


In this year of focusing on our homes (literally, physically and spiritually) I have started a new hobby! I used to enjoy working in the yard in our early years of marriage. We have a yard guy who comes through and harvests all of our spring bulbs in the summer and he comes again for fall bulb cleanup so I don’t have to do the heavy stuff. Since I have wanted a garden, even though I cant get down into the dirt, I thought I would try something new. It is called WICK GARDENING.


Yep, just like candle wicks! I bought some 5 gallon buckets and started the project. I have only been able to do a few at a time, but I am almost done getting them ready and planted. It has been so much fun and I know the Lord will be talking to me through my garden parables.

The first parable He quickened to me is the system itself. Each bucket is like its own living well like our lives in the Lord.

John 4:11 The woman said unto him, Sir, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from where then have you that living water?

John 4:14 But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

I bought some filter grids that perfectly fit into the buckets about 2.5 inches from the bottom. Those separate the dirt from the water well. Wayne drilled a one inch hole on the side of each bucket, 2.5 inches from the bottom. I stuck a little pipe coupling in the hole and that is the drain hole for excess water to pour out. The roots don’t rot or ever sit in the water well. I bought thick cotton rope and cut 3 per bucket and they reach through the filter into the water and draw the water UP into the soil. This keeps the soil moist but not wet in between rain and/or extra summer waterings from the top. The buckets keeps the plants above the bugs and no weeding this way and they can be moved and rotated with sun needs.

Right now I have been covering my babies at night until the danger of frost is over. They are like outdoor terrariums! Here are some of them! I did these last night right before the sun set.


Here is the Word the Lord reminded me of this week:


Then He took me to the same place where I had been once before— the place where I had seen the great river of blessing fall as a great cataract from below a great cross of light. But this time there was a difference. This time I saw the river itself without any cataract flowing very wide and full. It was such glorious water all full of light and life. It seemed that anything it would touch would be enlivened, so full of life and blessing and light was it.

In the center of this mighty river was the cross so immense and so glorious. It was all of blazing, brilliant light, shining forth in wondrous brilliancy. It seemed to radiate glory and light in all directions.

As I watched, the river began to decrease flowing less and less till it flowed no more. All the water dried up and was no more. Then I saw that below where the water had been there were many, many living beings very small in size. I knew that they were people of our world, though they were not in the form of men—rather they seemed to be formless, at least to my eyes. I also saw that in this great multitude of living beings scattered here and there throughout the vast expanse were some beings that shone in light. They had light in themselves and shone with much brightness. All those without light began to spoil, little by little becoming all rotten, lying there in a state of complete decomposition.

Then there appeared small canopies like overturned bowls that covered each one of those who had light in themselves. One came and covered me, also. It was a strange, transparent substance that fully covered and seemed to radiate security and peace and love. One felt so lovely and comfortable and peaceful within this covering that was transparent and living. It was a wondrous and pleasing sensation.

When I connect Annie’s vision and my little night terrariums, I am reminded of how vitally important it is to enter into Psalm 91 because it changes our lives. A terrarium life is not waiting for the times of miraculous visitations, where the rains of God are ample and overflowing. Instead of waiting for the grand visitations, our lives in God became a little HABITATIONS of daily sustenance and caretaking. He inhabits us as we dwell tucked inside Him with daily water and shelter. We are protected from the harsh outside elements. Our roots grow deep in Him, and as we yearn for Him, our wicks draw His living water up into our soil and quench our thirst.


PRAYER: Lord we have such a wonderful, hope-filled blooming season ahead of us! However let us learn how to become content and settled in with the habitation You have given us. We always want to live holy lives that please You so that we can live covered in Your secret place. We want that nurturing place in You were no matter what goes on around us, we are happy and content drawing from You in our own little wells of planted life. We are grateful when we feel the warmth of Your love touch our hearts. We are grateful that You have given us access to draw from the wells of Your living water each and every day. We are grateful that You are protecting us and keeps us in Your sheltered love.



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