


6/26/24 COMMENT: This month I was given various rhema about being tested in order to confirmed and validated by the Lord. I had no idea why I was given it until the end of the month, after walking it out. When He examines us under His microscope, it is to test our motives, our heart, and what we believe. When we are examined, there is a standard in which we are compared. It is the Word of God, His holy scripture. He IS and has the final Word on everything and we can trust His scriptures to be His final Word on every matter.

Each time we are tested like that, His purpose is to separate what does not belong in our lives and bring us to Him. We let go and repent, then make a decision and commitment about that for our future. His works among us are amazing and precise!

6/02/24: Surrounded by My love. The righteous know their God. Though will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.

I saw two of the cloud of witnesses sitting in lawn chairs and reading my NLT art Bible. I wondered what they thought since they didn’t have such a translation or margins for art in their day. I knew they were scrutinizing the translation to make sure that it was in alignment with His original Word and intent. I heard the words, Nearness and Ratification. To ratify.

I had to look up the word ratify as I did not know what it meant.

ratify /răt′ə-fī″/

transitive verb

To approve and give formal sanction to; confirm.

To approve and sanction; to make valid; to confirm; to establish; to settle; especially, to give sanction to, as something done by an agent or servant.

Lamentations 3:40 Let us search and examine our ways, and turn again to the LORD.

He then said, Courage my daughter. Walk carefully.



I saw a glass slide being taken out to be examined under a microscope . I saw some sort of a purple stamp that Bob Jones had put on some paper.

I heard, Innocent. Until proven guilty.

Psalm 26:2 Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my heart and my mind.

Lord if I am going through a test to be examined, please help me walk carefully, make good choices and walk circumspectly. I can not do this on my own power, and You know that I want to always align with Your Word.



Proverbs 25:13 As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refreshes the soul of his masters.

REVELATION: Today I pondered the above scripture that I have quoted for years. Lord I am finally understanding to be sent is to please YOU. To do Your bidding. To fulfill Your purposes. My purpose and focus is in giving YOU pleasure. I understand I am watering YOU when I am sent. It refreshes YOU and brings YOU pleasure!

HEARD: Touchstone.

A touchstone is a hard stone used to test the quality of gold or silver by making a streak on the hard stone with the gold. It is an example used to test the excellence or genuineness of others.

Worth your weight (wait) in gold.  Who you are.  Pure and rare.  I sent you Beloved.  You please Me.  It’s the right choice. To remain available. You followed Me all the way.  It is important for you to understand and accept.  When I send you, it’s for My purpose.  Not yours. We defeated many layers.   Even ones that were hidden and you knew nothing about.  You did this by being willing and obedient.   Sent one, do not be afraid.

I had never heard the word touchstone before. I looked it up in my rhema and found the following quote from Bobby Conner about this verse:

Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore CHOOSE life, that both thou and thy seed may live:


Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary

בָּחַר bachar (bâchar)

Search for H977 in KJVSL; in KJV; load in ESI.

בָּחַר bâchar, baw-khar’

a primitive root; properly, to try, i.e. (by implication) select:—acceptable, appoint, choose (choice), excellent, join, be rather, require.





bāḥar: A verb whose meaning is to take a keen look at, to prove, to choose. It denotes a choice, which is based on a thorough examination of the situation and not an arbitrary whim. Although this word rarely means to prove, it does communicate that sense in Isa_48:10, where it describes the way God tested Israel in order to make a careful choice: “I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.” In most contexts, the word suggests the concept to choose or to select. It can designate human choice (Gen_13:11; Deu_30:19; Jos_24:15; Jdg_10:14) or divine choice (Deu_7:7; 1Sa_2:28; Neh_9:7; Psa_135:4); however, in either case, it generally has theological overtones. This word can also have the connotations to desire, to like, or to delight in. A good example is Isa_1:29, where the word is in synonymous parallelism with ḥāmaḏ (H2530), meaning to desire or take pleasure in.


Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

The first meaning of bachar suggests the action of rubbing on a ” touchstone” – or the gesture of dividing and examining, as if proving to oneself the truth of a matter. When we choose , according to this verb bachar, we are affirming that we have examined our choice and found it to be true .

The second overtone of this marvelous Hebrew verb is to approve of , as one approves of a beloved – one whom we have chosen because the choice is excellent , surpassing all others! As we “choose life,” then, we are declaring that we love life, approving life as surpassing all other options.

In fact, the third translation of the Hebrew bachar actually means to love, to delight in any thing. This is the same verb choose that we find in Isa 14:1, when God declares His profound love for Israel: “For the LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land . . .” Young’s Literal Translation renders the verse thus: “Because Jehovah loveth Jacob, And hath fixed again on Israel, And given them rest on their own land . . .”

To choose life is to fix ourselves on life with a passionate love ! To choose life is to examine and prove the truth of life as a surpassing, excellent choice.

To choose life is to love life as we love a person, to take great delight in life, as the Lord Himself delights in His people Israel – fixed on them, without shadow of turning.

{end Bobby’s quote}



Just as I was tested in the wilderness before I was promoted in ministry, it is true that every test yields way to increase. When I saw that the great crowd of people on the hill had no food, I already knew what I would do to feed them. Yet I asked Philip where we could buy bread to feed all those people. Why did I test Philip? Because I wanted to examine and scrutinize his faith for the miracle to come. I not only called attention to the need and challenged Philip if he had the answer for provision, I was setting him up to receive the miracle to come. The answer to every test, is that you dont have the answer. I AM your answer.

Joh 6:6 AMP

But He said this to prove (test) him, for He well knew what He was about to do.


6/26/24 PRAYER: Lord as You bring each of us under Your holy microscope, we wholly submit to You. You said judge nothing before its time and You also told us to examine ourselves whether we are worthy to participate in communion for if we are living unworthy we place judgement upon ourselves. As we break bread with You and one another, let us walk worthy of Your sacrifice and all You have done for us. Forgive us for our sins, all of us are guilty and none of us are worthy of Your kindness and mercy. Lord Your Word is our touchstone, the standard in which all is judged. Your judgements are fair and right. We submit to Your choice and ask for mercy and Your grace to change into Your likeness. Let us choose Your life and not the death that is in the world. Let us choose life that we and our children may live.

Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore CHOOSE life, that both thou and thy seed may live: