3/16/06: I received a delightful
Word today about monkeys. God has a wonderful sense of
So here is how it all started. I received the following
e-mail from a friend who has a delightful clown ministry
to children.
Hi Sandy,
Tea time :>Well, I was watching the news and a feature
came on about hula hooping being a way to get inches
off. An inch in a month. Being the vain thing that I can
be, I had an idea! An inch in a month - this is a true
miracle and I could hoop as a child, not as well as my
sister, but I could do it.
So, I received the box and out comes the 3lb. hoop. I
step into the hoop with greatest of confidence and boing,
straight to the floor. I now know how they lost an inch
a month; it is from bending over and picking it up!
CONFIRMATION NOTE FROM SANDY: This was so funny to me,
because I could just see that hoop bouncing off and her
leaning over to pick it up. But that was really
quickened to me, because Wayne and I had just had a
conversation this same day about leaning over to pick
things up off the floor. I learned some time ago that
our lymphatic system does not move with our circulatory
system which is driven by the heart. The only way our
lymphatic system moves is if we move, and especially
when our movement defies gravity. So, I was sharing with
Wayne just prior to receiving this e-mail that we could
get healthy simply by leaning over to pick things up off
the floor!
That is hilarious.
You GO GIRL. Move those hips and jiggle that belly!

(And then I included the following
graphic. I looked a while for that graphic. I felt
quickened I was to send her some kind of an animal, and
when I saw this one, I knew it was the right choice.)
Yesterday, I received a manual called "The Art & Joy of
Hospital Clowning." In it says, "But the key to our way
of clowning is 'swinging between the trees'......."
I also was given a chance to buy a new $80 gorilla
puppet for $20 yesterday. Unbelievable!
later, on March 17, my friend received the following
The card said:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
And may everyone you meet, with a “Kiss Me, I’m Irish”
button ... be real attractive.
SANDY’S NOTE: So, with all of this monkey business, I
felt the Lord was saying that it was time to dig out
Anna’s monkey rhema!!!
I have had rhema in the past when the Lord used a
monkey. It all started when my young grandson sent me a
crayoned drawing of the back side of a monkey scratching
his head. I had it up on my wall for quite a while and
never turned it over to know it had a face! The Lord
used that experience to tell me He was trying to get me
to turn around so that I would face my calling in Him.
"Lord, this monkey that my grandson sent me, I never
turned it over! I was only looking at the back which
showed him scratching his head. Sandy couldn't believe
what she was hearing about the backside of this monkey.
She said, “Turn it over! It's a picture of his front
side and face and he is winking!” Lord, are You trying
to show me that who I am in You has been kept a puzzle
and I haven't known, but now You are going to give me a
1/11/92 HEARD: Removed from your hands, a veil. Getting
to the bottom of the iceberg. A quick glimpse. Wow. You
don't know. Turn monkey over.
3/24/92 HEARD: Where are your coconuts?
11/14/92 HEARD: Wondering. No more. Face the monkey.
Yes, little one. It's OK. Sit in the cloud forever. You
are mine.
11/19/92 HEARD: Life's tree. Monkey swinging by his
tail. Doing valiantly. Forever mine. I love you,
9/10/95 HEARD: Overthrow. Stronghold. Not going
anywhere. Lie. Impossible. Not with ME it isn't. When is
it a monkey? When it is on your back. Remove.
I had a monkey that I was instructing. He was to tell
people his name and something about himself and then
served food to everybody. He was happy to serve food to
everyone, but he was not happy about giving his name and
telling something about himself.
{end Grandma Anna rhema excerpts}
Since the Lord has connected seeing
the monkey’s face... (notice that in the picture, he
first has his eyes closed, he is not seeing who he is,
then his eyes are open, I know the Lord is turning us
around to reveal our face. I am reminded of the monkey
pictures where the monkey has his hands in front of his
face hiding himself. He thinks no one can see him!
He is saying that the reluctant ones have dropped all
these promises on the ground, and He is bringing them to
our attention. It is time He is opening our eyes to who
we are in Him, and that we face this and then become
intimate with Him and with others as we greet one
another with a holy kiss!!
{Words to Ponder are summaries of
His quickened Words of prophetic revelation, punched
with the word of wisdom and written under inspiration.}
Yes, dear ones, I am settling all that monkey business.
For years, I have been talking to you about who you are
in Me. And every time I turn that sweet face of yours
around to face Me and face your calling, you pop right
around and scratch your head, or drop the ball and we
start all over again. You have all this excess baggage
you are carrying around, and it is encumbering you from
running the race. And there are pearls at your feet just
waiting for you to pick up and look at once again.
Down up, down up, get a movin’.
Take it in stride and start your swingin’.
Swing those hips round and round,
and soon you’ll pick up what’s on the ground.
I’m “notta kiddin’” you have what it takes.
Just a little practice and you’ll be in shape.
One two, one two, come on dear ones, show your face.
Look at Me and leave disgrace.
It’s all in the past, leave it behind.
And soon you’ll be lighter and your face will shine.
1 Cor 9:24-27 NKJV
Do you not know that those who run in a race all run,
but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you
may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize
is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a
perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown.
Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I
fight: not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my
body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have
preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.