RHEMA 11/13/07
Time to Service Your Engine Soon 
FUNNY PARABLE: Sometimes the Lord gives us the
gift of discernment and we dont even realize it in our
ignorance. His sense of humor is so delightful, He knows
exactly how to touch our funny bones.
We have been having an error message come on
intermittently when driving our car. It says, “It is
time to service your engine soon.” Just about the time
we decide our car may be falling apart and we need to
take it in, the light turns off. So I prayed and asked
the Lord for understanding. The other day I was driving
to church and it turned on. I suddenly had the idea that
perhaps it had to do with the temperature because I had
a quickened eye glance at a dial that tells me when the
car is warmed up enough to turn on the heater. Ah ha!
The car was now warm and the light turned on!
So I started taking note of whether the engine had
heated up or not and if the light was on or off. It
turned off again and I noted it. Then the next time we
drove the car together, I mentioned it to Wayne that I
had decided in my simple female way of knowing
practically nothing about cars, that it was the car
temperature! I explained to him what had happened and he
chuckled. That wonderful female investigation of car
diagnosis worked until the next time I got in when it
turned on in the exact opposite way.
So today we went to a place that allows you to plug in
their diagnostic tool for free. It said that the car
thermostat was erratic and didnt know whether it was too
hot or too cold! Immediately I sputtered and laughed out
loud. It was so hilarious to me and I knew God was
smiling at me. The following scripture was impressed on
my heart:
Rev 3:15-17 NKJV
"I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot .
I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you
are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you
out of My mouth.
APPLICATION: The truth is that God’s people have
been in such a state that we have been on a pendulum
swinging from hot to cold and back again. It is due to
trials and tests and need for escape.
DISCERNMENT: I have been inwardly chucking about
this car diagnosis because this is exactly the way I
have been used behind the scenes in a software company I
work with. I do research to find glitches and bugs in
software updates. I am blind to the knowledge, going by
prayer, my nose to discern, and researching with reports
on my findings and what I did to get them, then I turn
them into the one who has the tool to plug it all in! It
is so amazing how God can use each of us even when we
are weak and dont know much about anything. My quickened
eye glance at the car thermostat was a perfect example
of how the Lord leads me into His truth. It is a lot of
fun to be so led!
Rom 8:14-15 NKJV
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are
sons of God.
a reader asked me for the interpretation to the
following dream:
DREAM: I dreamt that I had car-trouble and I got
out and opened the hood. I found that my battery was on
fire ! ..... In fact, it had fallen over on its side,
and fluid was leaking all over like lava. A burning red
lava under my hood in several places against the
tire-well and firewall. I remember pulling off the
battery's cables and throwing the battery out on the
ground. I dashed into my vehicle and brought out my
(old, but working) fire-extinguisher and put out the
fires under the hood. I could see the white
extinguisher-power putting out the fires.
SANDY COMMENTS: This really hit me in the right
place. The volcano was a good word parable of the many
visions and Words I have had about the Lord placing His
anointing within us and it simmering underneath the
surface until He places the right pressure on, and it
comes pouring out of us.
Well I have been suffering burn out and trying to
rebuild my soul to a healthy place. I basically “played”
most of the summer and then also worked on completing a
huge family project that had been mounting and passed
down to me for many years: ancestor photos and their
history. A couple days ago I finally completed this huge
project and sent it off to the printer to be hardbound
and printed in full color for Christmas gifts. Yesterday
it hit me that I was no longer feeling burnt out, but
refreshed. This dream really ministers to me! He has
cooled down all my places of burn out!
Matt 11:28-12:1 AMP
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and
overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. {I will ease
and relieve and refresh your souls.} Take My yoke upon
you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble
(lowly) in heart, and you will find rest ( relief and
ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet)
for your souls. {Jer 6:16.} For My yoke is wholesome
(useful, good — not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but
comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is
light and easy to be borne.