
He Speaks Through Seeing Angels



Paul said, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.”  (Hebrews 13:2 NASB)

“Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”  (Hebrews 1:14 NKJV)

“And he went out, and followed him; and did not know that what was done by the angel was real but thought he was seeing a vision.  When they were past the first and the second guard posts, they came to the iron gate that leads to the city; which opened to them of its own accord: and they went out, and went down one street; and immediately the angel departed from him.”  (Acts 12:9,10 NKJV)

Angels play an important role in our life, for they serve us as a gift from God.  One of the reasons they do not make a habit of openly declaring themselves is that they are created to glorify Jesus and to serve, not to publish their own identity and find followers.  

In this day and time, there is much renewed interest in angels. Unfortunately, the new age movement has also incorporated this.  So, beware when you listen to angel stories.  Be on guard for any enticing story that would encourage a long time relationship with a guardian angel or even a friendship.  The Bible says the enemy can be camouflaged as an angel of light, and the new age movement encourages having spirit guides who can appear in the form of an angel.  They say each person should get in touch with these beings and have a relationship with them.

The difference is subtle, for angels are active in our lives, and they do love and encourage us, and sometimes talk to us, as the Bible says.  I have read many stories of people who were delivered by angels, and I believe in times of intense long term trauma, an angel can have a temporary relationship with that person.  However, the Lord wants us to seek Him and have a relationship with Him.  He doesn’t want our faith displaced towards angels being our source, HE wants to be our source.

I personally believe that angels are dispatched with assignment, at the moment we pray.  (Psalm 103:20)  I also believe an intercessor’s faith can actually strengthen the angel’s ability to fight through enemy territory as well as dispatch immediate help to people in need.  However, the angels do not want the glory for this, as they are here to serve the Heavenly Father and us who are heirs of salvation.  Stories about angels can be very encouraging, just keep your priorities straight and love our Father more for sending them to help us. (Colossians 2:18)



I had a funny experience having to do with angels.  The Lord was trying to teach me that angels are my helpers, and they are dispatched with assignment the moment I pray.  They are actually waiting for us to understand our authority, so they can get busy and do what they do best.  Often we have the resources available to help many people, but they are not dispatched via the angels because we do not pray.

Anyway, I had been thinking about angels, and wondering about my guardian angel.  Because I hear so much from the Lord at night, I often get enemy opposition.  So I have learned to take authority over such until I hear Him clearly.  One night I was wondering what giant, husky, warring angel the Lord had posted beside me and feeling kind of cradled by the thought.  Then bam, I heard the enemy, so I rebuked it in Jesus Name, then prayed the blood of Jesus over our door posts and then asked for a nice giant warring angel to stand guard. 

I heard the enemy say, “I think they want us to leave!”  As I heard that, I realized the enemy was talking about the angel standing guard as well as myself and I was encouraged.  Then I saw a picture vision of the face of a very pretty girl angel.  Her smile was so loving and precious and it was kind of a tongue in cheek smile.  I saw her eyes literally twinkle, and then she winked at me!  I was so astonished and then immediately I thought, “THIS is my husky, giant, warring angel?????”  My faith went to about zero.  Then I remembered the subtle ploy of trusting in angels, instead of the Lord, and also the authority He’s given me.  It was very funny and I instinctively knew that the reason she winked was to say, “I guess we showed them!” 

I learned something that day.  Number one, I was a chauvinist!  Number two, the Lord wanted my faith in Him and in the authority He’s given me, not my faith in the angel standing guard.  Number three, my authority must be more than I thought, or else with so much opposition, I would certainly need a nice, burly angel to protect me – at least one with a sword!  [Sorry Lord, I just had to put that in!]  The whole thing was very funny to me and we all had a good laugh.

People usually don’t realize they are seeing angels when they dream at night.  Scripture tells us the ministering angels that live on earth with us look like people.  When you see a “person” in your dreams that is helping you and has a kind, pleasant personality or countenance, you have probably seen an angel.  Angels usually dress and act according to their mission or assignment from God.  Often I have seen angels doing something and this is a way of announcing what the Lord is doing at that time.   I have written much more about angels under seeing angels in dreams:  ANGELS IN DREAMS.


One of my favorite angel dreams was after I had been left sifted and upside down in hearing Him, that I just closed down hearing Him altogether.  I was really miserable and calling out to Him for deliverance.   When God takes us off milk and speaks to us in strong meat, it is easy to become sifted, because we don’t know if it is God speaking and if it is God, we don’t understand what He is saying.

In response, He gave me a dream where I was driving home and my car did not make the corner, went off the road and stopped completely backwards. I saw some angels knocking on my car window. They were moving their mouths and waving their arms in pantomime because they knew I did not want to hear them! 

They had brilliant smiles on their faces and had been sent to get my car back on the road and turn me in the right direction. My heart was SO warmed to see their gracious response to my situation, and also humorous way of helping me see they knew I was unwilling to hear.  There was not one bit of condemnation coming from them at all.  They had been sent to serve me and they were doing so in whatever limited fashion I allowed.  I thought it was so hilarious that the Lord would send me angels that were moving their mouths but not speaking, I repented and told the Lord I was sorry for blocking Him.



I was having a dream in direct answer to a prayer I prayed before going to sleep. I had asked the Lord to teach me what we can do as human beings to help the angels fight on our behalf.

