Interpreting the Environment #2
![]() EXAMPLE OF LISTENING TO THE ENVIRONMENT Here is another example of a dream that reveals the current environment or circumstances. It helps to be able to identify environments when they are present in a dream or vision because it helps us respond to God and partner with Him in the situations we find ourselves.
A member of our class shared the following dream:
THE DREAM: I was visiting a tower, like a lighthouse with another associate. Inside, it was anything but comfortable, it was safe, high you could see for miles, lined with corrugated iron. A lady lived in the lighthouse and was going about her daily business, keeping house so to speak, uncomplaining and full of purpose.
SANDY COMMENTS: I thought this dream was really a perfect Word Picture of the watchmen on the walls and where they are right now. To my ears it portrays being held in a safe and high position to watch and hear. But it also portrays the narrow way and places of confinement and even the captivity of a fasted life style in order to stay in that place. Simple, organized and disciplined are words that come to mind, in living in such an environment.
I did not know what corrugated iron was and so I looked it up on google. It is a form of roofing that is light weight. It is stronger and more flexible because it is corrugated, and that is quickened to me. I once had a vision of an A-frame house covered with eagle feathers. And I had a vision of an eagle covered with real roofing shingles. The Lord was telling me about His canopy and protection over us, similar to that of roofing.
Ps 91:4-6
HOW THIS INFORMATION MATTERS: The watchman that are finding themselves in a narrow and constricted, fasted lifestyle are comforted to understand they are doing exactly what the Lord is requesting. They understand they are safe and planted exactly where they are supposed to be for the season in which they are in.
MEANING OF NAMES It was quickened to me to ask the Class member what was the name of her acquaintance accompanying her in the dream. When I looked it up, it meant “coral”. It was important to me because she was not close to this person, she was only a casual acquaintance from church.
I knew this was a supporting significance to the interpretation of the dream. It really was quickened to me her name might be important. The fact that her name means reef confirms that what she saw in the dream was a lighthouse, gave us the environment of the Word: the ocean. The ocean represents the sea of people or nations. The Word that the Lord is giving to His watchmen are Words for the nations.
A reef represents a prickly boundary of protection. The coral reefs are really hard to swim near, as they are sharp. This reminds me of the following scripture. The word shield means to be guarded by prickliness.
Ps 5:12 NKJV
KJV – buckler, cold, hook, shield, target. (Biblesoft’s New Exhaustive Strong’s Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)
Psalms 5:12
Psalms 35:2
Psalms 91:4
Proverbs 25:13
CONCLUSION: I am thinking that reefs surround land masses, and so this represents the Lord is divinely protecting nations and land masses so that whatever comes through is only allowed by Him for His purposes upon the earth.
I am also thinking that the protection of the reefs also corresponds with the corrugated roofing which means protection.