I am keeping you. Something simple.
Someone who is advancing slowly. It’s not a wild ride.
How to prepare. You will learn as you go. Humility.
Lay low. Remain sensitive as to how to maneuver in the
days ahead.
[Prayed last night about needing direction on how to
manage $ concerns for future. Then I watched JP
tonight, so comforting!]
“We may not understand, but we trust Him to take care of
us. I have told my staff wherever I speak, I don’t
pretend to understand every way of God. But I do trust
God. I know that whatever is going to come my way,
He will prepare me for
it, bring people to me that will prepare me to do what I don’t know
how to do. He will take care of me. When do
you need hope the most? It is in the times when things
are most difficult.”
We were looking up on the grassy hill and watched a
turtle egg hatch. It looked to be about the size of a
large dinosaur egg. But when it hatched, the turtle was
really big, much bigger than the egg, and covered in
hair just like a new chickie or bird before they lose
their fluffy feathers.
We were in our car and watching it. It was slowly going
down the mt and took 2 large traversing turns down a
gentle grassy hill. At the bottom of the hill, a very
tall angel came over to me and said, "Excuse me mam, but
I think you are following me. I said, “No actually I am
following that turtle. We saw it hatch.”
[I had prayed that the Lord would manifest angels to
me. So I was wondering if that angel was in
charge of the turtle's journey.]
It was interesting that the turtle was
“advancing” downhill. This is a symbol of humility.
John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease.
James 4:6 But he gives more grace. Therefore he says,
God resists the proud, but gives grace unto the humble.
AH: Today I turned with anointed hands to the
following Word to Ponder and posted it to the Word to
Ponder e-list. I had no idea that this came from turtle
rhema, until I received a confirmation from a reader.
It is time to shed and
abandon old ways and old patterns that do not promote
abundant health to your soul, body and spirit. Yes what
is outside of sin is lawful, but all things are not
edifying; they do not build you up. Precious one, you
have asked for My increase in your life. If you stayed
in the old skin in your thinking, perspectives,
emotions, habits, the increase of My anointing would
burst through cracks in your character and it would
cause much damage to you and others. Beloved if you are
feeling tight and squeezed in areas, it is because I AM
moving you to let go and leave the old self behind.
I have brought you through
years of maturation where these old patterns no longer
fit you. Simply be willing to lay these down and walk
away. Your character in Me has grown to the place where
your will is strong enough to say, “NO!” to old
dysfunctions of what no longer works to appease and what
no longer fits My image. Strip off the old self,
abandon it and return to it no more. You are a new
creature in Me, and old things have passed away. As you
abandon the old skin, you will have a new covered
protection and home in Me. I will increase your
blessing as you swim freely in the waters of My Spirit.
Mark 2:22 NLT
And no one puts new wine
into old wineskins. The wine would burst the wineskins,
spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine needs
new wineskins."
God is so amazing. About a half hour ago, my daughter
and I heard a light repeated rapping on the door. She
thought it was one of her friends, but when she opened
the door, it was a large TURTLE! The turtle was
actually knocking on my door!
I haven't seen a turtle in this area in about ten years.
It was quickened to me so I came straight to this site.
My jaw dropped when I saw the words "abandon the shell"
at the very top!
When I read it, I thought, "Well, this isn't
specifically about turtles, but it seems to fit . . .
hmmm." So I went to explore your rhema about
turtles, and I found this exact word from 2008 --
complete with a picture and a word about turtles
(that wasn't included here). God is saying, "Yep, I'm
talking to you!"
QUICKENED GRAPHIC: Yesterday on Facebook,
someone posted this turtle photo and it was SO quickened
to me.

6/14/13 WOW CONFIRMATION GRAPHIC: I am so amazed
at this. I just looked up the rhema that the Word to
Ponder is from the QW reader mentioned. I see the
turquoise water in that rhema!
Well this morning when I was going to post that Word to
Ponder and felt in the mood to create a graphic to go
with it. So I scrolled through my graphics and found
this one above with the turquoise water. Now that I
look at it in hindsight, those rocks looks like a bunch
of turtle shells!

Oh really, the turtles abandon their shells?
I saw all these turtle shells lined up along a
flowing creek bed and a pool of water. These shells
were standing up on their ends, like armored shields and
were all stacked together like Pringles potato chips in
a can!
I saw
that the turtles had shed them because they no longer
fit and they had jumped into the water with brand new
and larger shells.
The water was a lovely turquoise.
[This is a
Word parable, because turtles do not shed their shells
in real life.]
Old wine skin.
Mark 2:21-22 AMP
No one sews a patch of unshrunken (new) goods on an
old garment; if he does, the patch tears away from it,
the new from the old, and the rent (tear) becomes bigger
and worse [than it was before]. And no one puts new
wine into old wineskins; if he does, the wine will burst
the skins, and the wine is lost and the bottles
destroyed; but new wine is to be put in new (fresh)