Interpret (How to)

Interpreting Mystery Words

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One only has to read the Bible to know God speaks in mysteries.  Do we ever really know what He means?  The answer is “Yes, but only through the quickening power of His Holy Spirit.”


Tips on understanding mysteries in the Bible:

  1. Find all the cross reference scriptures that use the same English word(s) and theme.2. Look up the main Hebrew or Greek words in the scripture (in the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance).
  2. Find the other scriptures that use the same Hebrew or Greek word.

Making these connections will open up understanding.  This way of research is using the Bible to interpret the Bible.  It is a valid, standard practice among Biblical scholars.


When He wants His mystery to unfold, He begins the revelation process, a piece at a time.  His mysteries are like big puzzles, with pieces scattered throughout the Bible.  Some pieces are linked in context, others are separated through time, then reaffirmed by another writer.  It’s no wonder Bible scholars spend their whole lives dedicated to unravelling its wealth.


Each piece is a part of the general puzzle, and when the Lord sheds light on it by revelation, that piece is quickened.  “Oh, that’s where it belongs!”  That piece finds its niche, its place.  It joins the others awaiting more to come.  The unfolding of His mysteries is a gradual process linked with revelation and quickening.  Both Revelation and Quickening are EXPERIENCES.  Please read both of those lessons if you want to understand them better.


  • Knowledge cannot be ignored in understanding His mysteries.
  • Practicing scholarly rules is appropriate.
  • Understanding the original language is helpful.
  • Recognizing He speaks in the Old Testament as types and examples is beneficial.
  • Studying the culture, laws and celebrations helps.


These and others will give the puzzle the right color.  Yet, the actual mysteries are not openly published, they await His quickening and revelation for those who will listen.




His mysterious Words also come in forms other than the Bible: dreams, visions, life’s allegories, parabolic stories and more.  What they have in common is allegorical language, interpreted one symbol at a time.  These symbols join to tell the story:  HIS story, as it applies to our lives.


Interpreting His mysteries is a challenge.  When in doubt about a mystery Word, try this rule:  In most cases, His Words to us are not meant to be applied literally in the physical but applied to our spiritual lives.


What is a mystery Word?  It is a Word that is not necessarily in your every day vocabulary.  It’s a way of speaking that you don’t speak yourself.  An example of this is when the Lord said to me, “Have you ever seen someone wrestle their nightgown?”  He did not mean this literally as in physically struggling with their pajamas.  [Notice it can be interpreted that way]  The season He had placed me in, He had previously called REST.  This mystery Word was His way of saying I was not complying!


In my early days of hearing Him I had a difficult time understanding He wanted to talk to me spiritually, not literally.  One time He told me He wanted me to prepare an ark for winter.  Now if I had known then what I know now, I would have immediately realized the word “ark” is not in my every day vocabulary!  Therefore, it was a mystery Word, and should have been applied spiritually.  But no, not me.  I heard a story about how the ants store up for winter, and a few other tidbits.  So I proceeded to fill our trailer with any survival gear and food I could stuff in.  I had about thirty buckets filled with salt, grains and the like.  I had camping gear and survival gear. Maps, you name it, the trailer was absolutely stuffed. That winter came and we parked the trailer in our empty lot behind our house.  As the rains came, so did the mud.  One day I noticed our tires were almost flat because the trailer was so ladened.  I thought, boy if I need this trailer now, it would never leave shore – it would sink in the mud before it was launched!


Winter came and went, and I finally got the point.  I gave all the food buckets to the local homeless kitchen!  Spiritually, winter did come.  And all the Words and promises the Lord had spoken to me, became my survival during a very long, cold season.  I had prepared an ark, one that carried me through a tough time.  His Words to me became a refuge and a safe place.





Another lesson in interpreting His mystery Words:  I have noticed mystery Words almost always have two contrasting interpretations.  Not only can they be interpreted spiritually and physically, but they can be interpreted from the Lord’s point of view or from the enemy’s.  For instance, the Lord tells you He’s going to pull the feathers out of your nest and teach you to fly.  Now this can be very disconcerting, depending upon which view you have!  One:  “Oh no, something terrible is going to happen and my place of security is going to be dismantled and I’m going to be thrown out!”  (enemy interpretation)  Two: “Oh wow, the Lord is going to move me to a better place where I can soar on the wind of His Holy Spirit, and have a great time seeing the sights!”  (Lord’s interpretation)


The stronger the mystery Word, the more noticeable the two contrasting interpretations become.  This happens when you hear riddles, or what the Bible calls dark speech.  I went through a whole season of hearing riddles.  Each and every time they could be interpreted from a negative point of view, or positive.  It was a real time of standing in faith for me and overcoming my personal weaknesses.



The graphic in this lesson is the Rosetta Stone.  Rosetta Stone is a granite, basalt or granodiorite rock weighing about 1,700 pounds.  It is a piece of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic writings that was a historical key in helping interpret other undecipherable writings.


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