Peanut Words
are a precious
RHEMA 11/11/05
PRECIOUS WORD: On my walk I had a quickened eye glance.
I looked up and saw a tiny squirrel from a long, long
ways. He was running across the fresh cut green field.
He ran half way and stopped under the shade of the tree.
Then after a minute, he ran the rest of the distance
across the field to the row of trees on the other side.
He had crossed over! This was a very precious Word to
me, because I have been wanting to harvest the rest of
my journals with tiny peanut Words for those who will be
crossing over in tough times.
QUICKENED EYE GLANCE: As I was typing this, I looked up
and the photo slide show on my pocket PC had just turned
to the Father's hand reaching out and touching the
little baby's hand.

HEARD: You understand.
Whenever I think of peanuts, I remember the time when my
husband and I had gone to what I call the 'peanut place'
for lunch. While people are waiting for their meal, they
can eat from the bucket of peanuts at their table then
throw the shells on the floor. The floors are covered
with peanut crumbs and shells.
While passing the table next to us, I stepped on their
pile of shells that had a particularly good "crunch." So
I stood and crunched their shells for a moment before
moving on. The lady at the table looked quite surprised
and then saw the cherub grin on my face, and she could
not help it, she laughed. I laughed too and throwing my
hands into the air, I said, "I'm sorry, but this is so
liberating!" It was a sparkling moment between two
Later I noticed a new arrival was sitting at a table
near us. A little baby was leaning way over his high
chair looking at all the shells on the floor. He was
speaking a lot of very serious gibberish and pointing to
the floor. These shells on the floor were obviously very
important to him and he really had a lot to say about
them. I was close enough to hear. It sounded like a
fluent and perfect language of tongues. (I Cor 14:20)
It was a particularly quickened moment as I watched the
baby so enthralled with the peanut shells. I remember
when my son was a baby and he would crawl on the floor
and see the most tiniest thread or spot that no one else
would notice… right down at his level and reach. God
does that for us. He speaks to us on our own level ears
to hear His quickened Words.
Here is the
story about the Irish Setter and the peanut place.
Re: Peanut Words are a precious
I was on my prayer walk and praying about something and
heard the Lord say, "Peanut."
CONFIRMATION: I immediately looked down on the ground
and saw 3 tiny, tiny baby fluffy white feathers laying
there in perfect, fluffy form. These confirm that the
Lord sends us little confirmations in 2 or 3's.
How I long to reach you with My loving confirmations! I
will send them in sweet and simple ways, and you may
miss them if you are not listening. Often I hide My
confirmations in simplicity. If you are ensnared by the
complexities in life, the simple gifts remain hidden.
I promised that if you seek Me, you shall find Me. If
you are looking to hear from Me, if you are expecting Me
to speak to you, your heart will leap and be quickened
as you see Me in such simple ways, confirming your walk.
Great is My love for you!
Matt 13:44 NLT
"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man
discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid
it again and sold everything he owned to get enough
money to buy the field - and to get the treasure, too!