
Gifts of Computer Programming



The field of computer programming has lit up the world’s circuitry with explosive action, color and excitement as it has moved us from flat ink on paper to “3-D  is Alive and Well.”  This technology is growing and changing every day, expanding even greater opportunities to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with a new generation. 


The above Storytime, which is available through ITunes APP store, is one great example of a new way to communicate Jesus’ timeless message.   Just a few weeks ago I downloaded 5 games from the APP store for my 3 year old grandson to play on my ITouch.  Both he and I were delighted to find that Grammy’s ITouch was interactive and fun, while teaching him his ABC’s, numbers, shapes and colors. 


The monkey jumped, giggled and clapped when he made the right choice and shook his head “No” when he goofed.  It was just thrilling to watch my toddler grandson interact with this little machine he could hold in his hand.  If they had Christian games, teaching tools for toddlers I would have downloaded EVERY ONE of them.  It is so exciting to see where technology is moving.   God is pouring His creative gifts into programmers so that His people can connect with a blossoming world of techies.


Benj Miller is one such Christian.  He started his business, “eyespeak” when he was 26 years old and it has grown to serve both business and non profit with inspiring and innovate world world wide.  Benj’s team developed the above Storytime. 


From Benj:  “At our core we are a creative company. We create logo brands. We create marketing strategies. We create graphic designs. We create technology. We create momentum to move people into an interactive level in technology. 


I believe the core of our creativity comes from an attitude I learned very young.  My father was a pastor to the local community.  We were not wealthy and did not have much in terms of material wealth. That is not to say we went without… we rarely did. We just had to get creative. My mother may have had to make the cool new style of shorts. My dad may have had to build our new play house out of wood from a near by dilapidated barn.

We called it “dirt & spit.” It comes from a man named Jesus who took dirt from the ground, spit in it and made mud. He took that mud and rubbed it on the man’s eyes and cured his blindness. Why dirt? Why spit? Why mud? That was the resources God put in his hand to get creative. Whenever I am facing a circumstance and feel my resources are lacking, I simply remember my mother and ask myself, “What has God put into my hand?”


THE GIFT OF Cartooning


Prov 17:22 NKJV
A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.


I grew up enjoying comic books.  I gained a lot through the pictures that seemed to say even more than the words said.  Of course cartoons also came on the scene with TV.  Now cartooning is going to a whole new level of animation with technology and computers.  The special effects they are able to generate are simply amazing.


However when it comes right down to it, people still love to read those simple boxes with one or 2 scenes that contain a touch of dialog that humorously portrays truth.  They have not lost their effectiveness to lighten a heart or make one ponder.  The Gift of Cartooning is a wonderful way to share God’s message.  I have enjoyed many times when the Lord has spoken to me through Bill Kean’s paperback books called “Family Circus.”


One time I was asking the Lord why He wasn’t speaking to me very much during a season.  I turned to Family Circus where little Billy is in bed trying to keep his eyes open.  He says,  “Read faster Mommy.  I can’t stay awake much longer!”  I knew this was exactly the Lord’s answer to my question!  I have been too sleepy and exhausted at night to hear Him much, and not giving Him the time during the day to speak or to rest.


Another time I heard the Lord say, “Trying to tell you, you make a difference.  Grown up.”  Then right after hearing Him say that, I turned to Family Circus, where the daughter told Billy, “After you grow up, you keep right on growing… old.” 


One time I received a revelation from the Lord when I looked at a picture of the mom and dad of Family Circus.  They were sitting at a dinner table with all the plates and half finished food and messy chairs, but no kids.  The quote said, “I hope I don’t have to send anybody else to his room.”  Immediately I got a glimpse of the Father disciplining His kids by withholding His intimate fellowship, and thus He is also suffering the same sadness of being separated.  I had never thought of His perspective before, that He suffers this along with us when He disciplines us.


Another day the Holy Spirit reminded me of a quickened phrase I had heard from someplace.  “I heard and forgot, I saw and remembered, I did and understood.”  Then I turned in a Family Circus book to a page where Jeffy is in the midst of a very messy room and says, “Mom, I’m just learning by doing!”


This one was particularly quickened to me:  Jeffy is saying, “Dad, if you see anything up there, will you please throw it down to us?”  The Dad’s face was incredulous as he climbed the ladder to the roof and looked at the pile of toys on top.  I chuckled and thought of the many Words the Lord has given us that land above our heads when we miss His point.


For many years I have worked very hard listening to the Lord at night, keeping a journal of what is quickened, cooking it into meals, teaching, creating graphics, maintaining the website, forum, blog, formatting e-books and finally daily correspondence.  It is truly a full time job.  I absolutely love what God has given me to do.  But I also work very hard on it and I get exhausted if I dont stop for refreshment and pace myself.  And with the passion He gives me to start and then finish a project it usually takes me over the top of my daily capacity.   All that being said, here is one of my favorites of Family Circus:


1/30/98:  Today I worked several hours on the December rhema file.  When I was done I was very weary as I had stayed up too late to get it done.  I glanced at my Family Circus calendar and it was Jeffy putting on his boots.  He said, “Grandma says, “If you want to leave footprints in the sands of time, you have to put on workboots!”


Eccl 9:7  NKJV

Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart; For God has already accepted your works.



With the new technology of flash, it allows those in computer arts to bring movement to text and graphics.  This field is busting out in all kind of new ways to apply the art for effective visualizations. 


Software is also available for those who can draw to actually animate their drawings and put them onto the web.  What a HUGE opportunity to communicate the gospel through this means!  The gospel is not just scripture, it is creative stories built on scripture. Create a Word of Wisdom like an ad!  Bring your drawings alive with animation!


NOTE: If you are a Christian cartoonist or can draw and are interested in donating some of your time to the Quickened Word ministry, I would love to hear from you.

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