Fellowship. The joy of having you here. To see
you laugh brings Me delight. It lights up my whole
HEARD: The key ingredient. There is
Honor for each individual.
Rom 13:7 NKJV
Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom
taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom
fear, honor to whom honor.
QUICKENED MEMORY: About a week ago I
heard, "We honor you." And I remembered the
following scripture:
Heb 2:6-8 NKJV
What is man that You are mindful of him, Or the son
of man that You take care of him? You have made him a
little lower than the angels; You have crowned him with
glory and honor, and set him over the works of Your
hands. You have put all things in subjection under his
PIX: I saw our 2 year old
granddaughter and her precious smile lit up across her
face as we were praising her for her good behavior.
At our family dinner this weekend, I shared how she had
done something at our home last time she was here, that
showed remarkable self discipline. I was so proud of
Then I saw our grandson's smiling face and I saw a list
of things on a piece of paper that he was being honored

QUICKENED DOCUMENTARY: Last night I watched a
Nature show on PBS, "Echo, an Elephant to Remember."
The documentary honored Echo, the matriarch elephant who
guided and protected her family and taught them how to
survive 3 years of famine and carry on without her.
She was the leader of a family herd in Africa, that had
been studied and watched for 36 years. Echo was
considered Africa's most famous elephant. She died in
2009, at the age of 65 years.
QUOTES FROM THE SHOW: "This is the story of a
family matriarch, who in life and death remains the key
in a family's survival..."
"...Will the immense experience gained by her
forerunners of the centuries be lost to her family?"
"The final test of a matriarch is how well she passes
on that knowledge. What gifts has she given her
children? Will they remember her lessons?"
I could see how Echo was faithful, loyal and a fierce
advocate. When her baby son Ely was born, he had been
too big for her womb. Thus his feet had been tucked
underneath him, when growing inside. When he was born
he could get his hind legs to stand, but his front knees
would buckle and not straighten. He crawled around on
his knees trying to keep up with the herd. If his knees
had become raw, he would have quickly died of
infection. Echo walked very slowly, in allowance for
his pace. When he collapsed from his efforts to stand
fully upright, Echo would wrap her truck around him and
coax him to stand once again. This went on for 3 long
days. When the herd moved a small distance for water,
Echo remained by her son's side. Finally on the 3rd day
he gained enough strength to stand straight up and he
was able to nurse and get his sustenance and survive.
I thought how faithful my own mother, Grandma Anna has
been to me during my difficult times. She has always
been there, fiercely loyal - a protective, praying
advocate, with similar coaxing to continue to "stand!"
When another herd of elephants kidnapped Ebony, Echo's
little daughter, they charged Echo and ran her off.
Echo gathered her sisters and they stood packed, side by
side and pressing forward into the other herd. They kept
pressing until Ebony was released and safely under her
legs once again. Then Echo's family moved away, closely
packed around Ebony until they had fully separated from
the other herd.
Isa 59:19 NKJV
When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of
the Lord will lift up a standard against him.
Echo and her family lived in Kenya's Amboseli National
Park. It appeared to be lush and green and filled with
watery land. Then came 3 years of drought and famine
where everything turned brown and there was little
water. The ground was dust with nothing growing for
miles. Echo found places for them to survive and taught
them how to move the herd along paths. I was reminded
of how our Godly patriarchs have led us along paths of
righteousness and that is what keeps a family safe is in
walking in God's ways. After Echo died, they followed
the paths where she had led them.
Once again I thought of my beloved Anna and how she has
strongly adhered to God's path of righteousness,
avoiding the world and all its lure. She is truly to be
honored for her strong stand and loving prayers for a
righteous family.
Prov 22:6 NKJV
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he
is old he will not depart from it. |