gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should
have. (1 Corinthians 12:4 -11 NLT)
Moments of Intimacy
given to Grandma Anna
163 Pages

Climbing Higher Through
God's Love
given to Grandma Anna
149 Pages