Callys Quirks


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(Text Version)

I enjoy watching animals and hearing stories about their behavior.  They each have such distinct personalities, even among their own species.  The Lord taught me a concept about “waiting upon Him” through Cally, our adopted feral cat.  She had a funny and independent personality.  When she was in the mood for love, she’d run right up to you and want your touch.  But when she was not, she’d meander up the walkway when you called her, but stopping just short of your arm’s reach.  The problem was, either way, when I reached out to touch her, she moved.  So I’d take one step forward, reach out and touch her and then she’d move back one more step.  This went on and on!


I was thinking about Cally one day while writing about how it takes the Lord time to set up His Words to us, and how it is important to give Him time to answer our needs.  When the Lord starts talking to us about issues, He prepares His Words to be ready for us as we need them.  But what if we stop just short of receiving His Word?  [As in requesting something from Him, then stopping short of hearing what He wants to give.]  Or what if we come to Him gladly, letting Him touch us, and He wants to continue touching us right in the exact location we are in, but  we move away.  [As in hearing Him via sermon, and not staying in that same place of reception when the service is over — then walking out the church doors, missing the next Word that lines up exactly with what He is still saying.]


As I thought about this, I realized that was exactly what I was doing at the time.  My jump up and skitter/scatter behavior towards sitting at the Lord’s feet and really searching His Words to me had become erratic and I wasn’t giving Him the time He needed to complete anything He started.  I was making it very difficult for His Word to come through my rushing.  I prayed for His help to remind me to be still and hear Him everywhere, and not to be caught up in my hurried surroundings.  Thank you Lord.  Thank you Cally.


Some time later I wasn’t feeling well and stayed in bed and rested.  I decided to read my journal notes of the  Lord’s various Words to me in all the delightful ways He speaks. I was really enjoying spending the time with Him, and I had my Bible, devotional books, notes, pens and markers, pillows and all my creature comforts spread out all over the bed.  That night I had a dream about Cally. She did a miracle!  She voluntarily climbed into my lap, was sprawled out and hanging all over me.  I had such a wonderful time loving her and she really liked it!  I was really tickled when I awoke and realized it was the Lord’s way of saying He enjoyed my day as much as I did!!!



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