The Gift of Writing
Matt 23:34 NKJV …Therefore, indeed, I send you prophets, wise men, and scribes…
In August of 1984 the Lord came to me and handed me a solid gold pen. He loosed His anointing into me as I fell under the power of His Spirit. For a week I thought and pondered the experience but had no idea what the pen was for. Then suddenly I had the desire to write on how God speaks. I had no idea it would be the beginnings of my first book or a full time writing ministry. He opened the door of His treasury and allowed me access. The anointing that He gave me to write has never departed. Within that anointing has been His heart and content for every Word. He has continued to pour His message into me and gives me His grace to write.
HIS WORDS BY PASS TIME In the natural, there is a special anointing influence that is placed upon the written Word. The spoken Word can influence hearts at the time for impact, but the written Word abides with time and can be referred to after many years for even more impact.
I am always amazed at the timing of the Lord. Time is nothing to Him! It doesn’t matter when I write a Word, the Lord will bring a person to read it when they are supposed to read it. I get so tickled at hearing people’s testimonies of how the Lord used His Word to minister to them in unusual and very personal ways. It has nothing to do with me, it is all about HIM!
I had printed my rhema journals, one copy for myself and when they arrived, the printer made a mistake and printed the right cover with the wrong file, so they reprinted and sent it back. On the day it arrived, I opened that rhema which was 6 years prior, and my eyes fell on a small paragraph. The paragraph was exactly what I had told a person that very day in an email. At the end of that rhema paragraph the Lord had said, “Enjoy your day.” When the person responded to what I had written to him that day, he ended his email by saying, “Enjoy your day.” I just sat there bamboozled thinking it was as though the Lord was sitting there listening to the whole email excha
When the Lord inspires what is written, like for instance anointing His scribes to write, the impact and influence upon hearts is very powerful. Even angels are sent with a Word and assigned to stand guard over it, to minister to the person who reads it, then help bring it to pass in that person’s life.
He inspires prophesying, teaching, poetry, song lyrics, writing of drama scripts, novels, articles, game scripts, movie scripts, advertisements, game books, etc. You name it, the Lord will use the gift of writing to communicate His words of refreshment through every mode of writing to touch hearts with His goodness.
Poetry is something that as children, we learn in school. We learn that words can rhyme, and that there is a tempo and flow like the beat of a drum. I did my lessons like other children, but it was not until I was an adult that I began to love poetry.
It started when Anna began to hear the Lord’s Word in poetry and she would scribe His Words. It was very obvious that these were very prophetic and from Him. Sometimes He gave her poems the night of my birthdays and it was so very special to me to receive Words straight from heaven in this fashion. I began to really love poetry. Then one day I heard Bob Jones speak a prophesy in simple poetry and the Lord swept through my soul as he spoke. I later heard him sing poetry and the Lord showed me that in the Hebrew language, that a part of being a prophet is being an inspired poet. I was SO surprised. {#5031 Strongs}
The Lord told me a few months before He gave me my first poem, that He was going to impart the Gift of Poetry to me. Then Paul Keith Davis, who was mentored by Bob Jones came to our church and he called me forward and laid hands on me. I was under the trembling power for a long time as the Lord poured upon me.
It was right after that impartation that I began writing intercessory poetry. I literally felt His yearning heart as I wrote them, and many times through tears and groaning. Some poems were lighter and some were deeper, but always with His heart beat as the Words and rhythms came to me. I have gone many months between writing a poem, but when they come, they are always special.
POEM: SUCH A GREAT COST TO GIVE FREE WILL 7/30/06 God made Adam free and gave him a voice He laid down His power to grant free choice. God walked with Adam and gave him access Talking, sharing, waiting for Adam’s “yes.” Through His great power, by force He could take. With His great love, He yielded for their sake. In the garden, He would not interfere. He gave free choice for willing volunteers.
Through out these years of mankind’s history God’s heart travails an enflamed mystery. He pursues our lives with such passioned love. Yet waits for entrance as the gentle Dove. Bowing His ear low, He’s so sensitive Hearing our desires, if we’re receptive. He yearns as He waits for our permission. With circled groaning for our decision.
His intense love is constrained persuasion Lest He overtake us by invasion. With great restraint He will not use His force To rule our life with pressuring coerce. God knows the cost of honoring free will Continued this day, He suffers it still. One third of His creatures fell to the earth Refused His love, dishonored what he birthed.
He may seek us and be inquisitive. But only wants what were willing to give. He makes sure we really know He is there. So we will receive what He has to share. He suffers long, through wavering so-so’s. Til He’s convinced that we really mean no. God’s deepest travail is that He does wait For mutual desire to relate.
John 17:21 NKJV … that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us…
THE GIFT OF DRAMA AND Skits At Christmas time, I love to watch the Dramas and Musicals from various churches. They carry such an anointing to share His good Word and message in a wonderful creative and moving way. It is truly my favorite way to hear the Gospel. But these pageantries take SO much sacrifice and time. Many of the churches work all year to prepare.
It is a wonderful example of how the Lord uses every gift to put together such amazing and moving portrayals of His message. Behind the scenes there are carpenters, seamstresses, artists, writers, lighting, sound men, cameras, and much more. On the front lines there are the drama actors, musicians, choirs and dancers who have spent much time perfecting their parts.
Oh what glory it is when the day comes. The Presence of the Lord charges the entire room with electric waves of energy and moving passion as the expressions climax. Audiences are taken to the heights of emotion as they feast on living color, light, sound and message. They are moved to tears, explosive applause and even shouts of praise. Angels and men alike rejoice to be a part.
The Gift of Drama and pageants are such a powerful way to communicate, I pray that ministries will rise up and rent places full time, changing messages maybe with each season and doing nothing but sharing God’s Word through such powerful displays. Aimee Semple McPherson had this gift and used it regularly in her services to go along with her sermons. With today’s technology, it is very exciting to realize the full potential of how it can be incorporated into communicating God’s Word.
Worship is a matter of our expressing our heart to Him, and that is impossible when we have our eyes on others and their responses instead.
Here is a wonderful testimony from one of QW Class members:
“The Lord uses me in service or ministry where my gifts of creativity, exhortation, writing and teaching gifts are shown through my puppet shows.
I love to do creative things with my hands like making life size puppets. After I made them I was asked to write some scripts for them using bible verses or something suitable for different occasions. I have written dramas for Christmas, Valentine’s day, vacation bible school and evangelism, and etc. I would read a scripture; pray about it and then begin writing an expansion on that verse illustrated by a puppet scene or drama. I protested at first that I didn’t know how to do that but soon I found that the Holy Spirit could work through me.
I volunteer weekly at a nursing home. Sometimes I take a puppet which occasionally reaches those who don’t usually respond. One time I visited an Alzheimer unit. There was a patient there who closed her eyes all the time but she would sing “Jesus Loves Me”. I peeked the puppet around the door into her room and an aide said oh you should see this puppet. When I said hi through the puppet, she opened her eyes and kept them open! I was thrilled. Another man never responded to much of anything but when my puppet gave him a kiss on the cheek he began talking.”
Power Over Performance, How Do You Worship? The Pharisees…. …lived to perform the best impression. …were perfectionists in appearances. …prided themselves in how they performed. …found their identify in what they produced. Because of this, they… …felt badly when they botched a performance. …worried about what other’s thought of their appearance. …judged other’s performances. …lost their self worth when they were not able to perform.
Liberty is when… …you no longer think about what you produce, but who you are in Him. …you no longer worry about what others think, but what God thinks. …you no longer think about other’s failures, rather you humbly see your own. …find your identity in pleasing God.