


The last several days Baby Kitty has slept in the backyard tree and not in her new bed on the cat tree that I had prepared for her and she had finally enjoyed. Last night I saw a black and white kitty climbing up to the food trays to steal her food. I don’t know if another kitty got their smell on her bed or just the food area and if that made her digress to the tree.

I am reminded of when Gideon was hiding with his wheat in the winepress so that he could thresh it without the Midianites seeing him. They were stealing all of Israel’s crops.

I began to pray over her again that she would return to her resting place in the cat tree, as she needs this for winter and rainy days. I was just SO comforted to see back in her bed last night as it was a direct response to my prayers for her.

This morning before dawn before I went back to bed, I went outside to check on kitty. I spoke the word of the Lord over her. I said, “You have got to learn to defend your territory. You don’t have to fight the bad kitties, but you have to occupy.”

What I told her was so quickened. I realized that running away is not an option after we have made headway over an issue. Even simply standing our ground is a way to say no to the enemy and to keep him from trespassing. We are NOT to run away from a problem when we are between a rock and a hard place. We must seek the Word of the Lord and stand/ sit/ rest/ wait there as we trust what He said. If we change positions because there seems no way out of a confrontation, then we are running away unless the Lord has told us to move. Baby Kitty has clearly pointed to the Word of the Lord!

Judges 6:11 And there came an angel of the LORD, and sat under an oak which was in Ophrah, that pertained unto Joash the Abiezrite: and his son Gideon threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites.

Ephesians 6:13 Therefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.




This is the time to take back our land. A determined stand. I have not forgotten you says the Lord. You are right in the palm of my hand. You always will be. Position. Liberty. I will comfort you greatly and silent the storms. The waves have risen up against you but I will calm them. I assure you, they are in MY hands.


I will not forsake you. Being obedient to possess the land. I will go with you says the Lord. My children. They are trusting Me. How could I forsake them? Never. Only stay obedient and stay by My side. We shall possess it together. Occupy.

Jos 24:13 I have given you a land for which you did not labor and cities you did not build, and you dwell in them; you eat from vineyards and olive yards you did not plant.


Faith. You are going to be just fine. Occupy your land. We will do this together. I am establishing you sweet one. You are My sent one. My bride.



When I send you, I have a job for you to do. When you accept these assignments, things are set in motion to bring you the Words and preparations that you need. However, this is much greater than you. The lives that you touch must also be prepared, for I puzzle all things together. I send My angels to weave preparations for these special times of ministry.

If you waver in your faith and back up, this brings everything to a halt, not just in the natural but in the supernatural. Therefore, remember, that when I send you, there is much riding on your commitments. Do not waver in your faith and hold back in the Spirit. Rather, go forth with boldness, knowing that whom I send I also back with signs following.

“And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.” (Mr 16:20KJV)