HEARD: Push the envelope. Courage. Red
zone. Speed bump. A dreadful misunderstanding.
I saw sizzlers toast.
HEARD: Feather.
Gracious. Innocent. Pure.
That’s My daughter. She will accompany Me throughout
NOTE: I had several distressed people write me
in regards to having dire straight relationship problems
this month having to do with misunderstandings.
HEARD: Courage.
I saw a vine
Vine. Cling to Me.
Gal 5:22-23 AMP
But the fruit of the [Holy] Spirit [the work which
His presence within accomplishes] is love, joy
(gladness), peace, patience (an even temper,
forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence),
faithfulness, 23 Gentleness (meekness, humility),
self-control (self-restraint, continence). Against such
things there is no law [that can bring a charge].
The Lord has been working circumstances in our lives
that bring about the fruits of His Spirit within us.
Each of these fruits are like seasons in our lives,
where He hones in on one certain fruit to bring it to
greater maturity. As we identify which fruit He is
working on, we are able to partner with Him and it
becomes much easier line up with His Spirit and have
satisfying fellowship with Him in the process.
QUICKENED MEMORY: The Lord told Bob Jones that
the fruit of the year was gentleness which is the
banana, having soft heart.
I sense that He is working on a gentle and quiet spirit
this season. We will notice how good we feel
emotionally when we remain gentle and quiet no matter
what whirlwind swirls around us with loved ones! The
sense of balance and good feeling we have when we
partner with the Lord in gentleness is His Spirit inside
of us giving us pleasure, just as He is receiving
pleasure when we share His fruit with others. It is a
part of our reward for allowing this to develop in our
life. Every time we partner with Him to develop those
fruits, He will give us a sense of well-being on those
1 Peter 3:4 NKJV
…rather let it be the hidden person of the heart,
with the
incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which
is very precious in the sight of God.
HEARD: Need a friend. Cuddle. Vine
hugger. Are you running away?
I saw my grandson cuddling and leaning into his sister
who is about 16 months younger than him. He has such a
light and fun loving heart and just loves TOUCH.
Sometimes his passion is too rough for his sister! And
she squawks, but also rolls with the punches and keeps
pressing into him too!
PIX: I saw a bowling ball lane.
HEARD: Straight and narrow. Press in.
Advance. Follow through.
Matt 7:13-14
"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and
broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there
are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate
and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there
are few who find it.
IMPRESSION: I had the form and movement of a
bowler come to mind as they press their bodies forward
to move and advance, and then follow through with their
arm as they release the ball down the lane.

QUICKENED MEMORY: We just went through the
season of the Basilisk, which is a 3 week window of time
that Bob Jones was told about years ago. A principality
reigns during that time, especially over Jewish
history. It means “in dire straits” or “between the

RIDDLE: Hall treatments are straight and narrow
places. One of the clichés I used to say is that
God wants to give us “treats” not “treatments.” In this
season of dire straights, there has been some problems
in how people are touching one another too roughly. The
way to overcome evil in this season is to behave with a
Spirit of Gentleness. Continue to love and touch those
you love and the Lord will work out the
misunderstandings! We have suffered passing
through a very narrow season of a lot of warfare and
resistance. He has been our Fierce Protector during
this time as we have humbled ourselves and remained
gentle in His hands.
Rom 12:17-18, 21 NKJV
Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good
things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as
much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men… Do
not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
During the 1997 vision of Basilisk, Bob saw this prince
of darkness approaching land between two bridges
utilizing the winds bringing plagues, viruses and
natural disasters causing considerable misery. It was
revealed in the vision and confirmed through Jewish
literature that this evil spirit prevails during a
certain season of the year. This season is called Bein
Ha'm'tarim by the Jewish writers.
This term means
"between the straits" or "dire straits". This
season is a three-week cycle beginning on the 17th of
Tammuz extending until the 9th of Av in the Judaic
calendar. It is a time when this spirit is prevalent
even predominant when unchallenged by the authority of
Christ given to the Church through His shed blood. This
high level authority cannot be combated individually but
must be engaged through corporate united intercessory