Since last September, when I do my devotions I do them by hand and not lying in bed with my recorder. For years I wanted to hear Him sitting with Him and not laying down almost asleep. So I began to “practice.” It has been a stretch of faith for me, but the Lord keeps sending me confirmations that I am hearing Him. So precious!
My journal is the new disk binding system, where I can use any kind of paper and color, even with scrapbook paper. I totally, totally LOVE it. I decorate the pages with doodles and color and stickers. Because of the binding system, the papers are all different sizes and colors and that keeps each Word uniquely special.
So tonight as I thumbed through my papers to choose from, I found the tiniest one and laughed. It is one inch wide and 6.5 inches tall. I immediate thought of my story, How Big is Your faith? I thought, yep right now, it feels about that big.
I wrote the above paragraph on that piece of paper and grabbed a matching one, only it was now 3 x 6.5 inches. I wrote, OK, now I have graduated! Little steps make a difference. My faith is growing!
10/14/06: Last night at Intercessors & Roundtable meeting Barb asked me for a piece of paper. So I tore a 2×3” piece of paper off my notepad and handed it to her and asked her if she wanted a pen! She laughed and said she hesitated to see what she would get if she said yes!
On the way home from the meeting I was still chuckling about that and the Lord put it in my heart to bring her a huge piece of butcher paper tonight to church. So I unrolled a 3 x 5 foot sheet of paper and got my huge marking pen out. I asked Him what I was supposed to do with it and it was quickened to me to tape a tiny piece of torn paper at the top and write a question on it. And then I wrote in large letters the Word the Lord gave me plus I added a scripture at the bottom.
On the way to church, the Lord told me this was a corporate Word. So when I handed her the rolled up scroll, and told her it was a Word from the Lord to her, she asked, “ How big is it?” Then she unrolled the scroll and read, “ How big do you want it?”
Then she read the tiny piece of paper that was taped to the top of the scroll. It said, “Just a little piece…. or:”
THE QUESTION: The Lord is asking us, what do we want? Are we asking for just a little piece? Or…… HOW BIG DO WE WANT IT?
1Co 2:9 NKJV
But as it is written: “Eye has not seen , nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”