1/1/05: Today was I very busy, engrossed in a lot of
task oriented details. My emails were downloading and an
urgent message came through to communicate. I put aside
all my stuff to answer and I heard the Lord say very
brake for elephants!
This was
hilarious to me. I love it when He talks to me in
parable form. I have rhema about elephants representing
intercessors, because elephants are burden bearers. It
just so happened that this email came from a couple that
were very dear to me and also prophetic intercessors.
those of you who are scratching your head, there are
bumper stickers that people have on the back of their
car bumpers and occasionally you will see one that says,
I brake for… and then they fill in the blank with
whatever. It is a way of saying that this car puts on
the brakes with everything on hold for a certain
priority. When God says He brakes for the elephant
burden bearers, this is a very special Word!
PARABLE: Wayne told me today about watching a
documentary on elephants. He talked about 2 elephants
raising one child, the mother and the aunt. When the
elephants migrate and stop to rest, the two walk around
the baby in a circle to trample all the grass so a snake
cannot come into the circle unaware. Then they each
stand watch facing the opposite direction, with the baby
between them.
I saw
this not only as a parable of the intercessors carefully
guarding what they have birthed. I also saw the parable
that as they each face the opposite direction, each one
is given a different view point..
It first started to rain. Then it rained harder.
I saw a mountain sticking deep into the ground. Then I
saw that it turned into a tooth with the root buried and
the tip pointing up to the sky.
132:17-18 KJV
will I make the horn {7161} of David to bud: I have
ordained a lamp for mine anointed. His enemies will I
clothe with shame: but upon himself shall his crown
29:21 KJV
In that
day will I cause the horn {7161} of the house of Israel
to bud forth, and I will give thee the opening of the
mouth in the midst of them; and they shall know that I
am the LORD.
(keh'-ren); from OT:7160; a horn (as projecting); by
implication, a flask, cornet; by resembl. AN ELEPHANT'S
TOOTH (i.e. ivory), a corner (of the altar), a peak (of
a mountain), a ray (of light); figuratively, power:
hill, horn.
I saw the word Faith written out.
Agreement. Thy kingdom coming in.
to Ponder are summaries of His quickened Words of
prophetic revelation, punched with the word of wisdom
and written under inspiration.}
With all
that goes on around Me, and all that I do on earth and
in heaven, I bow My ear low and listen. What you have to
say, My Beloved intercessor, is important to Me. I stop
to listen, yes, to you. I cherish your words of innocent
trust, even when you have not seen Me. I AM impacted to
hear your words of courage even when you do not hear My
voice. I AM deeply moved when in spite of all that you
have gone through in your testings, schooling and
persecutions, you have chosen to stay faithful and
committed to believing in My goodness and My Papa's
heart for you. Yes, My dear child, I stop and listen.
Your faith has touched Me more than you could possibly
know. It is your gift to Me, as you lean on Me for your
sustenance, strength and support. How MUCH I love you,
dear one, how very, very much. Thank you.
Mal 3:16
those who feared the LORD spoke with each other, and the
LORD listened to what they said. In his presence, a
scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of
those who feared him and loved to think about him.
Ps 139:6
you have examined my heart and know everything about me.
You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my every
thought when far away. You chart the path ahead of me
and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment you
know where I am.
You know
what I am going to say even before I say it, LORD. You
both precede and follow me. You place your hand of
blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for
me, too great for me to know!
I had a friend send me the following dream today:
“This morning I had a short, but very vivid dream. I was
with a herd of running elephants, riding on the back of
one. It did not have a saddle or anything like that.
Just a rope to hold on to. It did not seem like a
harness for steering... really just a way to not fall
off. It seemed very powerful, as you may imagine a herd
of running elephants would be.”
SANDY COMMENT: Elephants represent the burden bearers,
ones who bear great weight in His kingdom. They are a
family and migrate long distances together. When one
dies, they mourn and linger for a long time until they
are finally able to let go. It takes 2 females to raise
one baby. Usually the second is an adopted aunt who is
usually the sister of the mother. If not an aunt, then
another adoptive mother. When on migrations and it is
time to rest, the 2 walk in a circle, flattening the
grass and then they stand guard back to back and the
baby lays down in the grass at their feet to rest.
When my son was young, I had rhema about dancing pink
elephants and Anna had heard they had their tu-tus on.
(Those are the little fluffy short skirts that little
ballerinas wear, they are made out of colored netting.)
