
Inspired Day Dreams



Inspired day dreams is seeing with the eyes of your heart.  The word heart in the following scripture is translated as our minds, imagination, understanding, intellect, deep thought.

Eph 1:17-18 AMP
{For I always pray to} the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation {of insight into mysteries and secrets} in the {deep and intimate} knowledge of Him, By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you…

When the Lord gave me that scripture, I could clearly see that it describes the process of seeing with the eyes of the heart and that is how to tell it is the Lord’s vision and not just day dreaming or idle thought life.  Seeing with the eyes of your heart, are inspired thoughts that are like day dreams, but they are being guided by the Spirit of the Lord. He is the One inspiring them to go in the direction they take and you can tell by the way they are being led that it IS the Holy Spirit and not you.

One way you can know if it was the Lord Who inspired a day dream, is that He confirms it afterwards.

One day Wayne had his eyes closed and was having a day dream of planting wheat in the desert and he was using the Word of the Lord to water it. A couple days later someone posted a vision where he saw a wheat field that the Lord had planted in the desert that was ready for harvest. When Wayne read that, he realized the Holy Spirit had given him the day dream.

Another time, I went back to bed in hopes I could get warm and hear Him more, I told the Lord I just wanted to be like a little kitten that climbed up into His lap and felt warm and secure so close to Him.  Then my mind wandered and I started thinking about how awesome it would be to hear the heart of animals needs in order to help them.  Then I day dreamed I was at a podium and saw a lady in the audience and pointed her out.  I told her that her cat wanted to say something to her! I said her cat was requesting a cat tower where she could climb up there and not feel so intimidated by her barking dog.  Boy was a surprised when a few days later I saw this confirmation on Facebook!



Sometimes a person might be having a natural day dream by choice, and suddenly the Lord interrupts it with His own input. 

One time I saw a vision of a train going off a cliff and traveled on into the sky as though there were invisible tracks in place. 

[I was surprised by that.  I said, “Lord, let’s back that up again.  What happens if you don’t have the faith to fly and it goes over?”  In my mind I played a game and pretended to back up the train onto the cliff and then forward it again to go over the cliff.  Just as the back wheels left the cliff and it turned nose down, the Lord interrupted my day dream and play!] 

I suddenly saw a vision of a huge hand grab the tail of the train, as though it was a toy train with a mouse tail.  The train was dangling there and being held by this huge hand! I smiled knowing that He was saying, even if you don’t have faith, I’ll catch you and you won’t fall!  It was really precious, I felt He was “playing” with me!

Inspired day dreams can be difficult to discern because it may be hard to distinguish between what is inspired and what is not.

10/12/04  I heard the Lord say the following:  Come hither My bride.  See here where the two worlds meet.  Natural and spiritual.  There may come a time when those roads are difficult to separate.  But for now it does not matter.   Abba set her free.  Come to ME.  It’s My way, the holy way. 

NOTE:  When He mentions there may come a time when the 2 worlds are difficult to separate it is when a person is flowing in the anointing, walking in the Spirit or operating under inspiration.  It is like swimming in the current of a river, you don’t have time to stop and decide whether it was the Lord or you. You simply know and you flow with it.

There is a definite difference between having a spiritual vision and an inspired day dream.  A spiritual vision is something that flashes onto the screen of one’s mind without the choice to see such.  It is always a surprise.  It is an experience that happens TO a person, and the person can know it is something that did not come from their own imagination. 

However a natural day dream is seeing something in one’s mind where it happens by their own choice.  This type of seeing comes THROUGH a person’s personality.  A day dream is like deciding to see a tree in your thoughts.  You can visualize what it looks like and “see” it in your thoughts.  That is the same way a day dream operates, it is “seen” in your mind, where you can make the choice as to what you see. 

In knowing the clear difference, one should be able to tell the part that is inspired by the Lord, when you realize it didn’t originate from your choice.  God imparts wisdom and revelation and insight into what you did not previously know about when you are day dreaming.  Information that was held back from you is suddenly disclosed. Your heart is flooded with His light as He highlights something of importance that you are picturing in the inner eye of your heart.  He is giving you knowledge and understanding while guiding your moving story.

We become convinced it is the Lord when there is the element of quickened surprise, where He puts His spotlight upon a thought and He reveals something we did not know or had not previously thought about. In the process, there is a knowing in our own hearts that something that was just imparted to our thoughts was not planned or expected.


Another way of knowing whether a day dream is inspired is revealed in the following highlighted phase:

Ephesians 1:17-18 (AMPC) [For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him, 18 By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones)… 

When the Lord inspires a day dream it is to that as His heirs, we can know His hope, His purpose for which He invites us to inherit and possess.  If a Word is inspired by Him, He has a purpose, a message, an intention to say it.


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