Sandy Warner ~ ~ ~ ~



Our thank yous to Kathie and Bob. This file was compiled when Kathie Walters and Bob Jones met together and GOD showed them smells and what they meant.  This is posted onto the QW with Kathie's permission.  If you would like to thank Kathie and send her a donation it is here:

Aug 31, 2008




Alcohol - spirit. Someone needs deliverance
Aloe - healing/comfort
Almonds - Authority - Gods choice
Amber - throne - invitation from God
Ammonia - cleanse
Ants = new trails
Apples = beloveds breath smells like sweet apples - freedom
Ashes - burnt up, now clean
Baby powder - comfort
Bananas = Gentleness
Barbeque = Rhema word
Barley - Harvest
Blackberry - cleansing
Bread - fresh word
Bubble gum - childlike
Buckwheat - little rascals (term of endearment - childlike. Having fun
Burning - (good) fire of God
Burning -(bad) enemy leading to wrong direction
Butterscotch - sweet perfect oil
Campfire -counsel of God -wisdom. Hang out with God
Cassia - fragrance of Jesus
Cat pee - wrong plan or lasciviousness
Cedar - incorruptible ? Royalty
Cherries - balm
Chocolate - sweet spirit - pain killer
Cigar = grandfather and children-
Cigarette smoke - deliverance from addiction
Cinnamon - fragrance of creation
Cleaner - LYSOL etc cleanse from spirits
Cloves - Taste for God
Coconut = Good teaching milk and meat
Coffee = wake up
Cookies - Heavenly Manna
Cotton Candy - end of something - finish meeting, teaching etc
Cumin - seeds of truth
Dirt - flesh
Dog pee = territorial spirit
Disinfectant - cleanse from spirits
Dog - religious spirit
Dog ( wet) homosexual spirit
Eggs - life
Eggs - rotten - seed gone bad
Eucalyptus - medicine - laughter
Figs - self effort
Fir Tree - Grande and stately
Fish - grace
Fish, bad False prophesy
Flowers - heavenly realm
Fly spray - truth kills lies
Frankincense - portal - more of God
Garlic - healthy
Gardenia - wedding
Gingerbread - word made palatable
Gold -taste Heavenly
Grapes - loyal
Grapefruit - self control; staying focused
Grass - fading
Green plants - new life
Hair spray - trying to keep reputation, let go
Herbs - words from God to heal
Honey - revelation
Honeysuckle - praise
Horses smell= flesh-
Horses - sound, prepare for war
Jasmine = deep love
Lavender - Purity
Leather - new wineskin
Leeks - fruit from the world
Lemons - refresh
Lilac - Lover aroma from your heart
Lilies - intercession
Lily of the Valley - Holy Clothing Jesus righteousness
Limes - refreshing - enhance flavor
Liquorice - Freshener = cleansing -Praise
Maple Syrup - Awakening
Meat - Mature word
Meat rotting - word/truth distorted
Metal taste - discernment
Milk = warm = getting ready to receive
Milk sour - turning sour on life
Mothballs = preserve = ancient mantles and anointings
Musk - conception
Mustard - small beginning but real faith involved
Myrrh - washing away pride, vanity.
Myrtle - Beautiful
Nursing home smell - move on
Ocean - restless
Oil - anointing
Oil, rancid - anointing gone bad
Olives - anointing (Israel) Oak - Righteousness - spiritual relationship
Onions - good things of Egypt
Orange Love - sweet companionship of the Lord
Oriental spices - Caution - eastern, false light
Palm - Faithful
Peaches - joy = sense of well being. God loves me
Pear - patience
Pee - renew a right spirit
Pencil shavings = write
Peppermint - refreshing
Peppers - deliverance
Perfume , stale - religious spirit
Pine - grows in the sun - high vision- able to see
Pineapple - Balance = staying in the Spirit all the time
Poop - human mystic - false prophesy
Popcorn - break out, explosions of God. Promises bursting forth
Rain - Refresh - blessings- teaching
Rats - works of the mind = abomination
Roast Beef - maturity
Roses - Jesus sweetheart
Sea - humanity
Smoke - prayer
Soap - cleansing
Sour milk - turning sour on circumstances or life
Spikenard - Prayer - praise
Strawberries = friendship with God, Healing.
Sweet Potatoes - Humility potatoes - unity
Sulphur - demonic
Tanning oil - resting in the spirit -laying out
Toast -getting slammed by God
Tomato - kindness - generous
Vanilla - milk and honey ( pure word and revelation)
Water up nose, cleansing of the mind
Wet dog - homosexual spirit
White shoulders perfume - good government
White linen perfume - clothed with His Righteousness
Wine - Holy Spirit
Woodsmoke - burning cleansing





Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner.  To better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God Speaks, And How to Hear Him.”  Website:    Email:  







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