There was one time when my son and his friend were about
7 or 8 and on our way to a camping trip. They were in
the back seat talking about the clouds in the sky. One
saw an elephant with a tu-tu on in the sky. They had no
idea about my rhema. I was a gasp. It was so delightful
I laughed a long time about that. Only God can think of
dancing elephants.
Elephants have strong legs, built like pillars to STAND.
That is the main ingredient in warfare, is to learn to
stand. Even as a baby I have always had strong and heavy
legs. I love it when the Lord talks to me with His sense
of humor, and I had one entry where He wanted to know if
I had ever seen an elephant in a bathing suit? A few
years later I was trying to learn how to bowl with John
and Wayne. I was walking up to the line with all the
grace I could muster and suddenly that picture of an
elephant in a bathing suit came back to me. That is
EXACTLY how I felt, waddling up to the line. I burst out
laughing and totally threw a gutter ball. I laughed so
hard, I was a gonner.
I saw a documentary once where some migrated to another
island. It showed them swimming in a bay like area. It
was incredible. They are beautiful swimmers. It is the
one time where they do not feel the burden of carrying
so much. They have beautiful motion in the water and
don't feel the gravity. It is a good parable that when
the burden bearers are in the water/ Presence of the
Lord they don't feel the pressure and gravity of what
they carry.
The body of Christ really doesn't understand the term
intercessor. They think loud and frequent bombing of
heaven. But that is not true. Some intercessors might
carry the weight of believing the Word of the Lord their
whole life, faithfully stand and resist every obstacle
that would suggest the opposite, and yet maybe only pray
one prayer in regards to that matter. It is not the
prayer so much as it is the sure stubborn grit to
believe. Intercession is a mediator position, standing
like a bridge between 2 places. It can be heaven and
earth, it can be between 2 people or 2 issues.
Intercession is being faithful to stand in the gap, that
place in between until there is a safe place to cross
over and connect or resolve the burden.
I AM the Lord Your God in the midst of you. I dwell in
the midst of unified intercession. Even as elephants
walk trunk to tail along the vast trails of migration, I
send you to walk similar paths of intercession. In your
journeys you shall walk to and fro and the paths of your
feet shall encircle those within. Like those within the
walls that Nehemiah raised, all will benefit and dwell
within the safety away from the false accusations, the
mockers, and those that would slander the work of God.
In the process of building this wall, I shall give you
gifts to evaluate the work needing to be done. I shall
equip you to do the work, and I shall set your hands to
work within the seasons of My own time table. I AM like
the king who released Nehemiah to do the work, sent the
letters of endorsement and protection and gave all the
supplies needed. He lacked nothing, neither will you.
Even the laborers had the heart to join raise up the
walls. Each man shall build the wall in front of his own
family, and together they link arms and build the circle
of unity. I will establish watchman to warn and warriors
to guard even as they build. Together the walls will
raise and all who live within shall remain in safety.
“And whatever more may be needed for the house of your
God, which you may have occasion to provide, pay for it
from the king's treasury.” (Ezra 7:20 NKJV)
I will always
love you and never leave you

The very same day my friend sent me the above dream
about riding an elephant, I received a strong
confirmation that the Lord was speaking to me about
funniest thing happen to me. It was one of those
prophetic gesture things that He does through me. I was
walking in our back yard along the red tiles. There were
round stones that were on the tiles, so I was kicking
and brushing them off with my sandals so the tiles would
be pretty and smooth. I was thinking about being an
elephant at the time, and the above dream. Just as I got
to the other end of clearing the pathway, I was staring
down at my feet and thinking about how Breakthrough
angel removes the stumbling stones from our path, as
shared by Randy Demain and Bob Jones.
Then as I looked at my feet I vaguely remembered a past
vision about seeing an elephant's foot on one of our red
tiles! I could hardly wait to find this, I KNEW God was
saying something to me. Before I found the rhema from
2003, I took a photo of our yard. I did all of this
without knowing what the rhema would say. He is SO
sovereign and lives outside of time!! This is so
PIX: I saw the spotlight menu on the PhotoImpact program
and I was adjusting the light on the photo.
[Lord just exactly what are You spotlighting?]
HEARD: I AM not leaving you. Ever.
PIX: I saw an elephant walking along the red tiles on
our pathway.
HEARD: That path is marked. My path.
HEARD: The first line of the song, I will always love
[Thank You so much Lord.]
HEARD; You're on the path. You are welcome.
No not ever. Never, never will I leave you. You are not
alone, I AM here with you always, even when you hear
nothing and your eyes see nothing.
Your path is clearly marked and you are stepping
carefully upon the stones so lovingly planted for you.
