11/13/18 THE STONES OF
I saw a man working on a huge floor area, like a mall
floor might be. He had embedded piano keys into the floor.
And there were also many colored pastel sticks all lined up
in curving lines as though they were keys too. I
immediately understood this was a memorial that had been
created in heaven. Whoever came upon this could stand upon
the keyboard or pastels within the floor and experience my
time in the year 2004 when heaven rained a deluge upon me.
That was the year the Lord released His mysteries from the
library of heaven.
The biggest mystery I received that year was about Who He is
and it forever changed me. I will never be the same. I
learned that everything the Bible speaks of about Him – His
anger, His wrath, His jealousy, His longsuffering, His
fierceness, His fire, His kindness, His forgiveness, His
Mercy, EVERY bit of it stems from His love. He poured into
me how He feels about us and how it impacts Him in the ways
we respond to Him. I learned that as massive and eternal
God is, He is vulnerable because He loves. Very few know
this and even understand this. That is why the best gift He
can give us and we can give Him is for Him to consider us
His faithful friend.
James 2:23 And the scripture was fulfilled which says,
Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for
righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.
You turned me. I am taking off my shoes. I saw a pair
of bare feet standing upon the same floor spot. Walking
through the stones of fire. Those were the mysteries sweet
one. I sent you. They are in heaven now. None of it would
have happened without you. I saw the title of my rhema for
today and it was called Stones of Fire.
Apostle Paul. He saw things indescribable. Many years
ago you did too. Then what did He say? Lord Your love is
amazing. The sacrifices that you made My beloved. The
gifts of God.
I found myself in the throne room of the house of living
stones. It was a place so marvelous and extremely lovely
that no words formed on earth could ever portray all its
wonder and beauty. The roof was a great, blazing fire. The
glorious walls of the house were covered by the angelic
cherubims of highest order and great beauty who are ever
watching over all. The floor was of crystal, flowing water
filled with life. Before Him in the Cloud were the living
fires like small clouds and the
living stones of fire
as well. I saw it all as I have seen it before in all its
glory and beauty.
Lucifer once walked in closest fellowship “in the midst of
the stones of fire,”
which means intimacy within the very heart of the Father (Eze
28:14). The Bible speaks of the fire of God (Eze
Ezekiel 28:14 You are the anointed cherub that covers;
and I have set you so: you were upon the holy mountain of
God; you have walked up and down in the midst of the stones
of fire.
In the 1980’s when this land was purchased, a small path was
cleared to the top of the ridge. This was nothing more than
a foot path. However the path, and indeed the whole top of
this little “mountain,” began to glow. It was so bright that
passers-by on the road at the base of this little “mountain”
stopped their cars, got out and climbed to the ridge to see
such a sight. Many took away
glowing stones and
even sticks that glowed…and glowed for a considerable period
of time – as did the top of the ridge.
It was during these early days that Bob Jones declared that
the manifest presence of our Heavenly Father would come to
that ridge: that He Himself, would heal, deliver, and
empower His children that came to the ridge. In the past His
children had experienced a powerful move of THE SPIRIT and,
during His time on Earth, our Lord Jesus actually walked
among us. But this was to be a manifestation of our Heavenly
Later, without knowing of Bob’s prophetic word about the
ridge – many prophets declared the same message.
The stones of fire
are the very heart of the Father. It is the most holy place
in heaven, it is His heart. Everything comes from His
heart. Life, love, revelation, creation, wealth, power, all
of it comes His heart.
If you are ever in the throne room, you will see the Lord
Jesus stand up and step inside the Father. The Holy Spirit
too. This is the 3 in one, they step inside each other and
become 1. That is the trinity, the ability to go inside
each other. One day when you get to heaven, you will get to
step inside of them.
John 17:21-22 That they all may be one; as you, Father,
are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us:
that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 And the
glory which you gave me I have given them; that they may be
one, even as we are one:

So I am with a guy in Texas, a pastor in Texas who works
with gemstones, and he says to me, “You know every gemstone
is formed in fire.
Trembling ones, those who tremble at My Word. There are
times that I give you access into the depths of My own
heart. I open Myself and become vulnerable to you. It is
an intimacy deeper than you have known before. In those
times we become one. I allow you to enter into the mystery
of Who I AM, and why I make the decisions I make. I let you
experience how I feel and why I feel that way.
At one time I allowed Lucifer when he was once the anointed
cherub, to walk among the stones of fire. Each stone is a
revelation of Who I AM, My heart and ways. He was allowed
access to walk there until perverseness was found in him.
When he was cast out of heaven, that holy place among the
stones of fire has been closed to only those whom I call
friends. My friends who tremble at My Word and love Me no
matter what – you will be given opportunities to walk
there. It is My deepest desire that we become one. The
consummation of our oneness is consecrated completeness. It
is the ultimate fulfillment of our mutual love.
John 17:21-23 That they all may be one; as you, Father,
are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us:
that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 And the
glory which you gave me I have given them; that they may be
one, even as we are one: 23 I in them, and you in me, that
they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know
that you have sent me, and have loved them, as you have
loved me.