DREAM 6/17/97: I was searching and investigating treasures of natural rock formations. The ones I saw were beautiful.  As I was looking, I saw six or so angels floating above my head. It was funny that I didn’t realize they were angels even though they were floating. But when I saw them join their ethereal hands together, I realized, “Oh they must be angels!” Then I noticed they were floating above me wherever I went.

In the distance, I saw mountains and rugged terrain. Thinking it might be a good place to look for rocks, I looked at the angels, and said to one with intent in my action, “Bye!” Then walking in the direction I wanted to go, I saw a white line painted on the ground about 5″ wide, and wondered why it was there.

I crossed over the line and heard in the distance some enemies whose job it was to trap people who had gone over the line. I looked back and saw that the angels had not followed me but were still on the other side of the line. I suddenly realized I was in danger. I turned around, and immediately instead of the easy way I had arrived, the terrain had changed and was straight up.  With great urgency, I had to use both hands, fingers, feet and legs to pull myself straight up a rock cliff.  It was extremely difficult and I felt the gravity of not only my weight, but earth’s gravity against me.  I could hear the enemy getting closer and I knew I was in danger.

I saw the angels on the other side of the line and cried for help. Only one came, and that was the one to whom I had said “good-bye.”. He grabbed a hold of the back of my shirt and held on. But I still had to climb. It was so difficult, I said to myself, “Why doesn’t he just fly me up there, I know he can fly and it would be simple!” I was perturbed that I had to work so hard.  As I was climbing, I felt that this angel had put himself in danger to come to me, just as I had put myself in danger. The reason being, he and I were outnumbered on this side of the white line.

Finally, we were on the other side of the line and I was walking straight and easy again. I looked back and saw a man whose feet were just on the good side of the line. He had a pack on his back and the pack extended over the line to the other side. I looked up and there was an evil spirit towering over him. The spirit’s feet were restrained on the other side of the line. But because the man’s pack was still on the bad side of the line, the spirit grabbed the pack, and thus the man. I was wishing I could have helped him but knew I couldn’t as it had something to do with free will.

INTERPRETATION:  The enemy is placed behind divine restraints and not able to hold us captive if we are in God’s approved location. In this dream there are three issues enabling the enemy to snare us. The most important and obvious issue is not to cross the line of our conscience, leaving behind God’s approval.

1 Tim 1:18-19  NKJV

…wage the good warfare, having faith and a good conscience , which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck,

Acts 24:16  NKJV

This being so, I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men.

The second is to not flirt with danger. Making choices that are not necessarily sin, but definitely not edifying is getting too close for comfort.

1 Thess 5:22-23  KJV

Abstain from all appearance of evil.  And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The third is not to carry excess baggage. The man was being obedient by being on the right side of the line, but what he was carrying inside his pack was not. He was attached to something that went against his conscience, and this enabled the evil being to grab the attachment, and thus the man. The lesson here is to let go of the sins that easily beset us and leave them a good distance behind. We can not keep sin in our back pack and expect to stay out of harm’s way.

Heb 12:1-2  NKJV

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight , and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…

When I walked away from God’s approval, I placed myself behind enemy lines by my own volition.  Once I realized my mistake and cried for help, I was perturbed that I had to work so hard to get back to that safe place.

In this dream, the angel was guarding my back, but I still had to climb out. It’s very possible that part of the reason I had to climb and work so hard was so I would remember the importance of the white line next time around! The whole thing could have been avoided if I had followed my conscience in the first place.


Ask Me what you can do to help the angels work on your behalf and I will tell you. You have a band of angels that accompany and follow you as you walk in the pathway of My light and you desire to please Me.  However, when you willingly rebel against Me to go your own way and to please yourself, it causes you to cross the line of your conscience.  Once you crossover, this immediately places you in the land behind divine restraints and gives the enemy access to you. The angels are not allowed to accompany you onto the other side.

I wait until you call upon Me for help, and then only one angel is sent to cover your backside, as you climb your way back out of extreme gravity and the enemy’s magnetizing grip. My angel will cover you to keep you from falling in the climb, but you must climb yourself so that you learn the lesson of not breaching your conscience and deliberately rebelling against My wishes.

When you are safely on the other side of the line once more, you must leave the weight that so easily besets you. For the weight is a load on your back, still on the other side of the line. The enemy is not able to touch you, but he is given access to grab what you carry. If you remain attached, he can easily drag you back across the line. This is a lesson hard-learned, but once you have been there and understand, you heed the warning and will live freely away from besetting sins. The angels, who have waited patiently, will continue accompany you on your journey in righteous living.

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” (Heb 12:1 NKJV)


VISION 1/04/08I saw an orange rescue boat in the sea. There were angels sent to rescue people, but there was only so much room on the boat.  I realized not everyone would be getting delivered. 

HEARDRepentance. A search party never gets in the way. So, that next time, there is more room (in the boat), please repent.

INTERP: Angels (the search party) are available to help us, but they will not violate our free will.  Sometimes they are unable to help us if we are not in the right position with God and scripture.  Repentance through change of heart and direction releases them to help us.  Then sometimes we must wait another time to be rescued.

Rev 3:19 AMP

Those whom I [dearly and tenderly] love, I tell their faults and convict and convince and reprove and chasten [I discipline and instruct them]. So be enthusiastic and in earnest and burning with zeal and repent [changing your mind and attitude]. [Prov 3:12.] 


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