These are memorial stones of faith which are planted
there by My prophets. They have walked the road before
you and their lives are living intercessions. What they
overcome, they keep and plant as memorials of faith that
your way will be well marked and kept.
So even when the dust clouds stir a sudden whip and your
eyes are temporarily blinded, do not fear. Even when you
face loss and seemingly defeat, I have seen to it that
you are safe and never left alone, not for even one
moment. Rest dear child, rest in My Sovereign plan for
your life. We win. You are on the right team. Always,
always My child. I AM always with you.
“...teaching them to observe all things that I have
commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the
end of the age." (Matt 28:20 NKJV)
UPDATE COMMENT: When I heard the first line of the song,
here is the rhema behind that song:
This song was given to Joe in 1992, who lost his wife,
his job, his health, his money, his friends, due to
receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. He had a
chance to keep it all but only if he renounced what the
Lord had given him, but he remained faithful. As a
result, he became suicidal, hopeless and wanted to die.
That above information was prophetically given to Graham
Cooke in a meeting and Graham prophesied that the Lord
would come to him in the night and sing a song over him
that would save his life. And it would save the life of
countless lives and become a classic song on earth and
heaven. A few nights later he woke to the Presence of
the Lord and many angels filling his room. He heard the
audible voice of the Lord sing this song over him, and
his heart melted, finally broke and cried, and then
healed. The Lord told him to go downstairs and write the
song. After he wrote the chords, he heard the Lord sing
the words to him one more time as he wrote them down.
CHORUS: I will always love you, I will always love you,
I will always love you, yes I will. I always will.
I loved you long before you found Me. And then you gave
your life to Me.
But should one day you turn and walk away,
I will always love you, I will always love you, I will
always love you, yes I will. I always will.
My love will never cease to hold you. But should I have
a change of heart.
It is because my heart has ceased to beat.
I will always love you, I will always love you, I will
always love you, yes I will. I always will.
When all around you see the darkness. When you have
looked through the depths,
No pit is so deep I'm not deeper still.
I will always love you, I will always love you, I will
always love you, yes I will. I always will.
And when the day has almost ended. When evening comes
and walls you in.
When there is no one else to comfort you.
I will always love you, I will always love you, I will
always love you, yes I will. I always will.
Here are My arms for you to melt in. Here are My wings
where you can hide.
Here are the tears that I have cried for you.
I will always love you, I will always love you, I will
always love you, yes I will. I always will.
My love is constant as the sunrise. As changeless as the
stars at night,
My child as sure as the turning tide,
I will always love you, I will always love you, I will
always love you, yes I will. I always will.
I will always love you, I will always love you, I will
always love you, yes I will. I always will.
I will always love you, I will always love you, I will
always love you, yes I will. I always will.
UPDATE COMMENT: In hindsight, this was an even more
precious Word to me than I realized. In October of 2003,
I was dining with my family in a train car. It was an
restaurant that used old train cars as its dining room.
The acoustics in the car was very noisy, and it was
filled with happy chatters. All of a sudden there was
like a bubble that encircled me and all sound went void.
At the same moment I heard the audible voice of the
Lord. (It was booming, but it was actually the inner
audible voice, since no one else heard Him.) He said
very emphatically, “I WILL NEVER, NEVER LEAVE YOU.” I AM
with you!!!
I was astonished. His voice was booming and I looked
around at my family, and they were still all talking to
one another at the round table. My world had just been
rocked, and they knew nothing! As soon as my hearing
came back to normal and I could hear all the chatter in
the train car, the first thing I said back to the Lord
was this: “WHY? Whose dying?”
I was so insecure as to why He would suddenly show up
and tell me this, and in a train car at dinner!!!!
During that year, I went through really tough soul
surgeries and I was going through radical death to self.
However, it is really precious that the Lord would bring
this all back to me now, 5/11/06. One week after the
Lord brought back this old rhema about the elephant, and
my just now walking the path and taking a photo of it,
then finding the rhema about I will never leave you, and
I will always love you...... We had some family crisis'.
My mom went into the hospital with heart problems. My
dad was diagnosed with cancer and Wayne's Mom had 2 back
surgeries. Nothing like falling apart at the seams! Our
world was pretty shaking for a while. When things looked
the worst, the Lord reminded me of His audible voice and
it was such a deep, deep comfort to me.
Now as an update, my Mom's heart is now stable. Wayne's
Mom's back surgeries were a success and they got all the
cancer in my dad's surgery. We are all relieved and
blessed to have our loved ones.
moving a grand piano, everyone volunteers to move the